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[请教]crunchgen -m Makefile crunch.conf报错 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 12:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
test# /usr/bin/crunchgen -m Makefile crunch.conf
crunchgen: crunch.conf:26: `@__CWD__@/src' is not a directory, skipping it
crunchgen: crunch.conf:37: `/usr/src/sbin/i386' is not a directory, skipping it
crunchgen: crunch.conf:99: no prog more previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:132: no prog tcpdump previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:143: no prog mount_nfs previously declared, skipping link
crunchgen: crunch.conf:170: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:171: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:172: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:173: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping link
crunchgen: crunch.conf:174: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping link
crunchgen: crunch.conf:175: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping link
Run "make -f Makefile" to build crunched binary.

2 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 12:05 |只看该作者


1 #
      2 # $FreeBSD: src/release/picobsd/bridge/crunch.conf,v 2006/02/14 14:47:12 luigi Exp $
      3 #
      4 # configuration file for "bridge" floppy.
      5 # Depending on your needs, almost surely you will need to
      6 # modify your configuration to add/remove/change programs used in
      7 # the floppy image. Remember that some programs also require
      8 # matching kernel options to enable device drivers etc.
      9 #
     10 # Next to most of the programs i have tried to indicate the approximate
     11 # space consumed, but beware that these values change from release
     12 # to release, and might depend on the presence of other programs which
     13 # share the same libraries.
     14 #
     15 # NOTE: the string "/usr/src" will be automatically replaced with the
     16 # correct value set in 'build' script - you should change it there
     18 # Default build options. Basically tell the Makefiles which understand
     19 # that to use the most compact possible version of the code.
     20 #
     23 # directories where to look for sources of various binaries.
     24 # @__CWD__@ is a magic keyword in the picobsd's (Makefile.conf)
     25 # which is replaced with the picobsd directory.
     26 srcdirs @__CWD__@/src
     28 # Some programs are especially written for PicoBSD and reside here
     29 # Make this first in the list so we can override standard programs
     30 # with the picobsd-specific ones.
     31 srcdirs /usr/src/release/picobsd/tinyware
     33 #
     34 # standard locations
     35 #
     36 srcdirs /usr/src/bin
     37 srcdirs /usr/src/sbin/i386
     38 srcdirs /usr/src/sbin
     39 srcdirs /usr/src/usr.bin

3 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 12:06 |只看该作者
39 srcdirs /usr/src/usr.bin
     40 srcdirs /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin
     41 srcdirs /usr/src/usr.sbin
     42 srcdirs /usr/src/libexec
     43 #
     44 # And there are others (mostly ports) which reside in their specific
     45 # directories. For them, we use the "special" commands to tell
     46 # crunchgen where to look for sources, objects, which Makefile
     47 # variables contain the list of sources and objects, and so on.
     49 # init is almost always necessary.
     50 progs init # 4KB.
     51 # fsck is almost always necessary, unless you have everything on the
     52 # image and use 'tar' or something similar to read/write raw blocks
     53 # from the floppy.
     54 progs fsck # 24KB.
     55 # ifconfig is needed if you want to configure interfaces...
     56 progs ifconfig # 4KB.
     57 #
     58 # You will also need a shell and a bunch of utilities.
     59 # The standard shell is not that large, but you need many
     60 # external programs. In fact most of them do not take much space
     61 # as they merely issue a system call, and print the result; the
     62 # libraries are already needed anyways, so they end up using almost
     63 # no additional memory.
     64 # There are a few exceptions such as 'less', which in 4.x is
     65 # rather large.
     66 progs sh # 36KB.
     67 ln sh -sh
     68 progs echo # 0KB.
     69 progs pwd
     70 progs mkdir rmdir
     71 progs chmod chown
     72 progs mv ln # 0KB.
     73 progs mount
     74 progs minigzip # 0KB.
     75 ln minigzip gzip
     76 progs cp # 0KB.
     77 progs rm

4 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 12:07 |只看该作者
77 progs rm
     78 progs ls
     79 progs kill
     80 progs df # 0KB.
     81 progs ps # 4KB.
     82 progs ns # 4KB.
     83 ln ns netstat
     84 progs vm # 0KB.
     85 progs cat # 0KB.
     86 progs test # 0KB.
     87 ln test [
     88 progs hostname # 0KB.
     89 progs login # 4KB.
     90 progs getty # 4KB.
     91 progs stty # 4KB.
     92 progs w # 0KB.
     93 progs msg # 0KB.
     94 ln msg dmesg
     95 progs reboot # 0KB.
     96 #progs less # 36KB
     97 #ln less more
     98 #progs more # 12KB
     99 special more srcdir /usr/ports/misc/44bsd-more/work
    101 progs sysctl
    102 progs swapon # 0KB.
    103 progs pwd_mkdb # 0KB.
    104 progs umount
    105 progs mount_std
    106 progs du # 0KB.
    107 progs tail # 0KB.
    108 progs tee # 0KB.
    109 progs passwd # 0KB.
    111 progs route # 8KB
    112 # progs mount_msdosfs
    113 # progs comcontrol
    114 #
    115 # If you want to run natd, remember the alias library

5 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 12:07 |只看该作者
115 # If you want to run natd, remember the alias library
    116 #progs natd # 20KB
    117 #libs -lalias   # natd
    118 #
    119 # ppp is rather large. Note that as of Jan.01, RELEASE_CRUNCH
    120 # makes ppp not use libalias, so you cannot have aliasing.
    121 #progs ppp # 112KB
    123 # You need an editor. ee is relatively small, though there are
    124 # smaller ones. vi is much larger.
    125 # The editor also usually need a curses library.
    126 progs ee # 32KB.
    127 libs -lncurses
    128 # progs vi # ??
    129 # libs -lcurses # for vi
    131 #progs tcpdump # 100KB.
    132 special tcpdump srcdir /usr/src/usr.sbin/tcpdump/tcpdump
    134 progs arp # 0KB.
    136 progs bsdlabel # 4KB.
    137 progs fdisk # 4KB.
    138 progs vnconfig # 0KB.
    140 #progs grep # 16KB.
    141 progs date # 4KB.
    142 #progs mount_nfs # 0KB.
    143 ln mount_nfs nfs
    144 progs ping # 4KB.
    145 #progs routed # 32KB.
    146 progs ipfw # 12KB.
    147 progs traceroute # 0KB.
    148 # progs mount_cd9660 # 4KB.
    149 # ln mount_cd9660 cd9660
    150 # progs newfs # 12KB.
    151 #ln newfs mount_mfs
    152 ln chown chgrp
    153 # ln mount_msdosfs msdos

6 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 12:08 |只看该作者
153 # ln mount_msdosfs msdos
    154 ln mount_std procfs
    155 ln mount_std mount_procfs
    157 # If you need to access the box remotely, and maybe copy files
    158 # from/to it, you can use telnet, rsh or ssh.
    159 # inetd is only needed for telnet and rshd
    160 #progs inetd # 12KB.
    161 #progs telnet # 20KB.
    162 #progs telnetd # 12KB.
    163 #progs ftp # 28KB.
    164 #progs tar # 32KB.
    166 # Check the ssh license! If you want to use this,
    167 # go to /usr/ports/security/ssh-picobsd, do a make extract configure
    168 # You also need to install /usr/ports/math/libgmp-freebsd
    169 #progs sshd     # includes ssh and scp
    170 special sshd objvar SSHD_OBJS
    171 special sshd srcdir /usr/ports/picobsd/ssh-picobsd/work/ssh-1.2.27
    172 special sshd objdir /usr/ports/picobsd/ssh-picobsd/work/ssh-1.2.27
    173 ln sshd ssh
    174 ln sshd ssh1
    175 ln sshd scp
    176 #libs /usr/local/lib/libgmp.a
    178 libs -ll       # used by sh
    179 libs -lufs     # used by mount
    180 ### ee uses ncurses instead of curses
    181 libs -ledit -lutil -lmd -lcrypt -lmp -lm -lkvm
    182 libs -lmytinfo -lipx -lz -lpcap -lwrap
    183 libs -ltermcap -lgnuregex # -lcurses
    184 libs -lgeom

7 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 13:42 |只看该作者
test# /usr/bin/crunchgen -m Makefile crunch.conf
crunchgen: warning: could not find source directory: crunch.conf: sshd
crunchgen: crunch.conf: sshd: warning: could not find any .o files
crunchgen: crunch.conf: sshd: ignoring program because of errors
Run "make -f Makefile" to build crunched binary.


日期:2014-03-19 16:36:35午马
日期:2014-11-23 23:48:46
8 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 13:42 |只看该作者
原帖由 b.s.d 于 2006-12-22 12:04 发表
tcrunchgen: crunch.conf:26: `@__CWD__@/src' is not a directory, skipping it
crunchgen: crunch.conf:37: `/usr/src/sbin/i386' is not a directory, skipping it
crunchgen: crunch.conf:99: no prog more previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:132: no prog tcpdump previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:143: no prog mount_nfs previously declared, skipping link
crunchgen: crunch.conf:170: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:171: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:172: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping special
crunchgen: crunch.conf:173: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping link
crunchgen: crunch.conf:174: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping link
crunchgen: crunch.conf:175: no prog sshd previously declared, skipping link
Run "make -f Makefile" to build crunched binary. ...


>>>98 #progs more # 12KB
>>>99 special more srcdir
more 在98行没有声明,就在99行用,怎么会不出错。

日期:2014-03-19 16:36:35午马
日期:2014-11-23 23:48:46
9 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 13:44 |只看该作者
原帖由 b.s.d 于 2006-12-22 13:42 发表
test# /usr/bin/crunchgen -m Makefile crunch.conf
crunchgen: warning: could not find source directory: crunch.conf: sshd
crunchgen: crunch.conf: sshd: warning: could not find any .o files
crunchg ...

171行 用这个目录试试 /usr/src/secure/usr.sbin/sshd

10 [报告]
发表于 2006-12-22 14:04 |只看该作者
原帖由 gvim 于 2006-12-22 13:44 发表

171行 用这个目录试试 /usr/src/secure/usr.sbin/sshd




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