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[FreeBSD] pidgin无法传输文件 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-02-03 16:56 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
cd /usr/ports/net-im/pidgin
make install clean

[ 本帖最后由 cdhs999 于 2009-2-3 17:02 编辑 ]

2 [报告]
发表于 2009-04-09 23:02 |只看该作者
问题同上,以往是QQ 会有问题,这次居然是 MSN 和 Gtalk 不给面子...

3 [报告]
发表于 2009-04-10 11:42 |只看该作者

楼主的问题我遇到过了,当时我用ports安的最新版的pidgin,结果有这个提示,忘了怎么解决的了,如果你是 portupgrade 来安的话就可以不会有这个问题,你可以GOOGLE一下,大部分内容是说linux下的, 记得好像是因为有的库太老了导致的,所以portupgrade来升级一下可能就好了


4 [报告]
发表于 2009-04-10 15:57 |只看该作者
我拿pidgin传文件的问题是: 显示是可以传的 ,但发过去, 对方那边没反应...(不论msn还是gtalk, 对方不论win还是unix)

5 [报告]
发表于 2009-06-05 23:42 |只看该作者

6 [报告]
发表于 2009-06-06 09:48 |只看该作者
还是贴 debug 信息先:

%pidgin -d                                                   
(09:51:02) prefs: Reading /home/hy0kl/.purple/prefs.xml      
(09:51:02) prefs: Finished reading /home/hy0kl/.purple/prefs.xml
(09:51:02) dbus: okkk                                          
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/cap.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/gestures.so   
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/musicmessaging.so
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/ticker.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/convcolors.so   
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/extplacement.so  
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/gtkbuddynote.so  
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/history.so      
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/iconaway.so      
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/markerline.so   
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/notify.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/pidginrc.so      
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/relnot.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/sendbutton.so   
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/spellchk.so      
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/timestamp.so     
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/timestamp_format.so
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/pidgin/xmppconsole.so     
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/autoaccept.so   
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/buddynote.so     
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/dbus-example.so  
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/idle.so         
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/joinpart.so      
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libaim.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libicq.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libbonjour.so   
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libgg.so         
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libirc.so        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libjabber.so     
(09:51:02) plugins: /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libjabber.so is not usable because the 'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN() macro?                                                        
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libmsn.so                  
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libnovell.so               
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/liboscar.so                 
(09:51:02) plugins: /usr/local/lib/purple-2/liboscar.so is not usable because the 'purple_init_plugin' symbol could not be found.  Does the plugin call the PURPLE_INIT_PLUGIN() macro?                                                         
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libqq.so                    
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libsimple.so               
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libxmpp.so                  
(09:51:02) util: Reading file xmpp-caps.xml from directory /home/hy0kl/.purple  
(09:51:02) util: File /home/hy0kl/.purple/xmpp-caps.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)                                                      
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libyahoo.so                 
(09:51:02) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/libzephyr.so               
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/log_reader.so               
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/newline.so                  
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/offlinemsg.so               
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/psychic.so                  
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/ssl-gnutls.so               
(09:51:03) plugins: /usr/local/lib/purple-2/ssl-gnutls.so is not loadable: Shared object "libgcrypt.so.15" not found, required by "ssl-gnutls.so"               
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/ssl-nss.so                  
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/ssl.so                     
(09:51:03) plugins: probing /usr/local/lib/purple-2/statenotify.so              
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline changed, scheduling save.      
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/available changed, scheduling save.     
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/invisible changed, scheduling save.     
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/away changed, scheduling save.         
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/extended_away changed, scheduling save.
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/idle changed, scheduling save.         
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/status/scores/offline_msg changed, scheduling save.   
(09:51:03) util: Reading file accounts.xml from directory /home/hy0kl/.purple   
(09:51:03) util: Reading file status.xml from directory /home/hy0kl/.purple     
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, singleuse requested but not found.                                                                           
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificateVerifier singleuse registered               
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificatePool x509, ca requested but not found.      
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificateScheme x509 requested but not found.         
(09:51:03) certificate/x509/ca: Lazy init failed because an X.509 Scheme is not yet registered. Maybe it will be better later.                                 
(09:51:03) certificate/x509/ca: Init failed, probably because a dependency is not yet registered. It has been deferred to later.                                
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificatePool ca registered                           
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificatePool x509, tls_peers requested but not found.
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificatePool tls_peers registered                    
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificateVerifier x509, tls_cached requested but not found.                                                                           
(09:51:03) certificate: CertificateVerifier tls_cached registered               
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.              
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/logging/format changed, scheduling save.              
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/proxy/type changed, scheduling save.                  
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/proxy/host changed, scheduling save.                  
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/proxy/port changed, scheduling save.                  
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/proxy/username changed, scheduling save.              
(09:51:03) prefs: /purple/proxy/password changed, scheduling save.              
(09:51:03) sslconn: Unable to initialize SSL.                                   
(09:51:03) util: Reading file smileys.xml from directory /home/hy0kl/.purple   
(09:51:03) util: File /home/hy0kl/.purple/smileys.xml does not exist (this is not necessarily an error)                                                         
(09:51:03) stun: using server                                                   
(09:51:03) nat-pmp: Found a default gateway                                    
(09:51:03) nat-pmp: Attempting to retrieve the public ip address for the NAT device at:                                                            
(09:51:03) nat-pmp:     Timeout: 0s 250000us                                    
(09:51:03) nat-pmp: Response was not received from our gateway! Instead from:
:1: error: unexpected character `\10', expected keyword - e.g. `style'
(09:51:03) sound: Initializing sound output drivers.
(09:51:03) prefs: /pidgin/conversations/placement changed, scheduling save.
(09:51:03) gtkblist: added visibility manager: 1
(09:51:03) docklet: created
(09:51:04) blist: Attempted to save buddy list before it was read!
(09:51:04) certificate: CertificateVerifier tls_cached unregistered
(09:51:04) certificate: CertificateVerifier singleuse unregistered
(09:51:04) certificate: CertificatePool tls_peers unregistered
(09:51:04) certificate: CertificatePool ca unregistered
(09:51:04) util: Writing file accounts.xml to directory /home/hy0kl/.purple
(09:51:04) util: Writing file /home/hy0kl/.purple/accounts.xml
(09:51:04) util: Writing file status.xml to directory /home/hy0kl/.purple
(09:51:04) util: Writing file /home/hy0kl/.purple/status.xml
(09:51:04) util: Writing file prefs.xml to directory /home/hy0kl/.purple
(09:51:04) util: Writing file /home/hy0kl/.purple/prefs.xml
(09:51:04) main: Unloading all plugins
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin AIM
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin ICQ
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin Bonjour
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin Gadu-Gadu
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin IRC
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin MSN
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin GroupWise
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin QQ
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin SIMPLE
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin XMPP
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin Yahoo
(09:51:04) plugins: Unloading plugin Zephyr
(09:51:04) gtkblist: removed visibility manager: 0
(09:51:04) docklet: destroyed
(09:51:04) Gtk: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed
Exiting because another libpurple client is already running

