rathy1977 发表于 2008-06-12 09:34

sybase 12.5 备份出错问题

      公司的sybase 12.5 备份最近老是处问题,以下是出问题时候的日志。
      请帮忙看看。设置每天7:10备份利用计划任务。7:10分-9点 操作系统和数据库都没有其他的任务了!
Jun 12 07:29:21 2008: Backup Server: Database hq: 21399896 kilobytes DUMPed.
Jun 12 07:29:22 2008: D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Attempt to start database device i/o failed: State = 113 Msg = 系统资源不足,无法完成请求的服务?Jun 12 07:29:22 2008: Backup Server: Database hq: 21421534 kilobytes DUMPed.
Jun 12 07:29:24 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '19' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_suspend'
Jun 12 07:29:24 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '19' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_resume'
Jun 12 07:29:24 2008: Backup Server: RPC ('bs_end_dump') execution failed.
Jun 12 07:29:24 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '18' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_suspend'
Jun 12 07:29:24 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '18' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_resume'
Jun 12 07:31:44 2008: D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Attempt to start database device i/o failed: State = 113 Msg = 系统资源不足,无法完成请求的服务?Jun 12 07:31:44 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '22' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_suspend'
Jun 12 07:31:44 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '22' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_resume'
Jun 12 07:31:44 2008: Backup Server: RPC ('bs_end_dump') execution failed.
Jun 12 07:31:44 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '21' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_suspend'
Jun 12 07:31:44 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '21' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_resume'
Jun 12 07:31:48 2008: Backup Server: Database hqfz_RSSD: 4040 kilobytes DUMPed.
Jun 12 07:31:48 2008: Backup Server: Database hqfz_RSSD: 10722 kilobytes DUMPed.
Jun 12 07:31:48 2008: D00: SYBMULTBUF ERROR: Attempt to start database device i/o failed: State = 113 Msg = 系统资源不足,无法完成请求的服务?Jun 12 07:31:50 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '25' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_suspend'
Jun 12 07:31:50 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '25' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_resume'
Jun 12 07:31:50 2008: Backup Server: RPC ('bs_end_dump') execution failed.
Jun 12 07:31:50 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '24' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_suspend'
Jun 12 07:31:50 2008: Open Server Error: 16144.10.0: Server process '24' is not allocated in 'srv__prepare_for_resume'

snow888 发表于 2008-06-12 09:39


rathy1977 发表于 2008-06-12 09:43


rathy1977 发表于 2008-06-12 10:26


rathy1977 发表于 2008-06-13 09:22

不要沉啊 大哥们给帮帮忙阿

ttjacky 发表于 2008-07-24 20:26


Copyright 1987, 2003
Sybase, Inc.All rights reserved.
Unpublished rights reserved under U.S. copyright laws.

This software contains confidential and trade secret information of Sybase,
Inc.   Use,duplication or disclosure of the software and documentation by
theU.S.Governmentissubjecttorestrictions set forth in a license
agreementspecifyingtheGovernment's rights to use the software and any
applicable FAR provisions, for example, FAR 52.227-19.
Sybase, Inc. One Sybase Drive, Dublin, CA 94568, USA
Logging Backup Server messages in file '/export/home/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/GOALDSIT_bk.log'

Jul 24 17:52:35 2008: Backup Server: Configuring the maximum shared memory usage to 48 MB.
Jul 24 17:52:35 2008: Backup Server: Configuring the number of service threads to 48.
Jul 24 17:52:35 2008: Backup Server: Configuring the shared memory per stripe to 1048576 bytes.
Jul 24 17:52:38 2008: Backup Server: Creating new disk file /data/test.dmp.
Jul 24 17:52:38 2008: Backup Server: The 'execve' call failed for device '/data/test.dmp' with error number 13 (Permission denied). Refer to your operating system documentation for further details.
Jul 24 17:52:38 2008: Backup Server: Couldn't create multibuffering subprocess.


shawnlee 发表于 2008-07-25 08:38

donniejeck 发表于 2008-07-25 09:43

Jul 24 17:52:38 2008: Backup Server: The 'execve' call failed for device '/data/test.dmp' with error number 13 (Permission denied). Refer to your operating system documentation for further details.
Jul 24 17:52:38 2008: Backup Server: Couldn't create multibuffering subprocess.


shawnlee 发表于 2008-07-25 09:45

AbsoluteTiger 发表于 2008-07-28 09:44

在sh中加上. .profile试试。
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查看完整版本: sybase 12.5 备份出错问题