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gsp、mp、efi、bch命令集 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2006-01-21 11:49 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


ER : Configure remote/modem port access options
OT : Disable overtemperature control
IT : Modify GSP inactivity timeouts
LC : Configure the LAN connection
DC : Default configuration
EL : Configure LAN console access options
AR : Configure the Automatic System Restart
CA : Configure local and remote console parameters

MR : Modem Reset
TC : System reset through INIT signal
XU : Upgrade the GSP Firmware
CO : Return to Console Mode
RS : System reset through RST signal
DI : Disconnect remote or LAN console
XD : GSP Diagnostics and Reset
PC : Remote Power Control

HE : Display the list of available commands
CL : Display the history of the Console
LS : Display LAN configuration
MS : Display the status of the Modem
WHO : Display a list of GSP connected users
SL : Display SPU status logs
SS : Display the status of the system processors
PS : Display the status of the Power Management Module

AC : Alert Display Configuration
CE : Log a chassis code in the GSP chassis code history buffer
CSP : Connect to another Service Processor via LAN
CT : Configure Tracing into GSP Firmware
DR : OBSOLETE. Use the ER and EL commands
LR : OBSOLETE. Use the ER command.
MFG : Enter the manufacturing mode
PG : Configure Paging
QMM : Quit the manufacturing mode
RP : OBSOLETE. Use the DC command.
SDM : Set Display Mode (hex or text)
SE : Activate a system session on local or remote port
SO : Configure security options and access control
TE : Sends a message to other terminals
UR : OBSOLETE. Use the ER command.
VFP : Activates Alert Log Display (all ports except internal port)
VT : View Trace buffer
ZCTGNAYOR : Clear GSP NVM at your own risk
ZDTPMT : Dump the GSP Internal Post Mortem Trace

Superdome GSP 命令

Single PD User - Commands unique to user Serv
BO - Boot Protection Domain
-This command ensures that all the cells assigned to the target partition have valid complex profiles andthen releases Boot-Is-Blocked (BIB).

CP - Cells Assigned by Partition
-The CP command will display atable of cells assigned to partitions and arranged by cabinets.

DE - Display Entity Status
-          This command displays the specifiedentity’s

DF - Display FRUID
- Displays the FRUID data of the specified

DU - Display USB Topology

ER - Enable Remote Console Access
- Enable or Disable remotemodem port access. GSP - Secure led, MP - Remote led

HE - Display Available Commands
- Lists all commands available to the user level: Admin, Oper or Serv - if defined

ID - Change Stable Complex Profile
- Configures the complex profile information. A valid golden profile must exist first.

LS - Display LAN Status
- Displays connection status of the GSP Customer and Private lan or the MP’s customer

MA - Return to Main menu

PS - Power Status
- Displays hardware status: B-CABINET,C-CELL, G-GSP, I-CIO. 8400/7410: T-CABINET, S-SYSTEM BACKPLANE, G-MP/CIO, P-PCI DOMAIN, C-CELL (cabinet option shows
present, available, and power status of all entities)

RR - Reset a Partition for Reconfiguration
- Resets the specified partition but does not boot it. Sets BIB flag. See BO command.

RS - Reset a Partiton
- The utility system resets each cell that is amember of the specified partition. Once all cells have completed rendez-vous, the partition is booted.

TC - Sends a TOC Signal to a Partition
- Transfers the control(TOC) of the specified partition. The SINC on each cell in the specified
partition asserts the sys_init signal to Dillon.

FW - RP8400 Firmware Update
- Use MP> he fw for details.

OSP - Online Scan Programming Utility

SYSREV - System Revisions
- Report revs of programmable devices and F/W.

PWRGRD - RP8400/7410 Pwr Grid
- 1 = Grid A, 2 = Grid B, 3 =Grids A+B (7410: 4=A0+B0, 5=A1+B1) Rear View: B1 A1 B0 A0
TE - Broadcast a Message to all Users at GSP(MP)
:CM> Up to 80 characters can be typed in and the message is broadcast to the other users in the
command menu. Users in the main menu are not shown the message.

VM - Margin the Voltage in a Cabinet
- Adjusts the voltage of all marginable supplies within a range of +/- 5%. Not available on RP8400/7410.

WHO - Display GSP Connected Users
- Displays the login name of the connected console client user and the port on which they are connected. For LAN console clients the remote IP address is displayed.

MR - Modem Reset
- This command sends an ATZ to the system modem connected to the remote port. Any modem connections will be lost.

MS - Modem Status
- The MS command displays the state of the modemlines connected to the remote/modem serial port. Status signals DCD, CTS,DSR, RI and startup signals DTR, RTS are displayed

IO - IO Chassis/Cell Connectivity
- Displays connectivity between Cellsand I/O chassis’. Extremely useful on Superdome.

IF - Display Network Information
- This command displays information about the network interfaces on the GSP or customer interface on the 8400/7410 Sbc = priv lan = gsp1, SBCH = customer lan = gsp0
oPER - Commands unique to Oper - includes Serv commands

CA - Configure Asynchronous & Modem Parameters
- The CA command allows the user to set the communications parameters of the local
and remote RS232 port.

CC - Complex Configuration
- Genesis profile will select the lowest cell # that is connected to a CIO, Cell must be at BIB. Last profile retrieves the lastprofile - could retrieve garbage though.

DI - Disconnect Remote or LAN Console
- This command disconnects the remote/modem or LAN users from the GSP(MP)

IT - Modify Command Inactivity Timeout
- This timeout prevents a user from inadvertently keeping the GSP or MP command menu locked in aGSP command. Default is 3 minutes, adjustable (3 - 1440)

PD - Partition Number Default for Login Session
- The PD commandsets the default partition number used by commands which require a partitionnumber (e.g. RS or CO).

PE - Power Entities On or Off
- Turns power on/off to the specified entity: B-CABINET, C-CELL, I-HIOB RP8400/7410: T-CABINET, C-CELL, P-PCI DOMAIN (0=Front Right, 1=Front Left)

RE - Reset Entity
- Resets the specified entity: C-CELL, I-HIOB, M-MAIN BACKPLANE. RP8400/7410: C-CELL, P-PCI DOMAIN, S-SYSTEM BACKPLANE. Not recommended - use RS

RL - Rekey Complex Profile Lock
- The RL command rekeys the
complex profile lock. This command should only be used to recover from an error where the holder of the lock terminates before releasingthe lock. Rarely used.

XD - GSP(MP) Diagnostics and Reset
-          Diagnostics and/or Reset of GSP(MP). 1=Parameter Chksum, 2=Ping, R=Reset, RP8400/7410:1 and 2 same as Superdome, 3=Soft Reset Master MP, 4=Soft Reset Slave MP, 5=Hard Reset Slave MP
-          Note: bottom button on MP is reset.Holding button longer than 5 sec resets LC and SO parameters.
ADMIN - Commands unique to Admin - includes Serv & Oper

AR - Enable/Disable Automatic Restart
- ASR is triggered by timeout of a watchdog timer and resets the partition . Set by Alert level 13. Disabled by default.

DATE - Sets Date and Time
- Changes the value of the RTC on theGSP(MP). This controls chassis log timestamps.

DC - Reset Parameters to Default Configuration
      -  The DCcommand can reset all or a subset of the following parameters: CA, EL, ER, IT,
          LC  and SO.

DL - Disable LAN Access
-          The DL command disables telnet to GSP LANs or the MP LAN. Use ND to disable diag

EL - Enable LAN Access
- Enables telnet access to both GSP LANs or to the MP LAN.

LC- Configure LAN Connections
- Modifies the LAN configuration for both GSP LAN ports or the MP LAN The user can  set the IP address, network name, subnet mask, and gateway.

ND - Enable/Disable Network Diagnostics
- Enable on Superdome to allow JUST and FWUU to operate. 8400/7410 - N/A

SO - Security Options and Access Control
- Modifies security options and access control to the GSP(MP): 1=GSP(MP) Wide Parameters 2=User Edit, Add or Delete Parameters

MFG - Enter Manufacturing Level Command Mode
- This command is reserved for HP manufacturing and is available for internal
use only.

Help Commands
GSP(MP)> he NOTEs to view latest release notes online
GSP(MP)> he OVerview to view GSP overview infomation
GSP(MP)> he TOPics to view available GSP topics
GSP(MP)> he LIst to view available GSP commands


sysrev - Display Firmware Revisions
who - Display MP Lan Connections
date - Configure Date & Time for logging.
ca - Configure Modem Parameters
de - Display Entity Status

fw, osp - Update Firmware Revisions

Entities upgraded by using the FW Command
Ø Cell Board: PDC
                        PDHC  (filename is - sinc###.bin)
Entities upgraded by using the

OSP Command
Ø Backplane: OSP  (Onboard Scan Programmer)                          
                        FM and GPM
Ø Cell Board: Bob and Drain (FPGAs), LPM

*** The firmware loading process is identical between the two
     servers, rp8400 and rp7410!

lc, ls - Config & Display Lan Connections
MP:CM> lc
This command modifies the LAN parameters.

