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Linux进程管理工具htop 0.7 [复制链接]

日期:2022-03-04 22:35:50
1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-03-29 10:59 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

 来源: www.linuxdiyf.com 作者:Number
htop是一个比top更加好用的进程查看程序。近日,htop的开发者发布了新的0.7版。htop 0.7与旧版本相比,包含一些特性增强,如:添加了CPU相似性配置、改进了树状视图中的进程管理、支持OpenVZ等。另外,该版本也修正了许多bug。
htop 0.7的源代码及二进制包
GoboLinux: In GoboLinux you can fetch and compile htop by typing: Compile htop
You can also download the GoboLinux binary package.
Debian: In Debian you can fetch htop by typing: apt-get install htop
You can also download the binary packages from the Debian webpage.
Thanks to Bartosz Fenski.
Fedora: htop is part of Fedora Extras; you can fetch it by typing: yum install htop
Thanks to Dawid Gajownik.
RedHat: You can find RPM's for htop at DAG and FreshRPMs.
Thanks to Dag Wieers.
Slackware: You can find packages for htop at LinuxPackages.
Thanks to Fred Broders, and Kanedaaa for the link.
Gentoo: In Gentoo Linux you can emerge the sys-process/htop package by typing: emerge sys-process/htop
Thanks to Wolfram Schlich.
AltLinux: here are the latest distribution and development RPM's for AltLinux.
Thanks to Ilya Evseev.
OpenSuSE: htop is included in the OpenSuSE build service. The OpenSUSE build service repository provides htop packages for Fedora 5, SUSE Linux Enterprise 10, openSUSE Factory, SUSE Linux 10.0 and SUSE Linux 10.1.
Thanks to Timo Hoenig.
Mandriva: you can find RPMs for Mandriva (formerly Mandrake and Conectiva) and other RPM-based distributions at RpmFind.
KateOS: packages are available at the KateOS Pkgportal. You may enable community repositories in /etc/updateservers or using KatePKG.
Thanks to Piotr Pelzowski.

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