
init untracked pid 1383 exited

FreeBSD 5.1,dmesg时发现很多行这样的信息,怎么回事? pid 66104 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 66199 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 37598 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 37543 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 61556 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 37533 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 37576 (httpd), uid 1001: exited on signal 6 pid 37359 ...

by biaobiao - BSD - 2008-09-18 22:02:15 阅读(2320) 回复(3)


同事装了2个软件之后Solaris 10系统就死了,重启就不停的显示: WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically WARNING: init(1M) exited on fatal signal 9: restarting automatically 解决方法是用网络iso启动,mount /到/a,到/lib找最近更改的lib库文件,当时是用ls和grep找出来的: ls -l | grep -v 2007 居然显示: -rwxr-x...

by 饮鸩止渴 - Solaris文档中心 - 2009-09-24 16:12:24 阅读(4335) 回复(0)

经常会出现这种错误,然后我用GDB调试了一下,结果如下: GNU gdb 6.1.1 [FreeBSD] Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. Th...

by ezdevelop - BSD - 2006-09-12 11:30:20 阅读(1548) 回复(0)

我的SCO UNIX在启动时出现了下列的错误提示: PANIC:exit - Cannot exec /etc/init (pid 1),status 0x00000009 Trying to dump 65423 pages to dumpdev hd (1/41),818 pages per '.' …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 65423 pages dumped 进不了系统了,请问这是怎么回事?应该怎样解决??? [ 本帖最后由 CNL 于 2005-11-10 10:51 编辑 ]

by faye1024 - 其他UNIX - 2007-02-01 15:50:20 阅读(3426) 回复(8)

我有一hp的服务器,在今早启机时,启到MEM:total = 130620k, Kernel = 26072k,user = 104548k swapdev = 1/41,swplo = 0,nswap = 1243136,swapmem = 621568k rootdev = 1/42,pipedev = 1/42,dumpdev = 1/41 的地方时就下不去,死在那儿了,出错提示为:HTFS:cant't page in block 8 for inumber 464 on HTFS dev hd(1/42) exit:---/etc/init(pid 1) died status..... 请各位大侠帮帮忙啊,急!!

by sigin - 其他UNIX - 2004-08-12 11:04:02 阅读(1088) 回复(2)

8g硬盘,安装unix5.05只指用了1G,后又用fdisk创建了一个1.8G的unix分区,用divvy,mkdev fs,mount到了/home下,用divvy调整了大小后,重启后进不了,出现提示: PANIC: exit - Cannot exec /etc/init (pid 1),status 0x00001400 cannot dump 32655 pages to dumpdev hd(1/41):space for only 12000 pages 如何解决,请各位指点!

by goon - 其他UNIX - 2003-02-25 08:18:11 阅读(1057) 回复(6)

请教: ramdisk启动时会打印: starting pid 20,tty'' :'/etc/init.d/rcS' 这句话是在执行哪个文件时打印的,因为我现在需要屏蔽所有启动时的打印信息。

by cuilei0912 - 嵌入式开发 - 2010-08-13 11:27:47 阅读(2954) 回复(2)

请教: ramdisk启动时会打印: starting pid 20,tty'' :'/etc/init.d/rcS' 这句话是在执行哪个文件时打印的,因为我现在需要屏蔽所有启动时的打印信息。

by cuilei0912 - Linux新手园地 - 2010-08-11 16:02:30 阅读(1893) 回复(0)

unix使用reboot重启时报panic:exit - cannot exec /etc/init(pid1) status 0x00000200 trying to dump 32667 pages to dumpdev hd(1/41) 409 pages per'.' ............................. 32667 pages dumped 之后只能重启再重复报错 出错的是个重要的系统用机,请各位大侠帮忙,在线等,先谢谢大家了

by sdtazhang - 其他UNIX - 2008-10-07 10:28:22 阅读(2778) 回复(4)

今 天,我开机BOOT:引导了一会,刚自检出机器的内存、软驱光驱、硬盘等,出现“WARING:exit - /etc/init (pid 1) died ,status 0x0000008B" 就死机了。 是怎么回事?大家帮个忙,好吗

by ljm1911 - 其他UNIX - 2006-02-02 19:58:05 阅读(2854) 回复(6)

一开机正常,到第二屏自检完成时,显示如题字样 用软盘引导后,将init这个文件拷回硬盘后,没作用 将整个etc目录拷贝到硬盘依然无法解决 感觉是在检测硬盘文件系统前就发生错误 除了重新安装系统,高手们有招教教我么? 先行感谢!

by tonyv1 - 其他UNIX - 2003-12-22 17:24:44 阅读(1113) 回复(0)