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[存储备份] TSM ANR1171W, ANR1089E的问题处理 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-03-11 09:54 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
ANR1171W Unable to move files associated with node        
                          KABMNT1, filespace \\kabmnt1\f$ fsId 1 on volume 000871  
                          due to restore in progress. (PROCESS: 304)   
ANR1089E Space reclamation is ended for volume 000871.   
                          There is a lock conflict. (PROCESS: 304)     
The ANR1171W incident means that during movement of data (this can be
migration, reclamation or a move data) for a sequential volume, files
were encountered that were locked by a restore operation. The following
command is part of our housekeeping; "reclaim stg backuptape
threshold=70 duration=600". All 3 volumes listed in the q ac are part
of this storagepool.
After a q restore on the TSM server the restartable restore showed up.
We can't just cancel this session with cancel restore, so up to the
administrator of this node.
After contacting the already mentioned administrator of this Unix
system, we performed a dsmc q restore on the client and this also
showed that there was 1 restartable restore. The restore, he assured
us, was no longer needed.
We've cancelled this session and after that the next scheduled backup completed successfully.
Thus, we can learn that a pending restore indeed keeps some sort of
lock on the filespaces on tape. Of course this is the same as a h 1171
will reveal, but sometimes it's nice to see that this info is correct.
我做的动作是在TSM Server上面
>cancel restore session_number   
>q restore

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