Current configuration of MP LAN interface
  MAC address   : 00:30:6e:05:09:b0
  IP address    :   (0x0f2dcac8)
  Hostname      : rtckey1                  
  Subnet mask   :   (0xfffff800)
  Gateway       :   (0x0f2dcac8)
  Status        : UP and RUNNING
  AutoNegotiate : Enabled
  Data Rate     : 10 Mb/s
  Duplex        : Half
  Error Count   : 0
  Last Error    : none
    Do you want to modify the configuration for the customer
  LAN? (Y/[N]) y

    Current IP Address  is:
    Do you want to modify it? (Y/[N]) n
The “ls” (LAN Status) command has identical
output as the “lc” command. The only
difference is that there are no prompts to
modify the configuration data.

xd, ru - Reset MP
MP:CM> xd

    MP Diagnostics and Reboot menu
        1. Parameters checksum
        2. Ping
        3. Soft Reset the Master MP
        4. Soft Reset the Slave MP
        5. Hard Reset the Slave MP

    Enter your choice: 2

    Enter IP address:

    Test result is: PASS
MP:CM> ru

This command resets the selected MP bus device.

    B - BPS  (Bulk Power Supply)
    A - PACI (Partition Console Interface)
    G - MP   (Management Processor)
    H - PDHC (Cell Board Controller)
        Select device: h
    Enter cell number: 0

    Do you want to reset the Cell PDH Controller Slot 0? (Y/[N])y
Ø This command is typically used after loading firmware in order to reset an
    entity and start execution of the new code, as is the case with the PDCH code.
Ø Resetting PDCH will not reset the PDC on the cell board! Use the “rs”
    commnad to reset PDC.
Caution: Always follow firmware install procedures and only
          execute a reset when directed to by the procedures!

tc - TOC a Single Partition

rs – reset partition
this is a normal reset that will return a partition to BCH .
rr” – reset partition for reconfiguration
this reset will do the same as the rs  command but will cause the partition to stop and hold at BIB. The “bo”  command will release the partition from BIB.
tc – TOC partition
causes HPMC information to be saved and executes a crash dump of main memory before resetting the partition.
re – reset entity
will reset a single cell board or the entire system by  selecting “backplane”, as seen below. If a cell board is not part of  a partition this command can be used to reset it.

bo - Boot a Partition to BCH
MP:CM> bo

This command boots the selected partition.

  Part#  Name
  -----  ----
     0)  rtckey1a
     1)  rtckey1b

    Select a partition number: 0

    Do you want to boot partition number 0? (Y/[N]) y

cp - Display Cell Assignments
MP:CM> cp

Cabinet | 0  |
Slot   |0123|
Part  0 |*.*.|                                                              
Part  1 |.*..|
This command is used to “release” a partition form BIB. Immediately
after issuing this command, and if the selected partition is at BIB, it
will boot to BCH in a matter of seconds.
If the selected partition is not a t BIB, this command has no effect.

pe - Power Entities On or Off
MP:CM> pe

This command controls power enable to a hardware device.

    T - Cabinet
    C - Cell
    P - IO Chassis
        Select Device: t

    The power state is ON for Cabinet 0.
    In what state do you want the power? (ON/OFF) off

df - Display FRU Information for an Entity
This command displays the FRU ID information for the selected FRU.

    Do you want a specific FRU or a dump? ([S]/D) s

    S - System Backplane
    G - Management Processor (Core I/O)
    D - DIMM
    P - PCI Backplane
    M - Mass Storage Backplane
    I - PCI Power Module
    B - Bulk Power Supply
    C - Cell Board
    H - Cell Board Controller (PDHC)
    U - CPU - CPU (located on Cell)
        Select FRU : g
    Enter Core IO number: 0
Selecting “d” instead of “s”
will display a different set of FRUs.
(see text below, in student manual)

cc - genesis partition
MP:CM> cc
This command allows you to change the complex profile.

WARNING: You must either shut down the OSs for reconfiguration or
         execute the RR (reset for reconfiguration) command for all
         partitions before executing this command.

    G - Build Genesis complex profile
    L - Restore Last complex profile
        Select profile to build or restore: g

Building a genesis complex profile will create a complex profile
consisting of one partition with a single cell.

Choose the cell to use.
    Enter cell number: 0

    Do you want to modify the complex profile? (Y/[N]) y
    -> The complex profile will be modified.
All partitions must be at BIB or the following
error message will occur:
“Sorry, command failed: RtnCodeCellSlotNotBootBlocked”

ps - Display status of selected MP bus device
The following MP bus devices were found:  
MP:CM> ps

|   |    |     |       |       |           |
|   |    | Sys |       |  IO   | Bulk Pwr  |
|Cab| MP |Bkpln| Cells |Chassis| Supplies  |
| # |    |     |0 1 2 3| 0   1 |0 1 2 3 4 5|
| 0 | *  |  *  |* *    | *   * |* *   * *  |
Only HKP Voltage is required for
device on the MP (I2C) bus to report in
here. Devices seen here are not
necessarily powered up or initialized!

You may display detailed power and hardware status for the following items:

    T - Cabinet
    S - System Backplane
    G - MP (Core I/O)
    P - IO Chassis
    C - Cell
        Select Device: t

Power Status
               |     |       |       |           |
               | Sys |       |  IO   | Bulk Pwr  |
               |Bkpln| Cells |Chassis| Supplies  |
               |     |0 1 2 3| 0   1 |0 1 2 3 4 5|
Populated     |  *  |* *    | *   * |* *   * *  |
Enabled       |  *  |* *    | *   * |* *   * *  |
Power OK      |  *  |* *    | *   * |* *   * *  |
Warning/Fault |     |       |       |           |
Attention LED |     |       |       |           |

el -  Enable telnet access
MP:CM> el

Enable telnet access? (Y/[N]) y
-> Telnet access enabled.
id –
This command allows you to change certain fields in the Stable complex configuration portion of the complex profile.

Retrieving the stable complex configuration portion of the complex profile.

    MP modifiable stable complex configuration data fields.
    Model String           : 9000/800/S16K-A
    Complex System Name    : RTC-KEYSTONE 1      
    Complex Serial Number  : USR002300D
    Original Product Number: A6093A
    Current Product Number : A6093A
    Enterprise Id          :         

    Do you want to modify any of this information? (Y/[N]) y

    Lockword is: y000053dc
    Enter Password: abcd  Note:Use SSKEY to generate the passwd.

Sorry, authentication error!  You are unable to modify this data.

pwrgrd - Power Commands

MP:CM> pwrgrd

The current power configuration is: Grid A only

Power grid configuration preference.

       1. Grid A only
       2. Grid B only
       3. Grids A & B

          Select Option:
This command tells the MP how many AC power cables
are connected. If it is not correct, the BPSs
will flash their amber lights!

so – config user
MP:CM> so

    1. MP wide parameters
    2. User parameters
       Which do you wish to modify? ([1]/2) 2
Current users:

     LOGIN            USER NAME                 ACCESS        PART.  STATUS

  1   Admin            Administrator             Admin                     
  2   Oper             Operator                  Operator                  

1 to 2 to edit, A to add, D to delete, Q to quit :


( +  to access)


CL - Console history
CP* - Display partition cell assignments
DF - Display Field Replaceable Unit ID
IO* - Display IO chassis/cell connectivity
LS - LAN status
MS - Status of the modem
PS - Power management module status
SL - Status Logs
SR - Display all firmware revisions
SS - System’s processor status
SYSREV* - Display revisions of all firmware entities in the complex.
VFP - Virtual front panel display


BO* - Boot a partition
MFG* - Enter the manufacturing mode. Quit with qmm of with this command
MR - Modem reset
PC - Remote power control
PCIOLAD* -  Activate/Deactivate a PCI card.
PE* - Power entities on or off
RR* - Reset a partition for reconfiguration
RS - System reset from RST signal
TC - Transfer of control; system reset through
      INIT signal
VM* - Margin the voltage in a cabinet


CA - Configure serial port parameters
DL* - Disable Lan console access
EL - Enable LAN access options: telnet and web permissions
ER - Enable remote; modem access configurations
LC - Configure the LAN
ND* - Enable/Disable Network Diagnostics
PG - Configure paging
CO - Return to the redirected console mode
CSP - Connect to another service processor
DI - Disconnect remote or LAN connection
SE - Activate a system session on locator remote port
TE - Send message to other user
WHO - Display a list of connected users


AC - Alert display configuration
BP - Reset BMC password
CE - Log a chassis code in the MP chassis code history buffer
CG - Generate RSA key pair of Self Signed Certificate
CT - Configure tracing into MP firmware
DATE* - Set the time and date
DC - Default configuration
EX - Exit from the MP command mode
HE - Prints a Help menu
IT - Modify MP inactivity timeout
LOC - Locator LED
OT - Disable over temperature control
PR - Power Restore Policy Configuration
RB - BMC reset through Toggle GPIO pin
SDM - Set display mode (hex or text)
SO - Security options and access control
VT - View trace buffer
XD - MP diagnostics and reset
XU - Upgrade the MP firmware
ZCTGNAYOR - Clear GSP NVM at your own risk
ZDTPMT - Dump the GSP internal postmortem trace
MP Complex Profile Commands

AR* - Configure the Automatic System Restart
CC* - Initiate a Complex Configuration
CP* - Display partition cell assignments
ID* - Change certain stable complex configuration profile fields
IO* - Display IO chassis/cell connectivity
PARPERM* - Enable/Disable Partition Reconfiguration
PD* - Modify default Partition for this login session.
RL* - Rekey Complex Profile Lock

Manufacturing Mode Commands

CM* - Modify clock margin
GSPMFG - Enter the manufacturing mode
GSPQMM - Quit the manufacturing mode
MFG - Enter (Exit*) the manufacturing mode
QMM - Quit the manufacturing mode
RD* - Read utility processor memory
RU* - Reset MP bus device
WF* - Write FRU ID data of an entity
WR* - Write utility processor memory


all (all)
The all command is used to display the information from all the other commands in the Information Menu. It is available in the Information Menu. See the individual commands for further details about their functions and outputs.

