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基础知识 [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-01-17 16:39 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

/sbin  The single-user bin directory contains essential commands used in the booting process. These commands are available when /usr/bin is not mounted. It contains many system administration commands and utilities.
/usr   The mount point for the /usr file system. The name "usr" is an acronym for Unix System Resources.
In-Memory System Directories(在Solaris上)
/dev/fdA directory containing special files relating to current file descriptors in use by the system./devicesThe primary directory for physical device names./etc/mnttabA memory-based file, in its own file system, which contains details of currently mounted file systems./etc/svc/volatileA directory that contains log files and reference files relating to the current state of system services./procThis directory stores current process-related information. Every process has its own subdirectory in /proc./system/contractA
file system used for creating, controlling, and observing contracts,
which are relationships between processes and system resources. These
process contracts are used by the Service Management Facility (SMF) to
track the processes that compose a service. /system/objectThis directory, used primarily for DTrace activity, describes the state of all modules currently loaded by the kernel./tmpA memory-resident directory for temporary files. Be careful storing files in /tmp; this directory is cleared during the boot sequence./var/runThis directory contains lock files, special files, and reference files for a variety of system processes and services.
A hard link cannot span file systems; it can only point to another file located within its file system.
An advantage of a symbolic link over a hard link is that you can create
a symbolic link to a file that does not yet exist. You cannot create a
hard link unless the source file already exists.
Another advantage of symbolic links over hard links is that a symbolic
link can link directories or files, whereas a hard link can link only
Never run the fsck
command on a mounted file system. This could leave the file system in
an unstable state and could result in the loss of data. Because the / (root), /usr, and /var file systems cannot be unmounted, these file systems should only have fsck run on them while in single-user mode.
Reboot the system immediately after running the fsck on these mounted file systems.

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