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FreeBSD之"All mbuf clusters exhausted"问题 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-03-30 23:25 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
/kernel: All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see tuning(7). 解决
mail#tail -f /var/log/messages
Jul  1 11:28:06 mail /kernel: All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see tuning(7).
Jul  1 11:28:06 mail pdns[198]: Error sending reply with sendto (socket=7): No buffer space available
Jul  1 11:28:07 mail last message repeated 5 times
Jul  1 11:28:07 mail /kernel: All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see tuning(7).
Jul  1 11:28:07 mail pdns[198]: Error sending reply with sendto (socket=7): No buffer space available
Jul  1 11:28:08 mail /kernel: All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see tuning(7).
Jul  1 11:28:39 mail last message repeated 29 times
Jul  1 11:30:40 mail last message repeated 105 times
Jul  1 11:32:52 mail last message repeated 111 times
Jul  1 12:39:52 mail pdns[198]: On retrieving question of packet from, encountered error: Label claims to be longer than packet
mail# dmesg
All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see tuning(7).
All mbuf clusters exhausted, please see tuning(7).
mail# netstat -m
37/3840/10048 mbufs in use (current/peak/max):
        37 mbufs allocated to data
32/2512/2512 mbuf clusters in use (current/peak/max)
5984 Kbytes allocated to network (79% of mb_map in use)
17044 requests for memory denied
828 requests for memory delayed
0 calls to protocol drain routines
从上面可以看出,All mbuf clusters exhausted,查原因得知,由于缺省的kern.ipc.nmbclusters比较小,以致于某些东东需要分配时得不到。延时828个。
接收和发送缓冲区,你大概需要32MB的网络缓冲区来对付它。一个比较粗糙的方法是乘以2,所以32MBx2 = 64MB/2K =
于上/boot/defaults/load.conf文件中增加了kern.ipc.nmbclusters="16384" ,重启可解决。因为俺是邮件服务器兼DNS,没必要整那么大。
options         NBUF=512
# Set the size of the mbuf KVM reservation, in clusters.  This is scaled
# by approximately 2048 bytes.  The system will auto-size the mbuf area
# to (512 + maxusers*16) if this option is not specified.
# maxusers is in turn computed at boot time depending on available memory
# or set to the value specified by "options MAXUSERS=x" (x=0 means
# autoscaling).
# So, to take advantage of autoscaling, you have to remove both
# NMBCLUSTERS and MAXUSERS (and NMBUFS) from your kernel config.
options         NMBCLUSTERS=1024
# Set the number of mbufs available in the system. Each mbuf
# consumes 256 bytes. The system will autosize this (to 4 times
# the number of NMBCLUSTERS, depending on other constraints)
# if this option is not specified.

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