
undefined reference to `libiconvclose

为什么我编译总是会出现这样的问题,也在google 八毒,搜了很多都是没有解决问题; g++ -o main main.cpp /tmp/cc0i2cum.o(.text+0x14c): In function `main': : undefined reference to `GDK::CFile::CFile(std::basic_string, std::allocator > const&)' /tmp/cc0i2cum.o(.text+0x1c6): In function `main': : undefined reference to `GDK::CFile::Name()' /tmp/cc0i2cum.o(.text+0x21a): In ...

by yyying - C/C++ - 2007-06-17 10:45:08 阅读(2818) 回复(6)


buildserver -s TOUPPER -r UDB_XA -f "db2serv.c -I/home/db2inst1/sqllib/include" -o db2serv db2 v9.1 suse10.1 ...x86 everything has gone well but in the occurs the errors: 出现以下错误: /tmp/ccGbJy6A.o:(.data+0x108): undefined reference to `TOUPPER' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status CMDTUX_CAT:1832: ERROR: can't execute cc -I$TUXDIR/include -o db2serv BS-5093.c -L${TUX...

by xinxinhao - 中间件技术 - 2007-11-20 18:19:26 阅读(2555) 回复(0)

我在Linux 下用 g++编译程序时,在链接阶段出现如下错误 /home/xjwang/yczhang/stl/testStack.cpp:9: undefined reference to `CStack::empty()' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make: *** [testApp] Error 1、 makefile文件为: testApp: Stack.o testStack.o g++ -g Stack.o testStack.o -o testApp Stack.o: Stack.cpp Stack.h g++ -c Stack.cpp testStack.o: testStack.cpp Stack.h ...

by zyc911 - C/C++ - 2007-05-21 15:30:01 阅读(3964) 回复(3)

小弟以前从来都是vc下编程,不太习惯linux下的环境。我在redhat下有这样一段代码: #include #define BIT_NUM 6 int dist1(int a , int b) { int c; c = a^b; int i , k; k = 0; for( i = BIT_NUM-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { int p = (int)pow(2.0 , i); if(c / p == 1)k++; c = c % p; } return k; } int main() { int a , b ; int d; a = 16; b = 32; d = dist1( a ,b ); return 1; } 我用了math库...

by wangyanfeng05 - C/C++ - 2006-06-11 09:27:33 阅读(3150) 回复(8)

我将 Windows 下的程序移植到 Linux 下,Windows下的源程序是编译、连接都通过了的。在Linux下各个源文件都编译通过了,可是build时遇到问题,提示: undefined reference to 'auLsp' undefined reference to 'prvLpc' 函数一般都是要 声明、定义, 再调用 我是这么做的呀,问题会出在哪儿呢? 望大家指点,谢谢!

by Chennysky - C/C++ - 2005-06-29 16:35:15 阅读(2039) 回复(9)


by chestnut king - Linux论坛 - 2005-04-05 16:59:21 阅读(463) 回复(0)

我的makefile ARMC=/usr/local/arm-linux/bin/arm-linux-gcc all: serialtest.o $(ARMC) -g serialtest.o -o serialtest.exe serialtest.o: serialtest.c serial.h $(ARMC) -g -c serialtest.c 需要的函数都在serial.c中定义了,并在serial.h中声明原型,serial.c serial.h 和serialtest.h都在~/下 在serialtest.c里面 #include "serial.h" make 后出现连接错误:serialtest.o : undefined reference to “函数名” 但使...

by wang9736 - C/C++ - 2007-08-11 18:55:04 阅读(2157) 回复(5)

编译出现链接错误,如下: 不知道原因是因为libMenuController.a是别人编译好的静态库,无法看到源码, 现在错误出现在别人编译好的库文件里头,跟宽字符库相关,我猜想应当编译时加个什么库来着,或是什么参数?望高人指点! ../../../lib_release/libMenuController.a(divxMenuControllerAPI.o): In function `performEnterAction': /home/timna/system/branch_src_sharedMemory_integration/Filters/NavigationFilter/InputAVI/libMenuCo...

by closetome123 - C/C++ - 2007-04-04 10:30:04 阅读(2534) 回复(2)

菜鸟刚接触QT, 按<>写了个hello Qt! 如下: #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app (argc, argv); QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello Qt!", 0); app.setMainWidget(label); label->show(); return app.exec(); } 在make 时出现很多 undefined reference 报错, 请帮忙!!!! [root@ws q...

by ldrun - GUI编程 - 2007-02-12 15:58:06 阅读(7133) 回复(4)

FreeBSD-6.2-RC2:Vsftpd-2.0.5在make时出错!问题已解决!!编译内核时也出现此类问题,看来还需要继续跟进!! Server# make gcc -o vsftpd main.o utility.o prelogin.o ftpcmdio.o postlogin.o privsock.o tunables.o ftpdataio.o secbuf.o ls.o postprivparent.o logging.o str.o netstr.o sysstr.o strlist.o banner.o filestr.o parseconf.o secutil.o ascii.o oneprocess.o twoprocess.o privops.o standalone.o hash...

by epstar - BSD - 2007-02-09 12:21:56 阅读(10945) 回复(4)

FreeBSD-6.2-RC2:Vsftpd-2.0.5在make时出错!问题已解决!编译内核时也出现此类问题,看来还得继续跟进!! Server# make gcc -o vsftpd main.o utility.o prelogin.o ftpcmdio.o postlogin.o privsock.o tunables.o ftpdataio.o secbuf.o ls.o postprivparent.o logging.o str.o netstr.o sysstr.o strlist.o banner.o filestr.o parseconf.o secutil.o ascii.o oneprocess.o twoprocess.o privops.o standalone.o hash.o t...

by epstar - 服务器应用 - 2007-02-09 12:24:23 阅读(5595) 回复(1)