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SYBASE突然启动MON进程,数据库连接不上?请教问题如下: [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-04-06 11:28 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
00:00000:00070:2007/04/04 13:56:28.67 server  Failed to create Jvm Process 70 Fragment Pool. Please consult the Adaptive Server errorlog for further information as to the cause.
00:00000:00070:2007/04/04 13:56:28.68 server  Failed to create heap of type '2' and maximum size 3672064.
00:00000:00086:2007/04/04 13:56:53.87 server  Failed to create Jvm Process 86 Fragment Pool. Please consult the Adaptive Server errorlog for further information as to the cause.
00:00000:00086:2007/04/04 13:56:53.87 server  Failed to create heap of type '2' and maximum size 3672064.
00:00000:00038:2007/04/04 13:58:24.84 server  Failed to create Jvm Process 38 Fragment Pool. Please consult the Adaptive Server errorlog for further information as to the cause.
00:00000:00038:2007/04/04 13:58:24.84 server  Failed to create heap of type '2' and maximum size 3672064.
00:00000:00036:2007/04/04 13:59:07.53 server  Failed to create Jvm Process 36 Fragment Pool. Please consult the Adaptive Server errorlog for further information as to the cause.
00:00000:00036:2007/04/04 13:59:07.53 server  Failed to create heap of type '2' and maximum size 3672064.
00:00000:00059:2007/04/04 13:59:23.78 server  Failed to create Jvm Process 59 Fragment Pool. Please consult the Adaptive Server errorlog for further information as to the cause.
00:00000:00059:2007/04/04 13:59:23.78 server  Failed to create heap of type '2' and maximum size 3672064.
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.89 server  Java VM Host: Memory allocation request failed because of insufficient memory in Jvm Process 57.
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  kisignal: unknown signal (-1073741783).
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  LAST CHANCE EXCEPTION HANDLER on OS thread id 8bc
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  A SERIOUS UNHANDLED EXCEPTION HAS OCCURRED
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  SERVER MAY NOT BE ABLE TO CONTINUE
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  Exception information:
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  ExceptionCode: c0000029
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  ExceptionFlags: 1
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  ExceptionAddress: 7c99d474   ntdll.dll
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  Register dump:
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.90 kernel  ebp: 265eaf0   (can't find module)
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.92 kernel  eip: 7c99d474   ntdll.dll
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.92 kernel  esp: 265e768   (can't find module)
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.92 kernel  Server will now trace currently running tasks:
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.92 kernel  Engine 0 current task: 11f90036  
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.92 kernel  Attempted stack trace of kpid 11f90036:
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.96 kernel  pc: 0x7C99D474 ntdll.dll (0x02116133, 0x77B9641C, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:23.96 kernel  pc: 0x7C99D474 ntdll.dll (0x02116133, 0x0210CF2E, 0x0265ECA4, 0x00000001)
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:24.09 kernel  pc: 0x77B9641C MSVCRT.dll (0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:24.09 kernel  ** end of stack trace kpid 11f90036 **
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:24.09 kernel  Engine 0 last active task: 30003  (scheduler)
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:24.09 kernel  TASK DUMP COMPLETE
00:00000:00057:2007/04/04 14:01:24.09 kernel  Now terminating OS thread 8bc

[ 本帖最后由 梨花院 于 2007-4-6 11:30 编辑 ]

xitong1.JPG (24.62 KB, 下载次数: 47)



xitong2.JPG (27.96 KB, 下载次数: 60)



2 [报告]
发表于 2007-04-06 13:12 |只看该作者
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

3 [报告]
发表于 2007-04-09 12:56 |只看该作者
原帖由 shawnlee 于 2007-4-6 13:12 发表
调整max memory


[ 本帖最后由 梨花院 于 2007-4-9 13:06 编辑 ]

4 [报告]
发表于 2007-04-11 12:01 |只看该作者
sp_configure 'max memory'
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