Information Menu: Enter command > all
Primary Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.6
0/0/1/0/0.6 (hex)
Boot Actions: Skip this path.
Go to next path.
HA Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0
Boot Actions: Skip this path.
Go to next path.
Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0
Boot Actions: Skip this path.
Go to BCH.
Software ID (hex): 0x0
Software Capability: 0x0
Boot Timer : 0
Cab/ Instruction Cache Data Cache
Cell Slot CPU Size Size
---- ---- --- ----------------- ---------------
0 0/0 0 512 KB 1 MB
2 512 KB 1 MB
Module Cell# Revision
------ ----- --------
PDC 0 6.0
CPU 0 PCXW 3.0
CC 0 0x0
SBA 0 0x06800001
LBA 0 0x06000005
PDH 0 0x00000001
Complex Name: Intergirl
Model String: 9000/800/SD32000
Original Product Number:
Current Product Number:
Serial Number:
Enterprise ID: 0x0
Number of Supported Cells: 32
Complex Revision Number: 1.0
Fabric Topology:
Cabinets Backplane Configuration
-------- -----------------------
0 Left U-Turn
XBC and RC Links:
Start End Link Status Fields

autostart (au)
The autostart command is used to set and display the value of the autostart flag. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). Normally if a CPU or DIMM failure is detected, the boot process will be forced to stop at the BCH. If the autostart flag is set to on, the normal behavior is override and the partition will attempt to boot with out any user interaction. If the autostart flag is set to off and a
CPU or DIMM failure is detected, the boot process for the partition will stop at the BCH prompt, and await user input. The default setting for the autostart flag is off.
NOTE The autostart setting is ignored and the boot process will stop at the Boot Console Handler
(BCH) if any of the system selftests have been set to be skipped using the fastboot command.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > au
Autostart: OFF
Configuration Menu: Enter command > au on
Autostart: ON
Configuration Menu: Enter command > au off
Autostart: OFF
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

battery (ba)

The battery command is used to display the status of the battery on the cell board. It is available in the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The battery provides power to maintain the contents of the complex profile and of nonvolatile memory (NVM), when the cell is powered off.

BA Display the state of the battery for all cells within the partition
BA  Display the state of the battery for the specified cell
= [0-63]

Service Menu: Enter command > ba
Battery Information
Cell Slot State
---- ---- -------
0 0/0 OK
4 0/4 OK
Service Menu: Enter command > ba 0
Battery Information
Cell Slot State
---- ---- -------
0 0/0 OK

boot (bo)

The boot command is used to boot the partition from the specified boot device. It is available from the Main Menu and all the second level menus of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). In typical configurations, the primary (PRI) boot path is set to the disk drive which contains the operating system; the alternate (ALT) path is set to a either a tape drive or a CD-ROM drive, used to load the operating system or diagnostics; and the
high availability alternate (HAA) path is set to an alternate source of the operating system, such as a mirrored disk.
If no boot path is specified on the command line, the primary boot path will be used.

BOot Boot from primary path (default)
BOot [PRImary|HAAlternate|ALTernate] Boot from the specified path
BOot LAN INSTALL Boot from HP-UX Install server
BOot  Boot from specified module
is a delimiter followed by either an IP address,
such as or a lan address, such as 123456-89abcd;
lan path can be omitted to broadcast the request for boot from an install server.
may be in I/O notation, such as 1/2/; or  
format, such as P0, P1, ... P19 generated from the last SEARCH command.

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > bo pri
Trying PD Profile Alternate Boot Path.
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > bo 4/0/0/0.0.0
Trying BCH directed Boot Path.
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > bo
Trying PD Profile Primary Boot Path

bootid (bid)

The bootid command is used set and display the processor boot id. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The boot id is used to determine which processor will become the cell monarch. The cell monarch works with the other cells to build the partition.
Once all the processors on a cell have executed their self test, a single processor is chosen as the cell monarch.
The cell monarch is the processor with the highest boot id that passes self test without error. If two or more processors have the highest boot id, then the lowest numbered processor in that group is chosen as cell monarch.

NOTE Uppercase letters indicate the short form of the command and the arguments.
BootID Display the boot id for all processors within the protection domain.
BootID  Display the boot id for all processors on the cell.
BootID   Display the boot id for processor.
BootID    Set the boot id for the processor.
= 0, 1, 2 or 3

Configuration Menu: Enter command > bid
Cab/ --- Processor ---
Cell Slot 0 1 2 3
---- ---- --- --- --- ---
0 0/0 2 0
4 0/4 2 0
Configuration Menu: Enter command > bid 0
Cab/ --- Processor ---
Cell Slot 0 1 2 3
---- ---- --- --- --- ---
0 0/0 2 0
Configuration Menu: Enter command > bid 0 0 3
Configuration Menu: Enter command > bid 0
Cab/ --- Processor ---
Cell Slot 0 1 2 3
---- ---- --- --- --- ---
0 0/0 3 0
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

bootinfo (bin)

The bootinfo command displays several boot-related configuration parameters together. It is available in the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The boot paths, boot path actions, boot timer value, software ID, and capability are the parameters shown by this command.
BootINfo Displays system configuration information related to booting Short form of the command: bin

Information Menu: Enter command > bin
Primary Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.6 (dec)
0/0/1/0/0.6 (hex)
Boot Actions: Go to BCH.
HA Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/4/0/0.5 (dec)
0/0/4/0/0.5 (hex)
Boot Actions: Go to BCH.
Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.5 (dec)
0/0/1/0/0.5 (hex)
Boot Actions: Go to BCH.
Software ID (hex): 0x0
Software Capability: 0x0
Boot Timer = 0
Information Menu: Enter command >

boottimer (bt)
The boottimer command is used set and display the value of the boot timer. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The boot timer value determines how long the boot device has to respond to the boot request before the boot is considered unsuccessful.

BootTimer Display value of Boot Timer in seconds
BootTimer  Set Boot Timer to  seconds
= 0 - 200
The default value of Boot Timer is 0.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > bt
Boot Timer = 0
Configuration Menu: Enter command > bt 200
Boot Timer = 200
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

cache (ca)

The cache command displays information about the processor caches. It is available in the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). Information may be displayed for the processors on a single cell, or for all processors in the partition.

CACHE Display cache information for all processors in the partition
CACHE  Display cache information for the processors on the cell
= [0-63]

Information Menu: Enter command > ca
Cab/ Instruction Cache Data Cache
Cell Slot CPU Size Size
---- ---- --- ----------------- ---------------
0 0/0 0 512 KB 1 MB
2 512 KB 1 MB
4 0/4 0 512 KB 1 MB
2 512 KB 1 MB
Information Menu: Enter command > ca 0
Cab/ Instruction Cache Data Cache
Cell Slot CPU Size Size
---- ---- --- ----------------- ---------------
0 0/0 0 512 KB 1 MB
2 512 KB 1 MB
Information Menu: Enter command >

cellconfig (cec)
The cellconfig command is used to display the configuration status of cells in the partition, and to schedule the cells for deconfiguration or reconfiguration on the next hard boot. The cellconfig command is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The configuration status of a cell can have one of four values:
?Alive and Configured
?Alive and Configured, to be Deconfigured on next boot
?Not Alive and Deconfigured
?Not Alive and Deconfigured, to be Reconfigured on next boot

