
ORA01115 IO error reading block from file 28 block # 1


by sss0213 - MySQL - 2011-12-21 08:42:52 阅读(793) 回复(0)


mysql语句返回:#1030 got error 28 from table handle mysql语句:SELECT max( id ) from `pinglun` WHERE norh = 'n' GROUP BY planid 这条语句以前运行正常。可是现在不行了。我是在商务中国租的空间。 请问有没有其他的语句能替换上面的语句?

by erwolf - MySQL - 2005-03-04 22:41:06 阅读(1388) 回复(3)

我的服务器上安装了DZ5.5的论坛程序,现在出现这样的情况不知道怎么办,希望有人叫我怎么解决 [code] Discuz! info: MySQL Query error User: kuaiqs Time: 2007-7-6 7:34pm Script: /index.php SQL: SELECT t.*, from threads t, forums f WHERE t.fid<>'0' AND f.fid=t.fid ORDER BY t.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 10 error: error writing file '/var/tmp/MYYLVtke' (Errcode: 28) Errno.: 3 [/co...

by kuaiqs - BSD - 2007-07-08 22:48:35 阅读(5681) 回复(9)

有个机器出现下面提示:Fatal error reading bitmap block 9599977 on HTFS dev hd (1/42) Trying to dump 65423 pages to dumpdev hd (1/42),818 pages per".".......... 65423 pages dumped 求助大侠,能否有救?谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 CNL 于 2005-12-8 15:44 编辑 ]

by happy123456 - 其他UNIX - 2005-12-08 15:25:54 阅读(1038) 回复(0)

删除DBS和新加CHUNK,屏幕很久以后都出现这个问题。 看ONLINE.LOG里,没有新增日志。所以,问题我都不知道如何查,请高手指点。

by re_lang - Informix - 2003-09-09 22:47:07 阅读(1169) 回复(6)

[code][ssh@Nick sdb]$ stat a16 file: `a16' Size: 0 blocks: 2 io block: 1024 regular empty file Device: 815h/2069dInode: 32128 Links: 1 Access: (0644/-rw-r--r--) Uid: ( 501/ ssh) Gid: ( 500/ nick) Access: 2013-06-25 16:29:42.000000000 +0800 Modify: 2013-06-25 16:29:42.000000000 +0800 Change: 2013-06-25 16:29:42.000000000 +0800[/code]不好意思,请问个问题。究竟...

by su8610 - Linux系统管理 - 2013-06-26 21:58:27 阅读(2541) 回复(2)

有个机器出现下面提示: Fatal error reading bitmap block 9599977 on HTFS dev hd (1/42) Trying to dump 65423 pages to dumpdev hd (1/42),818 pages per".".......... 65423 pages dumped 求助大侠,能否有救?谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 CNL 于 2005-12-23 12:03 编辑 ]

by happy123456 - 其他UNIX - 2005-12-23 10:28:17 阅读(931) 回复(1)

我这边有一台HP DL320的机子,现在出现:fatal error reading bitmap block 2666436 on HTFS dev hd (1/42) tring to dump 294809 pages to dumpdev hd (1/41) 23686 page per ' .' 这是什么原因阿,请帮我!

by qwenwei - 其他UNIX - 2004-11-26 16:58:24 阅读(1157) 回复(2)

if the block 8 is corrupted, the super block for the file system is needed to be repaired.the command: # dd count=1 bs=4 skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/hdn of=/dev/hdn 请各位解释一下 count=1 bs=4 skip=31 seek=1 ,如果是block 9is都是什么意思?如果是block 9 is corrupted,该用什么命令呢?

by xzhj19 - AIX - 2004-02-27 20:15:21 阅读(1118) 回复(0)

if the block 8 is corrupted, the super block for the file system is needed to be repaired.the command:\r\n# dd count=1 bs=4 skip=31 seek=1 if=/dev/hdn of=/dev/hdn\r\n请各位解释一下\r\ncount=1\r\nbs=4\r\nskip=31\r\nseek=1\r\n,如果是block 9is都是什么意思?如果是block 9 is corrupted,该用什么命令呢?

by xzhj19 - AIX - 2004-02-27 20:15:21 阅读(2707) 回复(0)

连接数据库时出现错误,提示分析如下: ora-00368: checksum error in redo log block ora-00353: log corruption near block 1375 change 1123028 time 04/14/2004 10:57:44 ora-00312: online log 1 thread 1: '/ora8/m01/app/oracle/oradata/ora8/redo01.log' 不知道该怎么解决,大家给看看! 另外不知道这个问题是如何引起的?

by king37cn - 存储备份 - 2004-08-10 02:26:17 阅读(3394) 回复(3)