sanyao1207 发表于 2015-01-13 11:11


sc> poweron -c

SC Alert: Failed to send email alert for recent event.

SC Alert: Host System has Reset

SC Alert: Failed to send email alert for recent event.

SC Alert: Failed to send email alert for recent event.
Enter #. to return to ALOM.
0>Start Selftest.....
0>CPUs present in system: 0
0>Test CPU(s)....Done
0>Interrupt Crosscall....Done
0>Init Memory....Done
0>PLL Reset....Done
0>Init Memory....Done
0>Test Memory..../
0>ERROR: TEST = Set Mailbox
0>H/W under test = MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 0), Motherboard
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
0>MSG = Pin 51 failed on MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 0), Motherboard

0>ERROR: TEST = Run POST from Memory
0>H/W under test = MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 0), Motherboard
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
0>MSG = Pin 51 failed on MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 0), Motherboard

0>ERROR: TEST = Run POST from Memory
0>H/W under test = MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 0), Motherboard
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
0>MSG = Incorrect checksum detected!!
      Expected: aee8
      Observed: 5bcf

0>ERROR: TEST = Run POST from Memory
0>H/W under test = CPU0 Memory
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
0>MSG =
         *** Test Failed!! ***


0>ERROR: TEST = Run POST from Memory
0>H/W under test = CPU0 Memory
0>Repair Instructions: Replace items in order listed by 'H/W under test' above.
0>MSG = No good memory available on master CPU 0, rolling over to new Master.

0>      POST toplevel status has the following failures:
0>            MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 0), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B0/D1 (Bank 0), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B0/D0 (Bank 1), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B0/D1 (Bank 1), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B1/D0 (Bank 2), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B1/D1 (Bank 2), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B1/D0 (Bank 3), Motherboard
0>            MB/P0/B1/D1 (Bank 3), Motherboard

0>ERROR:      No good CPUs OR CPUs with good memory left.Calling debug menu


kwtip 发表于 2015-01-13 14:06


sanyao1207 发表于 2015-01-13 15:08

我重新插拔了一下内存条,在启动的时候内存确实有问题,有一部分不能使用,之后我怀疑分区分的有问题就重新装了一下系统,现在好了呢回复 2# kwtip

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