CEllConfig Display the config status of all cells in the partition
CEllConfig  Display the config status of the cell
CEllConfig  ON Configure or reconfigure the cell
CEllConfig  OFF Deconfigure the cell
= [0-63]
NOTE: You cannot deconfigure the cell in a system in which there is one
remaining configured cell or this cell is the only remaining core cell. Configuration changes will not take effect until the next time the system is hard booted.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > cec
Cell Configuration Data for Partition
Configured Set : 0x0000000000000005
Deconfigured Set: 0x0000000000000000
Free Cell Set : 0xffffffffffffffea
Cell Slot Cell State Configuration Status
---- ---- ---------- --------------------
0 0/0 Alive Configured
2 0/2 Alive Configured
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cec 2 off
Are you sure you want to DECONFIGURE cell 2 for next boot? (y/[n]) >> y
Cell 2 will be disabled during next reboot.
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cec
Cell Configuration Data for Partition
Configured Set : 0x0000000000000005
Deconfigured Set: 0x0000000000000000
Free Cell Set : 0xffffffffffffffea
Cell Slot Cell State Configuration Status
---- ---- ---------- --------------------
0 0/0 Alive Configured
2 0/2 Alive Configured, to be Deconfigured on next boot
Configuration Menu: Enter command >
System rebooted
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cec
Cell Configuration Data for Partition
Configured Set : 0x0000000000000001
Deconfigured Set: 0x0000000000000004
Free Cell Set : 0xffffffffffffffea
Cell Slot Cell State Configuration Status
---- ---- ---------- --------------------
0 0/0 Alive Configured
2 0/2 Not Alive DeConfigured
Configuration Menu: cec 2 on
To activate cell 2 in this partition, perform a reboot of
the partition from the GSP by doing 慠R?followed by 態O?
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cec
Cell Configuration Data for Partition
Configured Set : 0x0000000000000001
Deconfigured Set: 0x0000000000000004
Free Cell Set : 0xffffffffffffffea
Cell Slot Cell State Configuration Status
9-4 Chapter 9
cellconfig (cec)
---- ---- ---------- --------------------
0 0/0 Alive Configured
2 0/2 Not Alive Deconfigured, to be Reconfigured on next boot
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

chiprevision (cr)

The chiprevision command displays the revision information for the major Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) components in the partition. It is available in the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

ChipRevision Display the chip revisions for all cells within the partition
ChipRevision  Display the chip revisions for the cell
= [0-63]

Information Menu: Enter command > cr
Module Cell# Revision
------ ----- --------
PDC 0 6.0
CPU 0 PCXW 3.0
CC 0 0x0
SBA 0 0x06800001
LBA 0 0x06000005
PDH 0 0x00000001
PDC 2 6.0
CPU 2 PCXW 3.0
CC 2 0x0
SBA 2 0x06800001
LBA 2 0x06000005
PDH 2 0x00000001
Information Menu: Enter command >

clearpim (clearpim)

The clearpim command is used to clear the contents of the Processor Internal Memory (PIM). It is available from the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The PIM holds information about the last Transfer of Control (TOC), Lower Priority Machine Check (LPMC), and High Priority Machine Check (HPMC) to have occurred on the

CLEARPIM Clears the PIM on all the cells within the partition.
CLEARPIM  Clears the PIM on the specified cell

Service Menu: Enter command > clearpim 0
Cell 0, Press  to CLEAR PIM for this Cell >
Please wait 30 seconds to clear the PIM...
Service Menu: Enter command >

complexid (cid)

The complexid command displays complex identification information that is stored in the complex profile, such as the model number and model string. This command is available from the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

Information Menu: Enter command > cid
Complex Name: FES SuperDome 2
Model Number: 9000
Model String: 9000/800/SD32000
Original Product Number: A5201A
Current Product Number: A5201A
Serial Number: 1234A56789
Enterprise ID: 0x012ab34ef
Number of Supported Cells: 32
Complex Revision Number: 1.0
Information Menu: Enter command >

corecell (coc)
The corecell command is used to set and display the core cell selection candidates. It is available in the Configuration Menu or the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The core cell, also called the root cell, is the cell used to boot the operating system;it is also the cell to which the console output is sent. In order to be a core cell candidate, the cell must have an I/O chassis attached; also, the I/O chassis must have a core I/O card. Up to four cells can be designated as core cell candidates. If no cells are designated as core cell candidates, or if all the cells designated as candidates fail, each cell in the partition, starting with the lowest numbered cell, will be checked to see if it is a viable core cell. If no viable core cell is found, the partition will halt.

COreCell Display the core cell selection candidates
COreCell   Set the specified candidate to  
= [0-3]
= [0-63]
Configuration Menu: Enter command > coc
Core Cell Selection
Core Cab/
Choice Cell Slot
------ ---- ----
0 0 0/0
1 4 0/4
2 No selection made.
3 No selection made.
Configuration Menu: Enter command > coc 0 3
Core Cell Selection
Core Cab/
Choice Cell Slot
------ ---- ----
0 3 0/3
1 4 0/4
2 No selection made.
3 No selection made.
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

cpuconfig (cpu)
The cpuconfig command is used to display the configuration status of the processors in the partition, and to schedule the processors for deconfiguration or reconfiguration on the next hard boot. The cpuconfig command is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The configuration status of a processor can have one of four values:
?Currently configured and not flagged for deconfiguration
?Currently configured and flagged for deconfiguration
?Currently deconfigured and not flagged for deconfiguration
?Currently deconfigured and flagged for deconfiguration

CPUconfig Display the config status of all cpus in the partition
CPUconfig  Display the config status of all cpus on the cell
CPUconfig   Display the config status of the cpu
CPUconfig   ON Configure or reconfigure the cpu
CPUconfig   OFF Deconfigure the cpu
= [0-63]
= [0-3]
NOTE: You cannot deconfigure the processor in a system in which there is one remaining configured processor. Configuration changes will not take effect until the next time the system is hard booted.

Configuration Menu: Enter command > cpu
Cab/ Cell Slot CPU Processor HPA Configuration Status
---- ---- --- ------------- ----------------------------------------------
0 0/0 0 0xffffc078000 Cpu configured, not flagged to be deconfigured
2 0xffffc07c000 Cpu configured, not flagged to be deconfigured
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cpu 0
Cab/ Cell Slot CPU Processor HPA Configuration Status
---- ---- --- ------------- ----------------------------------------------
0 0/0 0 0xffffc078000 Cpu configured, not flagged to be deconfigured
2 0xffffc07c000 Cpu configured, not flagged to be deconfigured
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cpu 0 0
Cab/ Cell Slot CPU Processor HPA Configuration Status
---- ---- --- ------------- ----------------------------------------------
0 0/0 0 0xffffc078000 Cpu configured, not flagged to be deconfigured
Configuration Menu: Enter command > cpu 0 0 off
Cab/ Cell Slot CPU Processor HPA Configuration Status
---- ---- --- ------------- ----------------------------------------------
0 0/0 0 0xffffc078000 Cpu configured, flagged to be deconfigured
Configuration Menu: Enter command >
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

dataprefetch (dp)

The dataprefetch command is used to set and display the setting of the processor data prefetch flag. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
Data prefetch is a processor mode, which when enabled, causes the processor to fetch two cache lines of data on every data cache miss and emulates a 128-Byte cache line. Disabling this feature may have benefits for some older applications. Please consult with your performance expert to determine whether you should disable this feature.
The default setting for dataprefetch is enabled.

DataPrefetch Display the current setting
DataPrefetch ENABLE Enable dataprefetch
DataPrefetch DISABLE Disable dataprefetch

Configuration Menu: Enter command > dp
DataPrefetch = ENABLED
Configuration Menu: Enter command > dp disable
DataPrefetch = DISABLED
Configuration Menu: Enter command > dp enable
DataPretetch = ENABLED
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

default (de)

The default command is used to set several values, stored in the Partition Configuration Data group of the Complex Profile, to their defaults values. The default command is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The default command currently sets the following values:
Primary Boot Path: Root Cell/0/1/0/0.6 SCSI card in slot 1, disk at address 6;
Boot Action = Goto BCH
HA Alternate Boot Path: Root Cell/0/1/0/0.6 SCSI card in slot 1, disk at address 6;
Boot Action = Goto BCH
Alternate Boot Path: Root Cell/0/1/0/0.5 SCSI CD/ROM
Boot Action = Goto BCH

DEfault Sets default values in the Partition Configuration Data Group

Information Menu: Enter command > bin
Primary Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.6
0/0/1/0/0.6 (hex)
Boot Actions: Skip this path.
Go to next path.
HA Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0
Boot Actions: Skip this path.
Go to next path.
Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0.0
Boot Actions: Skip this path.
Go to BCH.
Software ID (hex): 0x0
Software Capability: 0x0
Boot Timer : 0
Information Menu: Enter command > ma
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > co
Configuration Menu: Enter command > de
Partition Configuration Data Defaults Set.
Configuration Menu: Enter command > ma
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > in
Information Menu: Enter command > bin
Primary Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.6
0/0/1/0/0.6 (hex)
Boot Actions: Go to BCH.
HA Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.6
0/0/1/0/0.6 (hex)
Boot Actions: Go to BCH.
Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.5
0/0/1/0/0.5 (hex)
Boot Actions: Go to BCH.
Software ID (hex): 0x0
Software Capability: 0x0

Information Menu: Enter command >

dimmdealloc (dd)

The dimmdealloc command is used to display the configuration status of the dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs), and to schedule a DIMM for deallocation or re-allocation. The dimmdealloc command is available in the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). DIMMs are grouped in ranks of four DIMMs, with the ranks numbered 0 to 7 and the DIMMs within a rank numbered A to D, e.g., 0A, 0B, and 0C are the four DIMMs in rank 0.
Status Meaning
?SW Deconf - Indicates that the DIMM was deconfigured through a software interface, either by the user in the BCH or by system diagnostics.
?HW Deconf - Indicates that the DIMM was deconfigured by hardware, either due to a memory failure or because another DIMM in the rank was deconfigured.
NOTE The deallocation of one DIMM in the rank will result in the automatic deallocation of the other DIMMs in that rank.

