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[存储备份] 7133换盘 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-06-24 19:17 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

QUOTE(starhqking @ 2005-03-23 11:27:19)
更换SSA RAID阵列中硬盘的步骤
Document #: 2314013F24000
[标题]更换SSA RAID阵列中硬盘的步骤
1. 首先需要从RAID定义中逻辑上删除故障硬盘。执行下面的命令:
# smit ssaraid
-> Change Member Disks in an SSA RAID Array
-> Remove a Disk from an SSA RAID Array
2. 屏幕显示出如下的阵列列表:
Change Member Disks in an SSA RAID Array
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter.
Remove a Disk From an SSA RAID Array
Add a Disk to an SSA RAID Array
Swap Members of an SSA RAID Array
Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Use arrow keys to scroll.
hdisk6 6010337B163E30K good 2.3GB RAID-5 array
hdisk5 09523173A02137K good 2.3GB RAID-5 array
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel
F8=Image F10=Exit Enter=Do
/=Find n=Find Next
选择要删除的硬盘所在的阵列的名称,在本例中选择 hdisk6。
3. 屏幕显示如下的信息:
Remove a Disk From an SSA RAID Array
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
SSA RAID Manager ssa1
SSA RAID Array hdisk6
Connection Address / Array Name 6010337B163E30K
* Disk to Remove +
F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel F4=List
F5=Reset F6=Command F7=Edit F8=Image
F9=Shell F10=Exit Enter=Do
4. 硬盘列表显示如下:
Remove a Disk From an SSA RAID Array
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
SSA RAID Manager ssa1
SSA RAID Array hdisk6
Connection Address / Array Name 6010337B163E30K
* Disk to Remove +
| Disk to Remove |
| |
| Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Use arrow keys to scroll. |
| |
| pdisk4 0004AC50374D00D member present 1.1GB Physical |
| pdisk5 0004AC510D9100D member present 1.1GB Physical |
| pdisk7 0004AC510D9900D member present 1.1GB Physical |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel |
| F8=Image F10=Exit Enter=Do
| /=Find n=Find Next |
5. 使用“Set service Mode”服务帮助将需要删除的硬盘设置为维护模式。命令如下:
# diag
-> Task Selection (Service Aids )
-> SSA Service Aids
-> Set Service Mode -- (选择硬盘)
-> Set or Reset Service Mode
This will set the drive to service so the drive can
be replaced. You will see a > prompt displayed next
to the drive listing when service is set.
pdisk0 AC503429 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
pdisk1 AC510D98 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
pdisk2 AC510D91 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
pdisk3 AC510D96 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
pdisk4 AC50374D 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
> pdisk5 AC510D91 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
pdisk6 AC510DBB 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
pdisk7 AC510D99 00-03-P 1GB SSA C Physical Disk Drive
6. 物理上拿掉故障硬盘。若不确定是那一块,可以看到故障硬盘的电源灯旁的黄色检查灯是亮的。
7. 物理上安装好替换的硬盘。
8. 按照步骤5的方法将硬盘从维护模式设置回普通模式。
9. 逻辑上从系统中删除旧的硬盘信息,再将新更换的硬盘配置起来:
# rmdev -dl pdisk* (其中,pdisk* 为具体的硬盘号,本例中为pdisk5。)
# cfgmgr
10. 下面需要将新更换的硬盘设置为阵列的候选盘:
# smitty ssaraid
-> Change/Show Use of an SSA Physical Disk
-> 选择正确的 SSA Raid卡。
从列表中选择正确的硬盘 (屏幕显示如下)
| SSA Physical Disk |
| Move cursor to desired item and press Enter. Use arrow keys to scroll. |
| |
| ################################################# |
| # SSA physical disks that are members of arrays. |
| pdisk4 0004AC50374D00D member n/a 1.1GB Physical |
| pdisk7 0004AC510D9900D member n/a 1.1GB Physical |
| ################################################# |
| # SSA physical disks that are AIX system disks. |
| pdisk5 0004AC510D9300D system n/a 1.1GB Physical |
| |
| F1=Help F2=Refresh F3=Cancel |
| F8=Image F10=Exit Enter=Do |
| /=Find n=Find Next |
Make sure the Current Use Parameter is set to Array Candidate Disk on
the next screen (listed below). Press Tab on Current Use to change
and then Enter to execute.
Change/Show Use of an SSA Physical Disk
Type or select values in entry fields.
Press Enter AFTER making all desired changes.
[Entry Fields]
SSA RAID Manager ssa1
SSA Physical Disk pdisk5
CONNECTION address 0004AC510D9300D
Current Use Array Candidate Disk
11. 将新更换的硬盘添加回RAID阵列中:
# smit ssaraid
-> Change Member Disks in an SSA RAID Array
-> Add a Disk to an SSA RAID Array
12. 查看信息重建的状态:
# smit ssaraid
-> List Status Of All Defined SSA RAID Arrays
放心,用swap 的方法不会有问题的!
我从来都是用swap 的!!

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