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安装Patch cluster,为什么都是failed?? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-01-13 11:29 |只看该作者 |正序浏览
Installing 118560-01...
  Installation of 118560-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 119903-01...
  Installation of 119903-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 119757-01...
  Installation of 119757-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 119317-01...
  Installation of 119317-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 118959-02...
  Installation of 118959-02 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 120085-01...
  Installation of 120085-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 119593-01...
  Installation of 119593-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 118870-01...
  Installation of 118870-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 120292-01...
  Installation of 120292-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 120664-01...
  Installation of 120664-01 failed. Return code 1.
Installing 119689-06...
  Installation of 119689-06 failed. Return code 1.

14 [报告]
发表于 2008-10-29 14:13 |只看该作者
原帖由 webber121 于 2008-10-29 12:57 发表
2 8都正常


13 [报告]
发表于 2008-10-29 12:57 |只看该作者
2 8都正常

12 [报告]
发表于 2008-10-29 11:49 |只看该作者


Attempt to apply a patch that's already been applied


Installing patches located in /export/home/9_Recommended
Using patch_order file for patch installation sequence
Installing 114586-03...
Installing 116340-07...
Installing 121992-01...
Installing 117067-05...
Installing 112964-17...
Installing 113713-27...
Installing 112951-14...
Installing 112233-12...
  Installation of 112233-12 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 114131-03...
  Installation of 114131-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114684-11...
Installing 117480-01...
  Installation of 117480-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116532-03...
  Installation of 116532-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117171-17...
  Installation of 117171-17 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 114129-02...
  Installation of 114129-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114127-03...
  Installation of 114127-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113073-14...
  Installation of 113073-14 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 118558-39...
Installing 123056-01...
Installing 113077-23...
Installing 113279-01...
  Installation of 113279-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114482-04...
  Installation of 114482-04 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114729-01...
  Installation of 114729-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 137038-01...
Installing 114008-01...
  Installation of 114008-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113335-04...
Installing 113146-11...
Installing 118300-02...
  Installation of 118300-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 111711-18...
Installing 112875-01...
  Installation of 112875-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113322-03...
Installing 112834-06...
  Installation of 112834-06 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 118535-04...
Installing 116237-01...
  Installation of 116237-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114503-14...
Installing 117477-01...
  Installation of 117477-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114014-20...
Installing 137402-02...
Installing 112908-32...
Installing 113318-33...
Installing 112617-02...
  Installation of 112617-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113031-04...
Installing 116669-32...
Installing 117114-02...
  Installation of 117114-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116247-01...
  Installation of 116247-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113277-61...
Installing 114128-03...
Installing 112963-32...
Installing 113096-03...
  Installation of 113096-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 112785-64...
Installing 112807-22...
Installing 117445-01...
  Installation of 117445-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 121321-03...
Installing 115677-02...
Installing 114133-04...
Installing 115754-02...
  Installation of 115754-02 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 112915-05...
Installing 114219-11...
  Installation of 114219-11 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116561-16...
Installing 112965-07...
Installing 121194-01...
Installing 112912-01...
  Installation of 112912-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114153-01...
  Installation of 114153-01 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 119449-01...
  Installation of 119449-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 112601-10...
  Installation of 112601-10 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 115683-03...
  Installation of 115683-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116774-03...
  Installation of 116774-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117471-04...
Installing 117071-01...
  Installation of 117071-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 112874-45...
Installing 112960-63...
Installing 113579-12...
Installing 112954-19...
Installing 117418-01...
  Installation of 117418-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 122300-31...
Installing 115553-29...
Installing 113033-05...
  Installation of 113033-05 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114971-03...
Installing 115697-02...
  Installation of 115697-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114356-14...
Installing 113240-13...
Installing 119211-17...
Installing 114361-01...
  Installation of 114361-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 115158-10...
Installing 114049-14...
Installing 112921-09...
Installing 116047-03...
Installing 114677-15...
Installing 114329-02...
Installing 113068-06...
  Installation of 113068-06 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113072-08...
Installing 113798-02...
  Installation of 113798-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117123-08...
Installing 123376-01...
Installing 117455-01...
  Installation of 117455-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116502-03...
Installing 114555-36...
Installing 114495-01...
  Installation of 114495-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117162-01...
  Installation of 117162-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 120240-01...
Installing 112922-02...
  Installation of 112922-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117203-05...
  Installation of 117203-05 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116807-02...
Installing 114875-01...
  Installation of 114875-01 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 114235-02...
Installing 114569-02...
  Installation of 114569-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113329-22...
Installing 114538-47...
  Installation of 114538-47 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 137910-02...
Installing 114344-36...
Installing 113482-02...
  Installation of 113482-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 123368-01...
Installing 114861-01...
  Installation of 114861-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 112925-08...
Installing 112945-46...
Installing 114363-04...
Installing 113718-02...
  Installation of 113718-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 112661-13...
Installing 116538-03...
  Installation of 116538-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114135-03...
  Installation of 114135-03 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117459-01...
  Installation of 117459-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 116105-09...
Installing 113451-14...
Installing 112926-06...
  Installation of 112926-06 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 117201-09...
  Installation of 117201-09 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 113280-09...
Installing 113923-05...
Installing 112764-09...
Installing 116453-02...
  Installation of 116453-02 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114716-05...
Installing 112808-10...
Installing 116489-01...
  Installation of 116489-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 114731-09...
Installing 124830-01...
Installing 116245-01...
  Installation of 116245-01 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 137477-01...
Installing 112810-06...
  Installation of 112810-06 failed. Return code 2.
Installing 123372-02...
Installing 137400-01...
Installing 112540-27...
  Installation of 112540-27 failed. Return code 8.
Installing 114016-02...

