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DHCP (again) [复制链接]

日期:2013-09-29 09:47:222015七夕节徽章
日期:2015-08-21 11:06:17
1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-04-09 17:07 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

The following are the best DHCP resources I have found.  Most of these are specific to Road Runner cable service but should be applicable to any cable service.   Please tell me about any other DHCP resources you find.
I would recommend the FreeBSD link below over what I've done.  I think that article does a better job of documenting what needs to be done.  My stuff is spread over several documents and should be consolidated into a single resource.  At the moment, that is at the top of a long list of low priorities.
ISC Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
Developers and maintainers of DHCP software.  But use the ports first.  See the next link.
Setting up a DHCP client on FreeBSD
Specific to FreeBSD.
Road Runner Cable Internet Modem Service
Contains a list of Road Runner cities with the login program for each.
RRLinux Help Site
For Linux, but again, should be universal.
22 August 1998
It's time to reinstall the DHCP client.  Again.  Pity I can't get that other drive running.  Then I'd just copy it from there.  Shame, really.
Preparing the kernel
After almost a week off, I'm back into it.  My next task is to install DHCP.   My main resource for this procedure is
Setting up a DHCP client on FreeBSD
.   I've followed it pretty much exactly as it appears.  The key points are:

  • recompile your kernel to contain:

pseudo-device bpfilter 4

  • Make the necessary devices.  But perhaps you should make sure they don't exist yet.   Check the output from the ls bpf* below and make only those devices which don't appear.

# cd /dev
# ls bpf*
# ./MAKEDEV bpf0 bpf1 bpf2 bpf3

  • Configure your /etc/dhclient.conf file.

# cp /usr/ports/net/isc-dhcp2/work/dhcp-2.0b1pl0/client/dhclient.conf /etc
Compiling the port
Well, the
DHCP install instructions
do say that DHCP is not straighforward to install.  And it isn't.  But I did the following and used CD #3 of FreeBSD 2.2.7.

Please note, that the following instructions contain extra steps.  See
Building a port - background info on make
for more concise information.
# mount -t cd9660 /dev/wcd0c /cdrom
# mkdir /usr/ports
# cd /usr/ports
# ln -s /cdrom/ports/distfiles distfiles
# cd /usr/ports/net/isc-dhcp2
# make
# make install
After all of that, it took me a while to figure out where the results were.  I knew the stuff had been built, but where was it?  [
see below
for more information about this search].  I found out by doing the following:
find dhclient . | grep dhclient
Which showed that what I wanted was to be found in:
After going to that directory, I issued the dhclient ed0 command.  And surprise surprise surprise!  It worked.
NOTE: You might also want to use the locate command.
4 October 1998
I've been given some information about the make process above.  I had written that I was unable to locate the executable file after the "make install" had been run.  It turns out that dhclient is copied to /usr/local/sbin.   The copy I found in the work directory would be removed after doing a make clean.

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