DimmDealloc  Display the config status of all the DIMMs on the cell
DimmDealloc   Display the config status of the DIMM
DimmDealloc   OFF Schedule the DIMM for deconfiguration
DimmDealloc  ON Schedule the DIMM for reconfiguration
= [0-63]
= [0A,0B,0C,0D,...,7A,7B,7C,7D]

Service Menu: Enter command > dd
Memory Infomation for Cell: 0 Cab/Slot: 0/ 0
---- DIMM A ---- ---- DIMM B ---- ---- DIMM C ---- ---- DIMM D ----
DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current
Rank Size Status Size Status Size Status Size Status
---- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ----------
0 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
1 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
2 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
3 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
4 --- --- --- ---
5 --- --- --- ---
6 --- --- --- ---
7 --- --- --- ---
Cell Total Memory: 8192 GB
Active Memory: 8192 GB
Deconfigured Memory: 0 GB
* status is scheduled to change on next boot.
Service Menu: Enter command > dd 0 1a off
DIMM: 1A is scheduled for deallocation after the next reboot.
Service Menu: Enter command > dd
Memory Infomation for Cell: 0 Cab/Slot: 0/ 0
---- DIMM A ---- ---- DIMM B ---- ---- DIMM C ---- ---- DIMM D ----
DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current
Rank Size Status Size Status Size Status Size Status
---- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ----------
0 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
1 *512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
2 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
3 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
4 --- --- --- ---
5 --- --- --- ---
6 --- --- --- ---
7 --- --- --- ---
Cell Total Memory: 8192 GB
Active Memory: 8192 GB
Deconfigured Memory: 0 GB
* status is scheduled to change on next boot.
Service Menu: Enter command >
The system is rebooted
Service Menu: Enter command > dd
Memory Infomation for Cell: 0 Cab/Slot: 0/ 0
---- DIMM A ---- ---- DIMM B ---- ---- DIMM C ---- ---- DIMM D ----
17-4 Chapter 17
DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current
Rank Size Status Size Status Size Status Size Status
---- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ----------
0 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
1 512MB SW Deconf 512MB HW Deconf 512MB HW Deconf 512MB HW Deconf
2 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
3 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
4 --- --- --- ---
5 --- --- --- ---
6 --- --- --- ---
7 --- --- --- ---
Cell Total Memory: 8192 GB
Active Memory: 6144 GB
Deconfigured Memory: 2048 GB
* status is scheduled to change on next boot.
Service Menu: Enter command >

dimmloading (dl)

The dimmloading command is NOT YET DEFINED. The dimmloading command is available in the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
display (di)

The display command displays the current menu of commands. It is available in all the menus of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

DIsplay Redisplays the current menu.
Short forms of the command: di, ls, l

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > di
---- Main Menu ---------------------------------------------------------------
Command Description
------- -----------
BOot [PRI|HAA|ALT|] Boot from specified path
PAth [PRI|HAA|ALT] [] Display or modify a path
SEArch [ALL|] Search for boot devices
ScRoll [ON|OFF] Display or change scrolling capability
COnfiguration menu Displays or sets boot values
INformation menu Displays hardware information
SERvice menu Displays service commands
DIsplay Redisplay the current menu
HElp [|] Display help for menu or command
RECONFIGRESET Reset to allow Reconfig Complex Profile
Main Menu: Enter command or menu >

errorlog (el)

The errorlog command is used to display the error logs for the Application Specific ICs (ASIC) within the partition. It is available from the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The following sets of error logs are available:
?Memory - The memory interfaces within the Cell Controller (CC),
?I/O - The I/O interfaces within the CC, the System Bus Adapter (SBA) and the Lower Bus Adapters (LBA),
?Fabric - The fabric interface within the CC, the Crossbar Chips (XBC) and the Routing Chips (RC),
?Cell - The processor interfaces and the Processor Dependent Hardware (PDH) interfaces within the CC.
NOTE The errorlog command does not return the Processor Internal Memory (PIM) information for the processors. Use the pim (pim) command to view this information.

ErrorLog Displays all the error logs for the partition
ErrorLog MEMORY Displays the memory subsystem error logs
ErrorLog IO Displays the I/O subsystem error logs
ErrorLog FABRIC Displays the interconnect fabric error logs
ErrorLog CELL Displays the cell error logs
Short form of the command: el
20-3 Chapter 20

Service Menu: Enter command > el memory
Memory Error Log Information Cell 0x0
Timestamp = 00:21:55 GMT Mar 16 2000
IPD C2C OV RQ RS ESTAT A C D corr unc fe cw ns acc
--- --- -- -- -- --------------- - - - ---- --- -- -- -- ---
NEXT LOG OFFSET 0x0000000000000188
LOG TYPE 0x0000000000000001
OEM SUB TYPE 0x0000000000000071
LOG LENGTH 0x00000000000000d0
TIME STAMP 0x2000031600215540
PHYSICAL LOCATION 0x00ffff04ffffff92
HARDWARE PATH 0x04ffffffffffffff
FUNCTION ID 0x000000001214103c
VALIDATION BITS 0x0000000000000000
ESTAT REGISTER 0x0000000000b90200
REQUESTOR 0x0000000000000000
RESPONDER 0x0000000000000000
TARGET 0x0000000000000000
DNA MPD Block 0x000000000000000b
MPD PRI MODE SET 0x0000000000004000
MPD SEC MODE SET 0x0000000000026000
MPD ERR ENABLE MASK 0x000000000001fff9
MPD ERR ORDER STATUS 0x0000000000101111
MPD FE UPGRADE MASK 0x0000000000000ff8
MPD DR UPGRADE MASK 0x0000000000000000
MPD FE LOG0 0x0003000300030003
MPD FE LOG1 0x0000000000000000
MPD FE LOG2 0x0000000000000000
MPD GSM LOG0 0x00c30cc000000000
MPD PD LOG0 0x00c30cc000000000
MPD UNC LOG0 0x00c30cc000000000
MPD UNC LOG1 0x0000000000000000
MPD PD SET 0x0000000000000011
MPD COH SET 0x0000000000000011
fabricinfo (fi)

The fabricinfo command is used to display information about the fabric within the Routing Chip Domain (RC Domain) and the complex. It is available in the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The information displayed includes the backplane configuration, intercabinet routing, and any links in error.
FabricInfo Displays information about the fabric within the complex
Short form of the command: fi

Information Menu: Enter command > fi
Fabric Topology:
Cabinets Backplane Configuration
-------- -----------------------
0 Left U-Turn
XBC and RC Links:
Start End Link Status Fields
C L o C L o
a o r a o r Pre Prev Veri SW HW
b Type c ID t b Type c ID t sent Err fied FE Link Link
- ---- - -- - - ---- - -- - ---- ---- ---- -- ---- ----
0 XBC 0 0 0 0 XBC 4 4 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 XBC 0 0 4 0 XBC 4 4 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 XBC 0 0 7 0 CC 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 XBC 4 4 1 0 XBC 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 XBC 4 4 4 0 XBC 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
0 XBC 4 4 7 0 CC 4 4 1 0 1 0 1 1
Information Menu: Enter command >

fastboot (fb)

The fastboot command is used to display the current selftest settings and to specify whether certain selftests are run during the boot process. Skipping these tests can reduce the time it takes for the partition to boot to the Boot Console Handler (BCH). This command is available from the Configuration Menu of the BCH.
The following selftests can be controlled by the fastboot command:
?Processor Dependent Hardware (PDH) tests
?Early CPU tests
?Late CPU tests
NOTE If the partition is rebooting due to a system panic, or HPMC, the fastboot settings are ignored and all the selftests are run.
FastBoot Display the current selftest settings
FastBoot  RUN Run the selected selftest during boot
FastBoot  SKIP Skip the selected selftest during boot
FastBoot ON Run all the selftests during boot
FastBoot OFF Skip all the selftests during boot

Configuration Menu: Enter command > fb
Selftest Setting
----------- -------
EARLY cpu Run
LATE cpu Run
Configuration Menu: Enter command > fb early skip
Selftest Setting
----------- -------
EARLY cpu Skip
LATE cpu Run
Configuration Menu: Enter command > fb skip
Selftest Setting
----------- -------
PDH Skip
EARLY cpu Skip
LATE cpu Skip
Configuration Menu: Enter command > fb run
Selftest Setting
----------- -------
EARLY cpu Run
LATE cpu Run
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

fru (fru)

