ulovko 发表于 2012-06-10 12:13


本帖最后由 ulovko 于 2012-07-27 17:57 编辑

FROM: http://miwi.bsdcrew.de/2012/03/why-freebsd-my-personal-view/

追忆往昔,看看小弟是怎么样爱上FreeBSD 着个女人的!

2000年的第一场雪比以往的一些时候来的更晚了一些,我特别喜欢雪天,因为我是雪天出生的人。记得很清楚,是1月份下的雪,在雪花飘飞的一个夜里 我遇到了生命之中第二个女人-LINUX。我的初恋是 WINDOWS,当然也是当时的女友,此后小弟长期脚踩两只船,每逢周末的时候偷偷的和LINUX 约会。由于LINUX家境贫寒,我平时都会攒钱给他买漂亮好看的衣服和首饰,渐渐的我发觉深深的爱上了LINUX。虽然他没有WINDOWS 那样花枝招展的外表,但是LINUX有一颗真挚的心,我爱这颗心!

在雪花飘飞的一个夜里 我彻底和前女友 WINDOWS 分手了!虽然他更漂亮 但是身材臃肿 没有LINUX 那么婀娜多姿!
其实最主要的一点是我受够了WINDOWS 那颗瓦兰瓦蓝的眼神,小弟平生最讨厌蓝色,偏偏前女的眼睛特别蓝;

和LINUX 熟识之后,她介绍我认识了她们的好姐妹 debian slax crux fedora suse gentoo,我发现一个比一个有魅力,经过艰难的抉择(每个女人都跟我谈过一段时间的,好吧 我承认自己花心,但是要记得:实践出真知!)最终,我和LINUX 的表妹gentoo 好了一年半的时间。

由于gentoo的表哥portage时常来搅扰我们,据说他俩青梅竹马 两小无猜。如果没有家族遗传疾病倒是可以结婚,比如李嘉诚! 由于经受不了这种精神折磨,最终我放弃了这段铭刻肺腑的感情。(1.5year)

打着以后,小弟一度萎靡,直到认识了FreeBSD。话说 在一个雪花飘飞的夜里 我上IRC 找朋友聊天,经朋友介绍和名媛 FreeBSD 搭上了,
她没有兄弟姐妹、表哥表妹 所以不用担心 有青梅竹马的表哥来破坏我们的恋爱生活。经过深入了解,我知道FreeBSD虽然是名媛但却是
一个从没有谈过恋爱的virgin,真是让我欢喜到癫。于是,我暗暗赌咒发誓 一定要和她 长相厮守 白头偕老...

回想起 以前和LINUX姊妹 相好的时候,虽然他们聪明伶俐、心地善良,但是非常懒惰。因为不论什么时候 家务活总是让我一个大男人去干,

直到今天我仍然记得,记得一个传闻,一个关于LINUX姊妹的传闻。有人说,LINUX 姊妹并非是表面那样的清纯可人,她们暗地里勾引了很多像我这样单纯、对爱情专一、英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、肌肉发达、精力充沛的优秀男青年。和LINUX姊妹相处一段时间后,我发现自己一到下午6:30
准时瞌睡,但是记得以前我都是熬夜到第二天2:00也没觉得困倦。后来得知LINUX 姊妹会涂上专用的香水在面颊,你只要亲一下就会中毒-结果就是 准时瞌睡、无精打采,白天百般娇媚,晚上却外出打"野食",作为一个自尊自爱的优秀男人我果断地选择离开LINUX姊妹!


经过美国FBI 调查显示,被LINUX 姊妹花 俘获的男人占全球男性人口的 70%,可怕不仅仅是着个数字,每个男人都以为自己是独占着个女人的。。 悲哀啊。。(警示:不要被女人婀娜多姿的身段所俘虏!) 虽然说LINUX姊妹花 对我作出了如此伤天害理的事情,但是我仍然会深深的记住 她们那婀娜多姿的身段儿,因为我要时刻保持警惕,谨防再上当!

2005年的圣诞节前一个月,也就是 11月份,我和FreeBSD 注册结婚了;当牧师问我是否愿意的时候,我斩钉截铁的说:"如果她背叛我,我就不愿意,除此之外我都愿意!" FreeBSD说:"我现在不会背叛你的!"我又斩钉截铁的说:"那我现在愿意!" 牧师说:"那将来呢?"
我的夫人FreeBSD 虽然很漂亮、但是月经很不稳定,这样会很影响我们的感情, 于是我四处拜访名医,学成归来,我会时不时的给FreeBSD 开点方子,我们现在的生活很和谐!

