
eclipse no such file or directory

FC6 . TCL脚本中: if { [catch {exec mv $filedir\/* $targetdir/} result] } { puts "error:$result" 运行结果: error:mv: cannot stat `/aaa/*': No such file or directory /aaa已存在.用的是绝对路径.脚本不在根目录下. 如果用具体的文件名代替*,也可以在脚本中运行成功. 但这个目录下有多个不规则文件,能不能用一条语句实现文件移动? 手动在shell执行mv /aaa/* ....也能成功.在脚本中就不行. [ 本帖最后由 thin...

by thinothing - Shell - 2009-07-11 14:16:26 阅读(817) 回复(0)


#include #include #define SIZE 10 struct score_type//定义学生五科成绩的结构体 { int computer; int progrome; int PE; int english; int maths; }scores; struct student_type//定义俩个学生信息的结构体 { int num; char name[10]; int age; char sex; struct score_type scores; }std1[SIZE],std2[SIZE]; void input_data() { file *fp; int i; if ((fp = fopen("Student Informati...

by DoctorHouse - C/C++ - 2008-05-07 23:44:54 阅读(2927) 回复(5)

root@nmsvr # ls FXS9 base root@nmsvr # ls -l ./base: No such file or directory drwxrwxr-x 4 vobadmin answgrp 54 Mar 7 2006 FXS9 base这个文件夹明明是可以看到的,但是却ls -l不到。 请大家指点,谢谢

by simon_solaris - Solaris - 2007-09-29 16:18:13 阅读(1793) 回复(3)

我在加载winxp下的硬盘分区时提示 No such file or directory谢谢

by xahsp - Linux论坛 - 2003-12-08 18:46:09 阅读(240) 回复(0)

我总是碰到No such file or directory,但明明文件时有的,比如: ppm install RRDs.ppd,他非说我没有rrds.tar.gz,其实是在那个路径上的; 有比如,运行个,他说 Could not open '': No such file or directory at D:/Perl/lib/ExtUtils/ line 2718. 其实MM_Unix.pm也是有的,就在那个路径上。 这是怎么回事呢,知道请指点,谢啦先! (*^__^*)

by quiac - Perl - 2009-05-22 17:32:28 阅读(2149) 回复(5)

ps aux > ps.tmp while read none pid user pr ni virt res shr status cpu mem time command do grep $command ps.tmp | awk '{print $7,$8,$9}' done < top.tmp top.tmp是top的输出, 因为top没有输出进程的tty, start等信息,所以我又到ps aux的输出里面去grep 可是上面的脚本中 grep $command ps.tmp | awk '{print $7,$8,$9}' 的输出是 grep: : No such file or directory ? Ss 19:05 grep: : No such f...

by fjmingyang - Shell - 2008-05-06 16:33:58 阅读(6108) 回复(13)

我在FC6 上输入rpcinfo 报错:no such file or directory, 不知道我哪个软件包没有安装,请高手赐教,谢谢!

by zhanguoz - 系统管理 - 2006-12-30 14:23:22 阅读(456) 回复(2)

小弟在拉起应用时,sun系统出现这个错无???? 一直在报

by wyh84 - Solaris - 2006-11-07 15:19:13 阅读(709) 回复(0)

配置mail服务器的时候,测试是否成功,按照贴子介绍的命令 [quote] #su - qmaild -c "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup localhost /bin/checkpassword pwd"〈回车> +OK ,〈18789.978689240@localhost> user realuser〈回车> +OK pass password〈回车> [/quote] 可是却提示我 [quote] su: /nonexistent: No such file or directory [/quote] /nonexistent是passwd里面对qmaild的she...

by honst - BSD - 2006-05-16 23:55:23 阅读(1100) 回复(2)


by sasal - Perl - 2004-06-22 11:44:43 阅读(1595) 回复(2)

我的一台scopenserver 5.0.5 一天重起好几次,系统启动时提示一下错误: Sep 9 07:54:20 pyfx snmpd[351]: Agent started (pid 351) Sep 9 07:56:35 pyfx ftpd[701]: #2 open of pid file failed: No such file or directory Sep 9 07:59:19 pyfx ftpd[718]: #2 open of pid file failed: No such file or directory Sep 9 07:59:45 pyfx ftpd[719]: #2 open of pid file failed: No such file or directory Sep 9 08:01:04...

by t_f_388 - 其他UNIX - 2004-10-09 09:42:56 阅读(2196) 回复(2)