The fru command is used to display the field replaceable unit (FRU) information for the processors and dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs). This information includes the part number, serial number, revision, and physical location of the FRU.
Information for the other FRUs in the system can be obtained using the Guardian Service Processor (GSP)
FRU Display the FRU information for all the processors
and all the memory DIMMS in the partition
FRU  Display the FRU information for all the processors
and all the memory DIMMs for the specified cell
FRU  [CPU|MEM] Display the FRU information for the processors or
or memory DIMMs on the specified cell
Information Menu: Enter command > fru 0
Slot/ Part Serial Date Art Scan FRU Specific
CPU FRU Name Number Number Code Rev Rev Information
----- ---------------- ----------- ------------ ---- --- ---- ----------------
0/0/0 Processor A5866-04002 1D2694A3796E 0 PA8600 Rev 3.0
0/0/2 Processor A5866-04002 1D2694A37D72 0 PA8600 Rev 3.0
Slot/ Part Serial Date Art Scan FRU Specific
DIMM FRU Name Number Number Code Rev Rev Information
------ ---------------- ----------- ------------ ---- --- ---- ----------------
0/0/0A DIMM_512 A5198-60001 A56102937703 XA01 A3 0001
0/0/0B DIMM_512 A5198-60001 A56102938114 XA01 A3 0001
0/0/0C DIMM_512 A5198-60001 A56102937701 XA01 A3 0001
0/0/0D DIMM_512 A5198-60001 A56102938116 XA01 A3 0001
Information Menu: Enter command >

fwrversion (fv)
The fwrversion command is used to display the revision of the Platform Dependent Code (PDC) and Interconnect Medium (ICM) structure for the cells in the partition. This command is available from the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The format of the PDC and ICM version number is .. Firmware revisions with different major numbers are incompatible, and cells with different major numbers may not co-exist within a partition. The minor number generally denotes a backward-compatibility change to the firmware.
The PDC Date Code indicates the date that the firmware was released, and has the format .. For example, 39.50 indicates that the firmware was released during the 50th week of 1999. 24-2 Chapter 24
FwrVersion Displays the firmware version of the various firmware modules
of the cells in the partition

Information Menu: Enter command > fv
Cell Cab/Slot PDC Ver PDC Date Code Layout Rev XFace Rev
---- -------- ------- ------------- ---------- ---------
00 0/0 6.0 40.34 0.0 0.0
02 0/2 6.0 40.34 0.0 0.0
Information Menu: Enter command >

help (he)

The help command is used to display help screens for both menus and commands. It is available for every menu and command in the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

HElp Displays help for the current menu
HElp  Displays help for the specifice menu
HElp  Displays help for the specified command
Short form of the command: he, ?

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > he in
---- INFORMATION Help --------------------------------------------------------
The INFORMATION menu is a second level menu that is used to display
information about the configuration and state of the system.
Type DIsplay from the information menu to show the commands available or
HElp MAin from the main menu.
Type MAin to return to the main menu.
Short Command for INformation from the main menu: IN
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > in
Information Menu: Enter command > he ca
---- CACHE Help ---------------------------------------------------------------
CACHE displays information about the cache sizes of the processors present
in the protection domain.
CACHE Display cache information for all processors in the
protection domain
CACHE  Display cache information for the processors on the cell
= [0-63]
Short command for CAche: CA
Information Menu: Enter command >

io (io)

The io command is used to display information about the I/O modules and devices present within the partition. It is available in the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The I/O information is broken down into three parts:
?I/O Chassis Information - The physical location of the I/O chassis and the cell it is connected to,
?I/O Module Information - This information describes the various I/O modules, including the type of module, the path to the module, and the revision of the module. Of particular interest is the relationship between the path and the slot numbers,
?Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Device Information - This information describes the various PCI devices, including the type of device, the path to the devices and the vendor and device ids.

IO Displays I/O interface information for all the I/O modules within partition

Information Menu: Enter command > io
Cell Info I/O Chassis Info
Cell Cab/Slot Cabinet I/O Bay I/O Chassis
---- -------- ------- ------- -----------
0 0/0 0 0 1
4 0/4 0 1 3
Path Slot Rope IODC
Type (dec) # # HVERSION SVERSION Vers
---- ----- ---- ---- -------- -------- ----
System Bus Adapter 0/0 0x8040 0x0c10 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/0 0 0 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/1 1 1 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/2 2 2 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/3 3 3 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/4 4 4 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/6 5 6 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/8 11 8 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/9 10 9 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/10 9 10 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/11 8 11 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/12 7 12 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 0/0/14 6 14 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
System Bus Adapter 4/0 0x8040 0x0c10 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/0 0 0 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/1 1 1 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/2 2 2 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/3 3 3 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/4 4 4 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/6 5 6 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/8 11 8 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/9 10 9 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/10 9 10 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/11 8 11 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/12 7 12 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Local Bus Adapter 4/0/14 6 14 0x7820 0x0a00 0x00
Path Bus Slot Vendor Device
Description (dec) # # Id Id
----------- ----- --- ------ ------ ------
Comm. serial cntlr 0/0/0/0/0 0 0 0x103c 0x1048
Ethernet cntlr 0/0/0/1/0 0 0 0x1011 0x0019
SCSI bus cntlr 0/0/1/0/0 8 1 0x1000 0x000f
Comm. serial cntlr 4/0/0/0/0 0 0 0x103c 0x1048
Ethernet cntlr 4/0/0/1/0 0 0 0x1011 0x0019
SCSI bus cntlr 4/0/1/0/0 8 1 0x1000 0x000f
SCSI bus cntlr 4/0/4/0/0 32 4 0x1000 0x000b
SCSI bus cntlr 4/0/4/0/1 32 4 0x1000 0x000b
Ethernet cntlr 4/0/8/0/0 64 11 0x1011 0x0019
Fibre channel 4/0/9/0/0 72 10 0x103c 0x1028
Information Menu: Enter command >

kgmemory (kgm)

The kgmemory command is used to set and display the amount of known good memory (KGM) required by the partition to boot. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). Known good memory is memory starting at address 0 which is error free.

KGM Display the amount of known good memory required
KGM  Set the amount of known good memory required
= [32-255] in Mb
The default value for KGM is 32 Mb
Configuration Menu: Enter command > kgm
Known Good Memory: 32 Mb
Configuration Menu: Enter command > kgm 128
Known Good Memory: 128 Mb
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

lanaddress (la)
The lanaddress command is used to display the LAN address for the active core I/O card in the partition. It is available in the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

LAnaddress Displays the LAN address for the active Core I/O card

Service Menu: Enter command > la
LAN Station Address: 001083-2754da
Service Menu: Enter command >

memory (me)

The memory command is used to display information about the memory configuration of the partition, and of the cells within the partition. It is available in the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The information returned by the memory command includes the amount of physical memory present, the layout of dual in-line memory modules (DIMMs), and the state of the memory DIMMs.
Note that this command returns the current state of the memory. Changes to the memory state which will not take effect until the next reboot, such as a DIMM deallocation, are marked with an ?? Also note that DIMMs are grouped in ranks of four DIMMs. The deconfiguration of one DIMM will cause the deconfiguration of the other three DIMMs in that rank.
Memory states are:
?Active - memory that is currently active (Partition and Cell view)
?Deconf - a memory rank that has been deconfigured (Partition view)
?HW Deconf - a memory DIMM that has been deconfigured, due to a hardware failure or because another DIMM in the rank has to be deconfigured by software (Cell view)
?SW Deconf - a memory DIMM that has been deconfigured by software, for example, by the DIMM deallocation command, or by the online memory monitor (Cell view)
75-2 Chapter 75
MEmory Displays memory information for the partition
MEmory  Displays detailed memory information for the cell
= [0-63]
Information Menu: Enter command > me
PD Memory Information
Cell DIMM Rank 0/1 DIMM Rank 2/3 DIMM Rank 4/5 DIMM Rank 6/7
Size Status Size Status Size Status Size Status
---- ------ --------- ------ --------- ------ --------- ------ ---------
0 2048MB Active --- --- ---
2048MB Deconf --- --- ---
4 2048MB Active --- --- ---
2048MB Active* --- --- ---
Partition Total Memory: 8192
Partition Active Memory: 6144
Partition Deconfigured Memory: 2048
* status is scheduled to change on next boot. See DIMM DEALLOCATION in Service
Information Menu: Enter command > me 0
Memory Infomation for Cell: 0 Cab/Slot: 0/ 0
---- DIMM A ---- ---- DIMM B ---- ---- DIMM C ---- ---- DIMM D ----
DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current
Rank Size Status Size Status Size Status Size Status
---- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ----------
0 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
1 512MB SW Deconf 512MB HW Deconf 512MB HW Deconf 512MB HW Deconf
2 --- --- --- ---
3 --- --- --- ---
4 --- --- --- ---
5 --- --- --- ---
6 --- --- --- ---
7 --- --- --- ---
Cell Total Memory: 4096
Active Memory: 2048
Deconfigured Memory: 2048
* status is scheduled to change on next boot. See DIMM DEALLOCATION in Service Menu.
Information Menu: Enter command > me 4
Memory Infomation for Cell: 4 Cab/Slot: 0/ 4
---- DIMM A ---- ---- DIMM B ---- ---- DIMM C ---- ---- DIMM D ----
DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current DIMM Current
Rank Size Status Size Status Size Status Size Status
---- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ---------- ------ ----------
0 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active 512MB Active
1 512MB Active* 512MB Active* 512MB Active* 512MB Active*
2 --- --- --- ---
3 --- --- --- ---
4 --- --- --- ---
5 --- --- --- ---
6 --- --- --- ---
7 --- --- --- ---
Cell Total Memory: 4096
Active Memory: 4096
Deconfigured Memory: 0
* status is scheduled to change on next boot. See DIMM DEALLOCATION in Service 75-4 Chapter 75 Menu.
Information Menu: Enter command >

memread (mr)
The memread command is used to read memory and I/O locations and is available in the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

