
Server certificate verification failedcertificate issued for a different hostname issuer is not t

apache manual Ok, I've got my server installed and want to create a real SSL server certificate for it. How do I do it? Here is a step-by-step description: Make sure OpenSSL is really installed and in your PATH. But some commands even work ok when you just run the ``openssl'' program from within the OpenSSL source tree as ``./apps/openssl''. Create a RSA private key for your Apache server (will be...

by wenzk - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-05-23 21:18:43 阅读(1060) 回复(0)


certificate request db里已经提交了,而且已经友RA approve了. 正常的话,已经创建的request 在certificate request db里应该在"issued/Rejected certificates",但现在还处在"pending/submitted requests"下.单击"pull selected request"也不管用.如图: 以下是操作时的相关步骤: a. In the certificate Requests database, choose Domino Keyring Management - Create Keyring. b. In the Create Key Ring form, complete thes...

by oldrock - 服务器应用 - 2008-06-03 09:18:19 阅读(4691) 回复(2)

if [ $id < $count ] ,这里要改为 if [ $id -le $count ] , -le 是数值比较,而 < 是字符串比较。 或者 改为 if [[ $id < $count ]] ,虽然这样会执行,但是我发现,它是按照了字符串比较。不是数值比较,运行结果是错的! 我的问题:“为什么 [ $id < $count ] 不能正确执行,而[[ $id < $count ]] 可以正确执行(虽然结果不对)?”[] 和 [[ ]] 的区别??

by super_ebo - Shell - 2008-05-19 20:56:14 阅读(1561) 回复(7)

in sql server, what\'s different between @parameter and @@parameter?

by xiaolie - SQL server - 2002-02-18 16:44:09 阅读(3212) 回复(1)

这是说ID过期的问题,请问下在6。5 administrator角色中如何更新ID! 请说详细点,小弟是个菜鸟~

by gaind - 服务器应用 - 2008-01-21 10:09:13 阅读(3678) 回复(0)

我在informix中执行oninit 后不报错,但是用ONSTAT - 查看是提示shared memory not initialized for INFORMIXserver 'online',下面是online.log内容,请帮帮我!先谢谢了 23:51:05 Event alarms enabled. ALARMPROG = '/usr/informix/etc/' 23:51:10 DR: DRAUTO is 0 (Off) 23:51:11 Informix Dynamic server Version 7.31.UC4 Software Serial Number AAC #J815515 23:51:11 listener-thread: err = -930: o...

by noil - Informix - 2005-11-03 11:43:56 阅读(2166) 回复(1)

RT。 启动后没有相应进程出现,提示 [root@freewill root]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/dhcpd restart 关闭 dhcpd: [失败] 启动 dhcpd: Internet Software Consortium DHCP server V3.0pl1 Copyright 1995-2001 Internet Software Consortium. All rights reserved. For info, please visit Wrote 0 deleted host decls to leases file. Wrote 0 new dy...

by freewiller - 服务器应用 - 2008-03-27 10:56:07 阅读(1963) 回复(3)

I run an identical database application both loading & deleting a great deal of data on two individual SQL server 2000. All the settings are the same. The recovery models on both SQL servers are set to FULL as well. On one SQL server, the daily increment of transaction log is only 1MB. However, on the other SQL server, the daily increment is surprisingly 3.8GB!!! Are there any other database pro...

by grace_limi - SQL server - 2004-10-04 11:39:24 阅读(2883) 回复(0)

我在做linux7.3里面的SSL+APACHE的时候,在产生了ca.key 和ca.crt、server.key、server.csr等文件后 我通过复制过来的sign.sh脚本进行签署 可以还是出现了 server.crt:unable to load certificate file 的错误 我不知道问题到底出在哪里 我的上述四个文件的产生完全符合规范 应该不会出问题 是不是我的sign.sh出了问题? ps:我手头的是mod-ssl的rpm包 我不知道从这个包里如何解出sign.sh文件,所以目前我签署所使用的sign.sh文件是...

by 阿弥陀佛 - 服务器应用 - 2004-12-04 20:25:17 阅读(2632) 回复(2)

windows平台,NBU7.0 使用nbemmcmd setemmserver命令修改EMM server后,再重启nbu。 现象: 1.使用java客户端已经看不到任何 旧主机名 的信息 2.使用nbemmcmd -listhosts,输出的server行对应的主机名 还是 老的主机名 问题: 1.上述现象2如何解决,我重新运行了次nbemmcmd setemmserver输出还是依旧 2.备份时,以前策略里没有指定带库(用的是any available),现在直接执行它依然还找以前的那个带库,最后抛错退出。 对应问题...

by Cloud.D.Ace - Veritas技术交流区 - 2011-07-12 21:33:57 阅读(2328) 回复(1)

在实行命令时,界面报错: db2 force applications all SQL1032N No start database manager command was issued. SQLSTATE=57019,如何解释? 还有,由于先前对一个表作了INSERT操作,没有及时提交,系统报告: SQL0964C The transaction log for the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011。如何处理日志满的情况? 最后,请问,DB2中有类似ORACLE 中的 autocommit 参数设置么?

by dekang - DB2 - 2003-05-06 13:22:26 阅读(10838) 回复(7)