
extmail openldap active directory

企业存储环境的管理之道在 Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server 操作系统的诸多增强功能中,Microsoft active directory? 功能的引入意义最为重大,但也最常引起困惑。与其前辈(Microsoft Windows NT® 操作系统早期版本中的域控制器)相比,Windows 2000 Server 中的 active directory 提供了一个全新的体系结构和丰富得多的功能。   尽管本文并不打算讨论 active directory 的所有功能,但其中确实概述了这项技术,重...

by ccgl5753 - 存储文档中心 - 2012-07-20 15:42:55 阅读(1276) 回复(1)


Samba & active directory From SambaWiki Contents [hide] * 1 Which steps must be done to run Samba with AD-Integration o 1.1 Prerequisites o 1.2 Steps o 1.3 Slightly Fuller Explenation + 1.3.1 system-Config-authentication + 1.3.2 Setting Up Kerberos + 1.3.3 Setting up Samba + 1.3.4 Adding this list to...

by fandy - 服务器应用 - 2007-06-11 17:11:30 阅读(4171) 回复(1)

I am using a default server installation of CentOS with X, KDE and Gnome added. Also I enabled the text editor option for VIM in the package selection section of the installer. Also this guide is specific to Samba 3. Where block capitals are used in the config files below, then you should use them also. Contents [hide]1 Step 1: Edit /etc/krb5.conf 2 Step 2: Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf 3 Step ...

by fandy - 服务器应用 - 2006-12-26 15:01:30 阅读(1980) 回复(2)

From SambaWiki Contents [hide] 1 Which steps must be done to run Samba with AD-Integration 1.1 Prerequisites 1.2 Steps 1.3 Slightly Fuller Explenation 1.3.1 system-Config-authentication 1.3.2 Setting Up Kerberos 1.3.3 Setting up Samba 1.3.4 Adding this list to the password list. 1.3.5 Setting up PAM Authentication for active directory. 1.3.6 The Problem With Home Directories (overcome). ...

by fandy - 服务器应用 - 2006-12-12 11:49:23 阅读(1700) 回复(4)

各位大虾,小弟最近在试着把vsftpd和ads整合起来,就是我ftp时候的用户名和密码是通过ads server来验证的,请问各位大虾能不能指点一二,或者有什么好文章推荐一下。小弟感激不尽!!!

by baicaijushi - 服务器应用 - 2008-11-04 16:43:17 阅读(2671) 回复(0)

General Information This is a guide on how to setup OpenBSD with Dynamic DNS and DHCP using BIND 9 and ISC DHCP 3.0X for lan clients as well as Microsoft active directory. This is not a definitive guide but a simple how to, considering this, the methods use here may not be the best ones or the most correct. If you have any updates and such, please e-mail them to me Requirements OpenBSD 3.6 is...

by 啊泰 - BSD - 2008-06-28 19:56:41 阅读(2136) 回复(0)

active directory 服务以及保证其顺利运行所需的系统是 Windows 2000 Server 操作系统的核心。系统管理员必须了解如何使这些关键的系统保持正常运行,以及在出现故障时如何采取应对措施。 中国容灾网,容灾行业网站。 在 active directory 基础结构中,域控制器可以充当多种角色 — 全局编录 (GC)、操作主机 (OM) 以及单一域控制器。本文中介绍了在出现故障后恢复 active directory 数据库的步骤,而且还介绍了将服务器还原为特定...


by ydrz5753 - 存储文档中心 - 2008-06-15 05:43:00 阅读(1005) 回复(0)

This is repost of a document that used to be located at I just figured I'd make it a blog post, so people can comment inline, rather than just in email. Linux integration with active directory Authentication with Winbind and PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) Q. What separates this effort from the all the other Samba + active Direct...

by fandy - 服务器应用 - 2007-06-11 08:25:50 阅读(3792) 回复(1)

同仁们,谁能给我简单易懂的win2000 中的active directory的安装与使用,thanks.

by fyimail - 服务器应用 - 2006-08-16 22:17:47 阅读(1338) 回复(2)

作者:Fandy 电子邮箱: [][/email]、[][/email] MSN:[][/email] QQ号码:332018422 个人日志: HylaFAX QQ群:2358271 建立日期:2006年03月27日,最后修改日期:2008年01月08日 版权说明:本文章的内容归作者版权所有,同时也接受大家转贴,但要保留作者的完整信息和出处,多谢...

by fandy - 服务器应用 - 2010-09-20 14:14:49 阅读(41938) 回复(44)