[ 本帖最后由 welcome008 于 2008-10-29 12:01 编辑 ]

11 [报告]
发表于 2006-01-14 06:21 |只看该作者
原帖由 zzzddd 于 2006-1-13 11:29 发表
Installing 118560-01...

Could you provide more information by

# uname -a
# ls -ld /var/sadm
# showrev -p

10 [报告]
发表于 2006-01-13 16:42 |只看该作者
1 Usage Error是什么意思呢???

9 [报告]
发表于 2006-01-13 15:33 |只看该作者

8 [报告]
发表于 2006-01-13 15:18 |只看该作者

0 No error  
1 Usage error  
2 Attempt to apply a patch that's already been applied  
3 Effective UID is not root  
4 Attempt to save original files failed  
5 pkgadd failed  
6 Patch is obsoleted  
7 Invalid package directory  
8 Attempting to patch a package that is not installed  
9 Cannot access /usr/sbin/pkgadd (client problem)  
10 Package validation errors  
11 Error adding patch to root template  
12 Patch script terminated due to signal  
13 Symbolic link included in patch  
15 The prepatch script had a return code other than 0.  
16 The postpatch script had a return code other than 0.  
17 Mismatch of the -d option between a previous patch install and the current one.  
18 Not enough space in the file systems that are targets of the patch.  
19 $SOFTINFO/INST_RELEASE file not found  
20 A direct instance patch was required but not found  
21 The required patches have not been installed on the manager  
22 A progressive instance patch was required but not found < tr>;  
23 A restricted patch is already applied to the package  
24 An incompatible patch is applied  
25 A required patch is not applied  
26 The user specified backout data can't be found  
27 The relative directory supplied can't be found  
28 A pkginfo file is corrupt or missing  
29 Bad patch ID format  
30 Dryrun failure(s)  
31 Path given for -C option is invalid  
32 Must be running Solaris 2.6 or greater  
33 Bad formatted patch file or patch file not found  
34 The appropriate kernel jumbo patch needs to be installed
35 Later revision already installed

7 [报告]
发表于 2006-01-13 14:53 |只看该作者

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-01-13 14:01 |只看该作者

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