MemRead   Read Memory or I/O locations
hex or decimal byte address
number of words to display (default = 64)
Use hex or decimal notation for  and  

Service Menu: Enter command > mr 0x3a0 4
0x00000000000003a0 0000000000000003 ffffffff0000fe03
0x00000000000003b0 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
Service Menu: Enter command >

cellintegration (ci)
The cellintegration command is used to display or set the cell integration policy for cells within the partition.
It is available from the ConfigurationMenu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The cell integration policy determines whether a cell should be integrated into the partition, when a CPU or the memory fails selftest or is deconfigured.
The integration policy is one of the following:
?0 - Integrate the cell and allow memory interleaving
?1 - Integrate the cell, but do not allow memory interleaving
?2 - Do not integrate the cell

cellintegration (ci)

CellIntegration Display the integration status of all
the cells in the protection domain
CellIntegration  Display the cell integration status
CellIntegration   Set the cell integration status
= [0-63]
= 0 Integrate the cell. Allow memory interleaving
1 Integrate the cell. No interleaving allowed
2 Do not integrate the cell

Configuration Menu: Enter command > ci
Cell Integration Information
Cell Slot Status Description
---- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
0 0/0 0 Integrate cell into PD. Allow memory interleaving
4 0/4 0 Integrate cell into PD. Allow memory interleaving
Configuration Menu: Enter command > ci 0 1
Cell Integration Information
Cell Slot Status Description
---- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
0 0/0 1 Integrate cell into PD. No memory interleaving
Configuration Menu: Enter command > ci 0 2
Cell Integration Information
Cell Slot Status Description
---- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
0 0/0 2 Do not Integrate this cell into PD
Configuration Menu: Enter command > ci 0 0
Cell Integration Information
Cell Slot Status Description
---- ---- ------ -------------------------------------------------
0 0/0 0 Integrate cell into PD. Allow memory interleaving
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

warnings (wa)

The warnings command is used to display any warning messages that may have been generated during selftest, while executing any of the Boot Console Handler (BCH) commands or during an unsuccessful attempt to boot the partition. It will also display warning messages if a boot fails. The warnings command is available from the Information Menu of the BCH.
WArnings Display the warnings for the partition
WArnings [] Display the warnings for the cell

Information Menu: Enter command > wa

path (pa)
The path command is used to display or modify the boot paths. It is available in the Main Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). In typical configurations, the primary (PRI) boot path is set to the disk drive which contains the operating system; the alternate (ALT) path is set to either a tape drive or a CD-ROM drive, used to load the operating system or diagnostics; and the high availability alternate (HAA) path is set to an alternate source of the operating system, such as a mirrored disk.
The I/O paths determine which device is referenced and have the following general format:
////.device specific
where Cell = number of cell to which I/O device is attached
SBA = number of the system bus adapter (0 for SuperDome)
LBA = number of the local bus adapter
dev = PCI device number
func = PCI device function
device specific = device specific paramters, e.g. LUN - logical unit number
For example:
3/0/11/0/0.2 is the path for a SCSI disk with a SCSI ID of 2 connected to
cell 3 through SBA 0 and LBA 11.
PAth Display the path settings
PAth  Display the specified path setting
PAth   Set the specified path to  
= PRImary, HAAlternate, ALTernate
is in I/O notation, such as 1/2/
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > pa pri
Primary Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.6 (dec)
0/0/1/0/0.6 (hex)
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > pa alt
Alternate Boot Path: 0/0/1/0/0.5 (dec)
0/0/1/0/0.5 (hex)
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > pa pri 3/0/7/0/0.4
Primary Boot Path: 3/0/7/0/0.4 (dec)
3/0/7/0/0.4 (hex)
Main Menu: Enter command or menu >

pathflags (pf)

The pathflags command is used to set and display the boot path flag for each path. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The boot path flag determines what boot actions should be taken when booting from the specified path.
The path control flag values are:
?0 - Do not boot. Go to the boot console handler.
?1 - Boot from this path. If the boot is unsuccessful, go to the BCH.
?2 - Boot from this path. If the boot is unsuccessful, try the next path.
?3 - Skip this path and try the next path
The order for the paths is: the primary (PRI) path, the high availability alternate (HAA) path, the alternate path (ALT), and then the BCH.
For example: If the primary boot flag is set to 2 and a boot from the primary path is unsuccessful, the boot process will automatically attempt to boot from the high availability alternate path.
PathFlags Display the boot path flag for each boot path
PathFlags  Display the boot path flag for specified path
PathFlags   Set the boot path flag for the specified path
= 0 Go to BCH (Boot Console Handler)
1 Boot from this path. If unsuccessful, go to BCH
2 Boot from this path. If unsuccessful, go to next path
3 Skip this path and go to next path
Short form of the command: pf
Configuration Menu: Enter command > pf
Primary Boot Path Action: Boot from this path
If unsuccessful, go to the next path
HA Alternate Boot Path Action: Boot from this path
If unsuccesful, go to BCH.
Alternate Boot Path Action: Go to BCH.
Configuration Menu: Enter command > pf pri
Primary Boot Path Action: Boot from this path
If unsuccessful, go to the next path
Configuration Menu: Enter command > pf pri 3
Primary Boot Path Action: Skip this path.
Go to next path.
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

pd (pd)

The pd command is used to set and display the name of the partition. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler(BCH). Each partition has a unique partition number, and the partition name is meant as an aid to help the user identify the partition. The partition name can be up to 64 characters long.

PD Display the partition name
PD  Set the partiton name to  
= up to 64 ASCII characters

Configuration Menu: Enter command > pd
Partition Number: 0
Partition Name: Partition 0
Configuration Menu: Enter command > pd Accounts Receiveable
Partition Name: Accounts Receivable
Configuration Menu: Enter command > pd
Partition Number: 0
Partition Name: Accounts Receivable
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

pdt (pdt)
The pdt command is used to display, and clear the contents of, the page deallocation table (PDT). It is available from the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The PDT contains a list of the pages that have been deallocated due to multi-bit or hard single-bit memory errors. Clearing the PDT removes the page entries from the table, and then reboots the system. Each cell has a PDT which contains the pages deallocated from that cell. The cell PDTs are combined by platform dependent code (PDC) into one PDT for the partition.
WARNING This command should only be used by qualified service personnel, or when instructed to do so by qualified service personnel. Failure to follow this warning could result in the loss of information necessary to repair the system.

PDT Display the PDT for the partition
PDT  Display the PDT for the specified cell
PDT CLEAR Clear the PDT for the partition
PDT  CLEAR Clear the PDT for the specified cell
NOTE: When the CLEAR command is executed the user is first
queried before proceeding to clear the PDT.
Service Menu: Enter command > pdt
PDT Information for Partition 0
Date and Time when PD PDT was Last Cleared: Never Been Cleared
Number of Used Entries in PD PDT: 4
Number of Free Entries in PD PDT: 46
Number of Single Bit Entries in PD PDT: 2
Number of Multi Bit Entries in PD PDT: 2
Location of First Multi Bit Error in PD PDT: 0x00010000
Amount of Good Memory in PD: 0x02000000
Interleaving HAS been changed due to PDT entries!
PD PDT IC Bitmap: 0x00000000
PD PDT CS Bitmap: 0x00000000
Entry 0: Address: 0x0029000a Type: Multi-Bit Status: Verified
Entry 1: Address: 0x002d000b Type: Single-Bit Status: Verified
Entry 2: Address: 0x00010008 Type: Multi-Bit Status: Unverified
Entry 3: Address: 0x00050009 Type: Single-Bit Status: Unverifi
Service Menu: Enter command > pdt 0
PDT Information for Cell 0
Date and Time when Cell PDT was Last Cleared: Never Been Cleared
Number of Used Entries in Cell PDT: 4
Number of Free Entries in Cell PDT: 46
Number of Single Bit Entries in Cell PDT: 2
Number of Multi Bit Entries in Cell PDT: 2
Location of First Multi Bit Error in Cell PDT: 0x00004000
Entry 0: Address: 0x000a400a Type: Multi-Bit Status: Verified
Entry 1: Address: 0x00004008 Type: Multi-Bit Status: Unverified
Service Menu: Enter command > pdt clear
You are about to clear the entire PDT for this partition.
Continue? (y/[n]) >> y
Clearing PD PDT ...
The PDT has been cleared.
Would you like to reboot now? (y/[n]) >> N
Reboot Aborted.
pim (pim)
The pim command only returns the architected PIM information. Use the errorlog (el) command to view the error logs for the Application Specific IC (ASIC) that make up the SuperDome Core Electronics Complex (CEC).
The pim command is used to display the contents of the Processor Internal Memory (PIM) logged for a High Priority Machine Check (HPMC), Low Priority Machine Check (LMPC), or for a Transfer of Control (TOC).
The pim command is available in the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).

