

小弟想实现一个combobox 它的值从MS SQLserver的数据中获取 我的思路是: 使用sqldatareader的getvalue方法读取数据库中的数据然后放在数组中 将该数组的值赋给combobox 下面是我读取数据库的代码 调试不成功 但不知道问题出在哪 请各位高手指点 谢谢 string SQLString; SQLString = \"SELECT 人员 FROM staff\"; string connString = \"Data source=(local);Initial Catalog=STAFFS;user id=test;password=test;Integrate...

by rainer2005 - SQL server - 2006-01-05 10:51:13 阅读(3199) 回复(2)


受影响系统及相应补丁下载:\n\n·Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Service Pack 6a – 下载相应补丁 \n\n·Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Service Pack 6a – 下载相应补丁 \n\n·Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Terminal Server Edition, Service Pack 6 – 下载相应补丁 \n\n·Microsoft Windows 2000, Service Pack 2 – 下载相应补丁 \n\n·Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 3, Service Pack 4 – 下载相应...

by yirui - 攻防交流区 - 2005-08-31 11:16:50 阅读(3090) 回复(0)

 DataRowView dr = cmbRightType.Items[cmbRightType.SelectedIndex] as DataRowView;
            _selectValue = dr["TableName"].ToString();  //获取combx的值

by 绿豆芽! - 移动操作系统 - 2011-12-20 09:44:07 阅读(450) 回复(0)

[code]#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'gtk2' def add_product(treeview, list) # Create a dialog that will be used to create a new product. dialog = "Add a Product", nil, Gtk::Dialog::MODAL, [ Gtk::Stock::ADD, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_OK ], [ Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, Gtk::Dialog::RESPONSE_CANCEL ] ) # Create widgets that will be packed into the dialog....

by shijiang1130 - Ruby - 2013-07-12 12:27:37 阅读(1395) 回复(1)

我有2个combobox,其中data是combobox0中的数据,我想当combobox0中选择浙江的时候在combobox1中加入杭州,但问题出来了,我要是在combobox0选择了2次浙江,在combobox1就会重复出现杭州的问题,怎么解决啊,源代码如下,我的if self.combobox.GetString(self.combobox.GetSelection()) <> "杭州".decode('utf-8'):判断居然不行,而且哪怕行的话,有这么市,一个个判断也很累,有什么办法解决啊 if data == "浙江".decode('utf-8'): ...

by xubizhen - Python - 2008-11-21 16:00:07 阅读(2266) 回复(1)

Overview = """\ A combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox. It can be displayed as static list with editable or read-only text field; or a drop-down list with text field; or a drop-down list without a text field. Normally, combobox have be created for read-only controls. Meanwhile it can be dynamically created (that is, it is initially empty but then we 'grow' it out of...

by wxPhoenix - Python文档中心 - 2007-04-19 18:56:21 阅读(1079) 回复(0)

一般的JTextField只要setDocument(new PlianDocument(){....})就行, 为什么以下这样不行? 好像没起作用 combobox _combobox1 = new combobox(); Component component1 = _combobox1.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); if(component1 instanceof JTextField ) { ((JTextField )component1).setDocument(new LengthLimitedDocument ()); } LengthLimitedDocument 是这样定义的: class LengthL...

by freshwind - Java - 2006-08-08 16:22:23 阅读(1813) 回复(1)


by huitianhaha - GUI编程 - 2007-07-25 12:34:20 阅读(3136) 回复(3)

perl Tk中没有象VB中的combobox控件, 我感觉是不是应该用ListBox和Text或Entry结合来实现。 请高手指点。谢!

by hqyus - Perl - 2006-03-27 17:05:30 阅读(1516) 回复(0)

新学winsdk编程,不知道怎么给combobox添加item,知道的大侠帮个忙,谢谢! hWndCom = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_STATICEDGE,"combobox","combox",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|CBS_DROPDOWNLIST|CBS_SIMPLE,10,140,100,20,hWnd,NULL,hinstance,NULL); 这个是创建窗口,然后怎么做就不知道了。

by feiyuyi - C/C++ - 2006-03-15 10:52:20 阅读(924) 回复(0)

get a different model of serial number for combobox. private DefaultcomboboxModel getcomboboxModel(int start, int finish, int step, int adjust) { String combo[] = new String[(finish-start+1)/step]; for(int i = start ; i combo[(i-start)/step] = java.lang.String.valueOf(i + adjust); } DefaultcomboboxModel comboModel = new DefaultcomboboxModel(combo); ...

by lilu_0608 - Java文档中心 - 2005-05-27 06:21:16 阅读(977) 回复(0)