相信大家都已经知道,为什么我那么爱我的妻子FreeBSD 了吧!我老婆起码在我之前没有被任何男人入侵过,她是纯洁的、而我渴望纯洁的女人,她很勤快、家务从来不让我作,作为一个优秀的男人,我有生以来第一次 感受到家的温暖!


忘了告诉大家,FreeBSD也有姊妹花 OpenBSD/NetBSD/PC-BSD/DragonflyBSD ..

FreeBSD: http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3751834-1-1.html
OpenBSD: http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3751016-1-1.html

原文见 3L O_o:emn31:

@小丶力丫 兄 感叹如下:




千年老狼 发表于 2012-06-10 12:23

本帖最后由 千年老狼 于 2012-06-10 18:19 编辑

追忆往昔,看看小弟是怎么样爱上FreeBSD 着个女人的!
    2000年的第一场雪比以往的一些时候来的更晚了一些,我特别喜欢雪天,因为我是雪天出生的人。记得很清楚,是1月份下的雪,在雪花飘飞的一个夜里 我遇到了生命之中第二个女人-LINUX。我的初恋是 WINDOWS,当然也是当时的女友,此后小弟长期脚踩两只船,每逢周末的时候偷偷的和LINUX 约会。由于LINUX家境贫寒,我平时都会攒钱给他买漂亮好看的衣服和首饰,渐渐的我发觉深深的爱上了LINUX。虽然他没有WINDOWS 那样花枝招展的外表,但是LINUX有一颗真挚的心,我爱这颗心!
在雪花飘飞的一个夜里 我彻底和前女友 WINDOWS 分手了!虽然他更漂亮 但是身材臃肿 没有LINUX 那么婀娜多姿!
其实最主要的一点是我受够了WINDOWS 那颗瓦兰瓦蓝的眼神,小弟平生最讨厌蓝色,偏偏前女的眼睛特别蓝;
   和LINUX 熟识之后,她介绍我认识了她们的好姐妹 debian slax crux fedora suse gentoo,我发现一个比一个有魅力,经过艰难的抉择(每个女人都跟我谈过一段时间的,好吧 我承认自己花心,但是要记得:实践出真知!)最终,我和LINUX 的表妹gentoo 好了一年半的时间由于gentoo的表哥portage时常来搅扰我们,据说他俩青梅竹马 两小无猜。
如果没有家族遗传疾病倒是可以结婚,比如李嘉诚! 由于经受不了这种精神折磨,最终我放弃了这段铭刻肺腑的感情。
    打着以后,小弟一度萎靡,直到认识了FreeBSD。话说 在一个雪花飘飞的夜里 我上IRC 找朋友聊天,经朋友介绍和名媛 FreeBSD 搭上了,
她没有兄弟姐妹、表哥表妹 所以不用担心 有青梅竹马的表哥来破坏我们的恋爱生活。经过深入了解,我知道FreeBSD虽然是名媛但却是
一个从没有谈过恋爱的virgin,真是让我欢喜到癫。于是,我暗暗赌咒发誓 一定要和她 长相厮守 白头偕老...回想起 以前和LINUX姊妹 相好的时候,虽然他们聪明伶俐、心地善良,但是非常懒惰。因为不论什么时候 家务活总是让我一个大男人去干,
    直到今天我仍然记得,记得一个传闻,一个关于LINUX姊妹的传闻。有人说,LINUX 姊妹并非是表面那样的清纯可人,她们暗地里勾引了很多像我这样单纯、对爱情专一、英俊潇洒、风流倜傥、肌肉发达、精力充沛的优秀男青年。和LINUX姊妹相处一段时间后,我发现自己一到下午6:30
准时瞌睡,但是记得以前我都是熬夜到第二天2:00也没觉得困倦。后来得知LINUX 姊妹会涂上专用的香水在面颊,你只要亲一下就会中毒-结果就是 准时瞌睡、无精打采,白天百般娇媚,晚上却外出打"野食",作为一个自尊自爱的优秀男人我果断地选择离开LINUX姊妹!相比之下,FreeBSD更加可靠。因为我不会像以前一样下午6:30就瞌睡,相反我会和亲爱的女友FreeBSD畅谈到凌晨,我作好了一切准备要和她
相伴一生,无怨无悔。经过美国FBI 调查显示,被LINUX 姊妹花 俘获的男人占全球男性人口的 70%,可怕不仅仅是着个数字,每个男人都以为自己是独占着个女人的。。 悲哀啊。。(警示:不要被女人婀娜多姿的身段所俘虏!) 虽然说LINUX姊妹花 对我作出了如此伤天害理的事情,但是我仍然会深深的记住 她们那婀娜多姿的身段儿,因为我要时刻保持警惕,谨防再上当!
   2005年的圣诞节前一个月,也就是 11月份,我和FreeBSD 注册结婚了;当牧师问我是否愿意的时候,我斩钉截铁的说:"如果她背叛我,我就不愿意,除此之外我都愿意!" FreeBSD说:"我现在不会背叛你的!"我又斩钉截铁的说:"那我现在愿意!" 牧师说:"那将来呢?"
虽然FreeBSD很漂亮、但是月经很不稳定,这样会很影响我们的感情, 于是我四处拜访名医,学成归来,我会时不时的给FreeBSD 开点方子,
      相信大家都已经知道,为什么我那么爱我的妻子FreeBSD 了吧!我老婆起码在我之前没有被任何男人入侵过,她是纯洁的、而我渴望纯洁的女人,她很勤快、家务从来不让我作,作为一个优秀的男人,我有生以来第一次 感受到家的温暖!FreeBSD的父母很长寿,现在还很活跃呢!我和妻子FreeBSD时常和她的父母交流长寿的秘诀,得到的答案很简单:"open"!
忘了告诉大家,FreeBSD也有姊妹花 OpenBSD/NetBSD/PC-BSD/DragonflyBSD ..
FreeBSD: http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3751834-1-1.html
OpenBSD: http://bbs.chinaunix.net/thread-3751016-1-1.html