PIM   Display the HPMC, LPMC, TOC for the processor
PIM   HPMC Display the HPMC for the processor
PIM   LPMC Dipslay the LPMC for the processor
PIM   TOC Display the TOC for the processor
PIM  Display the HPMCs, LPMCs, TOCs for all processors on the cell
PIM  HPMC Display the HPMCs for all processors on the cell
PIM  LPMC Dipslay the LPMCs for all processors on the cell
PIM  TOC Display the TOCs for all processors on the cell
PIM HPMC Display the HPMCs for all processors in the partition
PIM LPMC Dipslay the LPMCs for all processors in the partition
PIM TOC Display the TOCs for all processors in the partition

Service Menu: Enter command > pim 0
Cell 0 Cpu: 0
HPMC Information
No chassis codes logged
Timestamp = 00:00:00 GMT 00 0000
General Registers 0 - 31
00-03 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
04-07 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
08-11 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
… …

IIA Space = 0x0000000000000000
IIA Offset = 0x0000000000000000
Check Type = 0x0000000000000000
CPU State = 0x0000000000000000
Cache Check = 0x0000000000000000
TLB Check = 0x0000000000000000
Bus Check = 0x0000000000000000
Assists Check = 0x0000000000000000
Assist State = 0x0000000000000000
Service Menu: Enter command >

processor (pr)

The processor command is used to display information about the processors present within the partition. It is available from the Information Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). This information includes the clock speed of the processor, revision information, and the state of the processor.
Processor states are:
?Active - Processor has passed selftests and is currently executing code
?Idle - Processor has passed selftests and is currently idle
?Deconfigured - Processor was deconfigured prior to this boot
?NonResponding - Processor is present, but is not responding
?Failed - Processor is present, but has failed one or more selftests
?Unknown - Processor is present, but it was not possible to determine its state
Note that only one processor, the processor on which the BCH, will be in an active state.

PRocessor Display the status of all the processors within the partition
PRocessor  Display the status of the processors on this cell
= [0-63]

Information Menu: Enter command > pr
Cab/ Processor
----- ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------------
0 0/0 0 552 MHz 0x5c70 0x0491 0x0300 Active
2 552 MHz 0x5c70 0x0491 0x0300 Idle
4 0/4 0 552 MHz 0x5c70 0x0491 0x0300 Idle
2 552 MHz 0x5c70 0x0491 0x0300 Deconfigured
Information Menu: Enter command > pr 0
Cab/ Processor
----- ---- --- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------------
0 0/0 0 552 MHz 0x5c70 0x0491 0x0300 Active
2 552 MHz 0x5c70 0x0491 0x0300 Idle
Information Menu: Enter command >

reboot (reboot)

The reboot command is used to reboot the partition. It is available from the Main Menu and all the second level menus of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). When this command is run, the cells in the partition are reset, all the selftests are run, and the boot sequence is started.

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > reboot
Rebooting the partition ....

reconfigreset (reconfigreset)

The reconfigreset command is used to reboot the partition, to allow complex profile configuration changes to take place. It is available in the Main Menu and all of the second level menus of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
When configuration changes, such as adding a cell, are made to the complex profile, the Guardian Service Processor (GSP) must push out the new profile to all the cells that are affected by the change. In order to push a new complex profile to a cell, the cell must have passed selftests, and be waiting at a state called, Boot is Blocked (BIB).
Reconfigreset sets the BIB bit for each cell in the partition, and resets the cells. The cells run through selftest, and then wait at Boot is Blocked, until all the cells have received the new complex profile. Once all the cells have the new profile, the GSP releases them from BIB, and the cells continue the boot sequence.
RECONFIGRESET Resets the partition to allow for profile reconfiguration

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > reconfigreset
Reset the partition for reconfiguration of Complex Profile ...

restart (rt)

The restart command is used to set and display the restart flag. It is available in the Configuration Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH).
The restart flag sets the policy that PDC will follow in the rare case that PDC can not hand off to the O/S
HPMC handler due to some damaged state within the partition. If the restart flag is set to ON, PDC will
attempt to reboot the partition. If the restart flag is OFF, PDC will reset the partition for reconfiguration.
The default setting for the restart flag is ON.

ResTart Display the Partition Restart Policy
ResTart [ON|OFF] Set the Partiton Restart Policy
ON = PDC will attempt to reboot
OFF = PDC will reset for reconfiguration

Configuration Menu: Enter command > rt
Restart: ON
Configuration Menu: Enter command > rt off
Restart: OFF
Configuration Menu: Enter command > rt on
Restart: ON
Configuration Menu: Enter command >

scroll (sr)

The scroll command is used to turning the scrolling of the display on or off. It is available from the Main Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). When scrolling is set to off, any display listing which requires more than 24 lines will stop every 24 lines, and wait for the user to either continue or quit the listing. When scrolling is set to on, the entire display listing will be shown without stopping.

ScRoll Display the scroll mode
ScRoll [ON|OFF] Set the scroll mode

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > sr
Main Menu: Enter command or menu > sr on
Main Menu: Enter command or menu >

scsi (scsi)
The scsi command is used to display and modify the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) controller parameters. It is available from the Service Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The scsi command can be used to change the initiator ID and the transfer rate for the SCSI controller.
The default initiator ID for a SCSI controller is 7.
The transfer rate can be one of the following values:
?Slow - 5MB/s
?Fast - 10MB/s
?Ultra - 20MB/s
?Ultra II - 40MB/s

SCSI Display all SCSI controller parms
SCSI INITiator Display SCSI controller initiator ids
SCSI INITiator  Display initiator id for specified path
SCSI INITiator   Set initiator id for specified path
SCSI RATE Display SCSI controller transfer rates
SCSI RATE  Display transfer rate for specified path
SCSI RATE   Set transfer rate for specified path
SCSI DELETE  Delete the specified path from the table
is in I/O notation, such as 1/2/3/4.5.6
Service Menu: Enter command > scsi
This may take a while. Please wait...
Path (dec) Initiator ID SCSI Rate
------------ ------------ ---------
0/0/1/0/0 7 fast
2/0/1/0/0 7 fast
Service Menu: Enter command > scsi init 2/0/1/0/0 8
Service Menu: Enter command > scsi init
This may take a while. Please wait...
Path (dec) Initiator ID SCSI Rate
------------ ------------ ---------
0/0/1/0/0 7 fast
2/0/1/0/0 8 fast
Service Menu: Enter command > scsi rate 2/0/1/0/0 nolimit
Service Menu: Enter command > scsi rate 2/0/1/0/0
This may take a while. Please wait...
Path (dec) Initiator ID SCSI Rate
------------ ------------ ---------
0/0/1/0/0 7 fast
2/0/1/0/0 8 nolimit
Service Menu: Enter command >

search (sea)

The search command is used to search for and display the paths of potential boot devices. It is available in the Main Menu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). You can search for devices connected to the core cell, for a particular path, or for all devices in the partition. The first twenty devices found will be returned.

SEArch Search for potential boot device attached to the core cell. (Default)
SEArch  Search the specified path for potential boot devices
SEArch ALL Search for potential boot devices attached to any cell within the protection domain.
is a module path defined in I/O notation, such as 1/2/
The first 20 devices found will be displayed.
The devices found will have a path label such as P0, P1, ... P19
that may be referred to in the BOot command.

Main Menu: Enter command or menu > sea
Searching for potential boot device(s) - on Path 0/0/1/0/0
This may take several minutes.
To discontinue search, press any key (termination may not be immediate).
Path# Device Path (dec) Device Path (mnem) Device Type
----- ----------------- ------------------ -----------
P0 0/0/1/0/0.5 Random access media
P1 0/0/0/0/0.6 Random access media
Main Menu: Enter command or menu >

time (ti)
The time command is used set and display the value of the real time clock for the partition. It is available in the ConfigurationMenu of the Boot Console Handler (BCH). The real time clock is based on Greenich Mean Time (GMT).
TIme Display the Real Time Clock in GMT
TIme cn:yr:mo:dy:hr:mn:ss Set the Real Time Clock in GMT
cn century, 19-20
yr year, 0-99
mo month, 1-12
dy day of the month, 1-31
hr hour of the day, 0-23
mn minute, 0-59
ss second, 0-59
Dates through December 31, 23:59:59, 2069 are supported.
Configuration Menu: Enter command > ti
Thu Jan 1 06:31:28 GMT 1970 (19:70:01:01:06:31:28)
Configuration Menu: Enter command > ti 20:00:01:19:01:30:00
Wed Jan 19 01:30:00 GMT 2000 (20:00:01:19:01:30:00)
Configuration Menu: Enter command >
92-4 Chapter 92



autoboot - View or set autoboot timeout variable
bcfg - Displays/modifies the driver/boot configuration
dblk - Displays the contents of blocks from a block device
boottest - Set/View BootTest bits
lanboot - Performs a boot over lan
mount - Mounts a file system on a block device
reset - Resets the system
vol - Displays volume information of the file system


cpuconfig - Deconfigure or reconfigure cpus
date - Displays the current date or sets the date in the system. The date format is: mm/dd/yyyy.
err - