
zabbix 中文乱码

最近研究了一下zabbix,它在监控上确实做得很不错 可以监控一下内容。 system.localtime 远程执行系统命令[localhost,,80] Date: Server: Last-Modified: ETag: Accept-Ranges: Content-Length: Vary: Connection: Content-Type:[localhost,,80][localhost,,80,OK] vfs.file.exists[/etc/passwd] vfs.file.time[/etc/passwd,modify] vfs.file.size[/etc/passwd] vfs.file.r...

by shengchao.huang - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-04-21 17:49:44 阅读(1819) 回复(0)


SNMPTT zabbix trap handler 引用: I’ve wondered how to integrate standard SNMP traps into zabbix for some time, many of our systems are Dell’s with OpenManage installed. OpenManage supports sending SNMP traps to a monitoring station who receives them and then takes defined actions. The components we will use to accomplish this are net-snmp, zabbix, and SNMPTT....

by arstcmyy - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-04-04 16:05:41 阅读(2600) 回复(0)

A clean zabbix installation 1.6.2 server and agent on Ubuntu Server. This tutorial assumes you have LAMP (Linux Apache MySql PHP) installed. You can choose to install it while installing Ubuntu Server. First you will have to install the following packages: gcc libmysql++-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev snmp libsnmp-dev php5-gd Curl library These can be installed by the following command sudo apt-get inst...

by arstcmyy - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-03-25 14:14:09 阅读(1062) 回复(0)

一.adduser zabbix 二.passwd zabbix testpasswd 三.下载源代码 wget wget wget wget wget wget http://...

by ygl23 - 软件配置管理 - 2011-10-25 14:24:55 阅读(7346) 回复(6)


by opiopuiopoi - 服务器应用 - 2007-08-27 10:42:40 阅读(2594) 回复(1)

zabbix (http: //是一个可高自由度定制,可视化的网管报警监控系统。 功能十分的强大,通过SNMP或Agent Client可跨平台监控(unix、linux、windows等)可任意定制监控项,可定制各种模板(template),可自由定制可视化的屏幕 (screen)等等 一,系统配置 Ubuntu server 8.10 在系统安装的时候你已经可以选择安装了LAMP,如果你在安装系统的时候没有安装过LAMP,你可以用以下命令进行安装: sudo apt-...

by arstcmyy - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-04-02 15:15:46 阅读(2637) 回复(0)

In my opinion zabbix is a really good NMS, but it’s lacking on SNMP traps handling. Traps can be received using Net-SNMP suite and, a script released within the misc directory of zabbix. This is how it works: snmptrapd starts listening on port UDP 162, receives traps and sends them to a handler, which runs the script and pass trap information to its standard input. Finally, the scrip...

by arstcmyy - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-04-04 16:03:54 阅读(2168) 回复(0)

It works something like this: (SNMP Trap) -> snmptrapd -> -> zabbix_sender -> (zabbix) Basically, the point of is to translate a SNMP trap into a zabbix trap 在/etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf文件添加 traphandle default /bin/bash /path/to/zabbix/bin/ 启动snmptrapd服务: snmptrapd -C -c /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf -Lf /var/log/net-snmptrap.log Now edit /path/to/zabbix/bin/...

by arstcmyy - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-04-04 14:59:47 阅读(1658) 回复(0)

zabbix中,我想通过邮件来通知一些报警通告。 但是不知道具体怎么设置,还有server端需要安装其他什么么? 有没有人搞过这个,希望分享下经验~ 我这里 zabbix server 是centos系统,通过mail发送到另外一台邮件服务器。 我现在最大的疑问是 Administration --> Media types 中的 Email 内如何设置?

by blueac - Shell - 2009-02-03 16:52:35 阅读(1789) 回复(3)

zabbix 报警脚本 防网络抖动 无需在zabbix里设置报警选项 用计划任务来就行 希望大家帮忙完善 [code] #!/bin/bash ############################ #Create By [email][/email] #2008/06/18 ################################ /usr/bin/mysql zabbix -e 'select FROM_UNIXTIME(t.lastchange),h.ip,, t.description, f.lastvalue from functions as f left join items a...

by asusarhai - Shell - 2008-06-20 11:07:01 阅读(7078) 回复(5)

谁在linux下安装过zabbix管理软件?请详细指点一下,谢谢!277950228 [ 本帖最后由 Ray_alen 于 2007-11-14 15:55 编辑 ]

by Ray_alen - 网络技术 - 2008-04-22 17:02:02 阅读(2187) 回复(2)