7 [报告]
发表于 2009-06-06 10:39 |只看该作者

8 [报告]
发表于 2009-06-06 19:25 |只看该作者

但有一朋友刚今天也安装了 pidgin2.5.5,用 pkg_add 方式装的,没有问题的,然后我手工删了 pidgin 2.5.6, pkg_add 安装了 2.5.5 后, MSN 和 gtalk 还是提示没有 SSL, 现在用装回 2.5.6 了,以下是 config:

  1. %cd /usr/ports/net-im/pidgin
  2. %make showconfig
  3. ===> The following configuration options are available for pidgin-2.5.6:
  4.      BONJOUR=on "Enable mDNS support"
  5.      DBUS=on "Enable DBUS bindings"
  6.      GNUTLS=on "GNUTLS encryption support"
  7.      NSS=on "Mozilla NSS encryption support"
  8.      SASL=off "Cyrus SASL support (for jabberd)"
  9.      PERL=off "Perl scripting"
  10.      TCLTK=off "Tcl/Tk scripting"
  11.      SAMETIME=off "The Lotus Sametime chat protocol"
  12.      SILC=off "The Secure Internet Live Conferencing protocol"
  13.      GG=on "The Gadu-Gadu chat protocol"
  14.      IRC=on "The Internet Relay Chat protocol"
  15.      JABBER=on "The Jabber/XMPP/Google Talk protocol"
  16.      MSN=on "The MSN Messenger protocol"
  17.      MYSPACE=on "The MySpaceIM protocol"
  18.      NOVELL=on "The Novell GroupWise chat protocol"
  19.      OSCAR=on "The AIM/ICQ/Oscar protocol"
  20.      QQ=on "The Tercent QQ chat protocol"
  21.      SIMPLE=on "The SIMPLE chat protocol"
  22.      YAHOO=on "The Yahoo! Messenger protocol"
  23.      ZEPHYR=on "The Zephyr chat protocol"
  24.      GTKSPELL=on "Spell checking support"
  25.      GSTREAMER=on "Use GStreamer for playing sounds"
  26.      CAP=on "Enable Contact Availability Prediction plugin"
  27. ===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings

9 [报告]
发表于 2009-06-06 19:25 |只看该作者

回复 #7 prolj 的帖子

%pkg_version -v | grep ssl
php5-openssl-5.2.9                  =   up-to-date with port
qca-ossl-2.0.0.b3_2                 =   up-to-date with port

10 [报告]
发表于 2009-06-06 20:42 |只看该作者
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