ulovko 发表于 2012-06-10 12:24

本帖最后由 ulovko 于 2012-06-10 19:27 编辑

回复 2# 千年老狼

    哈哈,享受一下 FreeBSD 出水芙蓉的感觉吧!


Just a review of myself since i’ve need it for my talk

I’ve started playing with Linux in 2000/1, and since then I have been switching between Linux and Windows from time to time. By the end of 2001, I switched completely to Linux because I had enough of windows blue screens problem. After some hardcore testings of other distributions like debian, slax, crux, fedora, suse and gentoo, I finally stayed with Gentoo for 1 ½ years. But after portage got more and more buggy, I started to look for a new challenge. I’ve met some BSD Guys in IRC, and after a while I setup FreeBSD in dual boot and started playing with it. I was really surprised on how fast and stable it runs, and also the community impressed me with their helpfulness. If you ask anything over the mailing list, you will always get helpful answers from the developers and users. My experience with Linux community is totally the opposite. It was common for me to get answers such as “RTFM” or “Try google”, which is not what I hoped for. I still remember today how many times I had to reinstall Linux just to fix up some mess. After a while with Linux I have the impression that Linux is going more and more towards mainstream, which is of course nice for the end users, but the fact that anyone can install Linux without knowing what happened in the background makes it even worse. Not to mention about the kernel size, which I have always seen some new stuff in, but the old codes were left unmaintained. This leads to a bigger kernel with more security holes, which leads to system instability. The kernel is now 63MB, which is so much bigger compared to FreeBSD kernel.

I believe that Linux now has a big user base where 70% of the users do not understand what is occurring in the background or if they even know what ‘terminal’ is Thank you Ubuntu, Suse, Fedora. Well alright I think I stop here because you maybe start thinking that I’m bashing Linux, which I am not. I also have a lot of good experience with Linuxand of course I won’t forget which user base I was from.

In November 2005, I moved completely to FreeBSD. After a while using FreeBSD, I was thinking on how to give something back to the community. I started submitting patches to the FreeBSD project, and in Jun 2006 I got my FreeBSD ports commit bit. Since then I am one of the most active member in the Project. At least, this is something that I could do in return of being able to enjoy a good and a stable system with a big choice of applications that is easy to handle using the package management system.

There are a lot of things that I love about FreeBSD, and I bet you know most of them already. FreeBSD has a clean structure that makes it so easy to understand. It is a rock solid system, very stable and easy to maintained. For applications, you have a choice between package system, if you want it fast, or the famous ports system, if you wish to compile applications yourselves with specific options. Another great thing about ports system is its easy framework, which provides flexibility to FreeBSD users to build their own stuff.

