
Speed v20110ISO


by feiaix - Java - 2005-07-19 12:06:30 阅读(577) 回复(1)


The IP NAT on the Cisco Modular Switch 4500 series, is it at wire speed ?

by pons - 网络技术 - 2005-04-12 14:36:18 阅读(502) 回复(0)

Hints and Tips This document applies to AIX Versions 4 and 5. While there is not a direct command to determine processor speed in AIX V4, the best place to start is with the uname command. Executing uname -m produces output of the following form: xxyyyyyymmss The meanings of the placeholders are as follows: xx = 00 yyyyyy = Unique CPU ID mm...

by deargentle - AIX文档中心 - 2008-03-14 10:17:15 阅读(893) 回复(0)

solaris 8/e3500. T3-raid5-LTO tape library. tar is pretty slow, 3Mbytes/second. I tried to speed up with: tar cvfb /dev/rmt/2 2048 /oradata/$ORACLE_SID from iostat, it seems much faster, that is ,10+M bytes per second. But from iostat, I verified with truss and see it is doing 1M read/write. But from iostat , I also noticed that, write per second to tape is much greater than read per secon...

by fairysky - Solaris - 2003-10-01 00:35:07 阅读(590) 回复(1)

我下的FB7。0R i386的MD5不对呀,是怎么回事? 我用网际快车下的,但在虚拟机上可以安装。

by zlhgood - BSD - 2008-03-03 21:14:07 阅读(2593) 回复(10)

谁有2950 交换机的iso 文件?

by hush110 - 网络技术 - 2006-07-18 18:03:39 阅读(597) 回复(0)

从网站下载下来iso 文件,直接刻录在cd盘上就可以使用吗?解开就不行了吧?   谢谢~!

by rose - 服务器及硬件技术 - 2005-06-05 21:34:19 阅读(1365) 回复(11)

有谁知道在哪下载iso的?不要告诉我cisco的,那里面怎么都不好用呢? 还有,有谁知道为什么2621没有封装这个命令啊?谢谢了啊!

by clyh800308 - 网络技术 - 2004-03-16 10:58:39 阅读(607) 回复(4)