
error expected primaryexpression before ‘’ token

#include typedef struct{ int adr[3][3]; }MazeType; main() { MazeType maze; /*maze.adr[3][3]={ {'0','1','1'}, {'1','0','1'}, {'1','1','0'} };*/ maze.adr[3][3] = { {0,1,1}, {1,0,1}, {1,1,0} }; } error information : 13: error: syntax error before '{' token I don't know how to resolve it , Please ... TX a lot

by addictlinux - C/C++ - 2008-12-24 23:08:53 阅读(4488) 回复(5)

by liufeinwpu - 程序开发 - 2006-12-20 09:50:25 阅读(863) 回复(1)

(原标题为:求解:一个菜鸟编程中的问题!) 编写了一个shell命令cp 代码如下: #include #include #include #include #define maxOnce 1024 int main(int argc,char * argv[]) { int fdsrc,fddist; char buf[maxOnce]; char buf1[maxOnce]; int size; if(argc!=3) printf("error for input\n"); if((fdsrc=open(argv[1],O_RDONLY)==-1) perror("error for open\n ");//出错...

by melonmelon - C/C++ - 2006-12-28 20:35:32 阅读(4251) 回复(10)

>; >; [root at localhost named]# useradd -g users mandy >; >; [root at localhost named]# passwd mandy >; >; Changing password for user mandy. >; >; New password: >; >; BAD PASSWORD: it is too short >; >; Retype new password: >; >; Failed to find entry for user mandy. >; >; >; >; passwd: Authentication token manipulation error 我想去改密码,可是改不了..但是可以正常登陆,这是为什么

by miaho - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-03-11 18:19:29 阅读(797) 回复(1)

typedef enum { false = 0, true = 1 } bool; 我运行完我的代码后,弹出问题:parse error before 'false' declaration does not declare anything 应该怎么进行修改呀~ 请高手指点一下。。谢谢哈~

by cristin871125 - C/C++ - 2009-05-25 10:16:55 阅读(2358) 回复(9)

我在头文件中定义 typedef struct { ...; }A; typedef struct { ...; }B; 在C文件中定义 int func() { A* pA = NULL; B* pB = NULL; ....; } 用gcc编译时报 parse error before `pA' parse error before `pB' 什么情况,真是郁闷

by tempname_cn - C/C++ - 2008-07-22 16:54:06 阅读(4741) 回复(12)

定义结构体: typedef struct trie_node { char *data; trie_node *branch[node_num]; }TRIE_NODE; 程序在如下函数编译中出错: parse error before `*' TRIE_NODE *initial_trie() { return NULL; } 请指点。。。多谢!

by gridbird - C/C++ - 2007-12-20 10:07:21 阅读(5775) 回复(25)


by dgvri - Linux论坛 - 2004-05-23 14:57:04 阅读(2887) 回复(7)

代码编译总是出错:部分代码如下: #include /*标准输入输出定义*/ #include /*标准函数库定义*/ #include /*Unix标准函数定义*/ #include /**/ #include /**/ #include /*文件控制定义*/ #include /*PPSIX终端控制定义*/ #include /*错误号定义*/ #include

by joshuazzh - C/C++ - 2008-05-30 14:45:16 阅读(12341) 回复(6)

#include int size(int num) {     char array[num+2];     return sizeof(array); } int main() {     printf("%d\n",size(4));     return(0);   } 为什么在vc里编译不过?

by lxbkey - C/C++ - 2008-08-02 11:59:25 阅读(8872) 回复(4)

db2 insert into DATACORE.ETL_LOGGER values (9999999,'20090411M_SV_ACCM_TIME_PROC','2009-04-11 10:0:55','2009-04-11 10:13:59','ok','M_SV_ACCM_TIME_PROC-success ','M_SV_ACCM_TIME_PROC_D','2009-04-11'); -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' 系统是cent linux ,数据库是db2 9 为什么会报这样的错误呢?~

by upperc - Shell - 2009-04-23 15:23:41 阅读(6731) 回复(5)