FreeBSD’s user base is probably not as big as Linux’s, but I can safely say that FreeBSD’s community support is one of the best in the open source world. As I have mentioned previously, I have not been in a more helpful community than FreeBSD’s. If you’re in the mailing list or a community member, you’ll know what I mean.

FreeBSD has a lot to offer to new users. The deep learning curve is probably tough for a first timer, but all is worth it. And FreeBSD has the best gift to new users, the handbook. FreeBSD handbook is one of the best documented operating system, and this is another reason why I like FreeBSD so much.

Well there another 5000 reason…

So long miwi

5 Responses to “Why FreeBSD – My Personal view.”
Richard Yao Says: März 5th, 2012 at 00:24
Well, I am sorry to see that you left the Gentoo community, but if Gentoo had to lose a user to another OS, then I am glad that it was FreeBSD.

With that said, feel free to say hello to people in #gentoo-bsd and #gentoo-prefix on freenode. You might enjoy learning about Gentoo is not limited to Linux. We have the Gentoo/FreeBSD and Gentoo Prefix projects, which are relevant to people using FreeBSD.
Rod Elias Says: März 5th, 2012 at 03:10
100% agree
yazid idrus Says: März 5th, 2012 at 07:54
in contrary as some feedback to me, getting help from FreeBSD community was a hell experienced
darislav Says: März 25th, 2012 at 13:33
For the sake of fairness, Arch’s community is very friendly and helpful, also the documentation in wiki is almost perfect as well. And in general, Arch is very similar to FreeBSD.

I agree that FreeBSD is much superior OS then Linux in the same way as MacOS compared to Windows accordingly, but FreeBSD has two major problems:

1. it doesn’t have all that amazing GNU software;
2. lack of daily-needed hardware drivers, like printers, which is not actually the FreeBSD’s problem but a consequence of the fact that Linux has tremendously larger user base.

Therefore, for a person who choose an OS for the desktop, considering practical terms, it’s very hard to pick FreeBSD, even though it’s a great choice for servers.

It’s a very interesting story of how Linux became a major open-source OS on the market, and i’m sure that many historians and philosophers in the future will talk about that

I think, it all happened because of Richard Stallman, without GNU, Linux couldn’t have been born. But if BSD would reconsider their views about their license in the middle 1980s, now we could have the best from both worlds: BSD and GNU…
Ariel Voynes Says: April 4th, 2012 at 14:10
I don’t think you make a valid point when you talk about the amount of people who use Linux without knowing how it works.

If you were comparing the FreeBSD kernel against the Linux kernel, then I think Linux going mainstream and becoming bigger is actually an advantage. A bigger user base means that the software is being tested on a wider variety of hardware, and also with different, complex and sometimes weird configurations. Because the normal user doesn’t know what he’s doing most of the time, he’s likely to find ‘bugs’ when performing tasks in what the developer would consider an ‘incorrect’ way. Making the kernel ‘idiot proof’, if you’d like to call it that way, will make it much more robust.

If you were talking about the community involved, then that’s a different story, and you’re comparing Linux distributions with FreeBSD.
Have you ever tried Arch Linux?, it seems like you want an operating system that ‘forces’ you to learn how it works. Arch Linux may not have an organized handbook like FreeBSD does, but it does have an awesome and updated Wiki full of information. I’m not unfamiliar with what FreeBSD has to offer that many Linux distributions will probably ever lack, but when I’m a desktop user and I want to try new software, Arch is a great Linux option for me.

千年老狼 发表于 2012-06-10 12:27

回复 3# ulovko


ulovko 发表于 2012-06-10 12:28

回复 4# 千年老狼


千年老狼 发表于 2012-06-10 12:30

回复 5# ulovko

    :mrgreen: 我希望有个表妹来找我:lol:

ulovko 发表于 2012-06-10 12:32

回复 6# 千年老狼

    你想得美,李嘉诚只有一个, 这段恋情 恐成绝响!^_^

obsd178 发表于 2012-06-10 12:35

不禁让我惊叹了 人才啊 想象力太强大了:lol:lol

千年老狼 发表于 2012-06-10 12:43

回复 8# obsd178

    :mrgreen: 待会整理一下发到微博。:mrgreen:

ulovko 发表于 2012-06-10 12:46

回复 9# 千年老狼

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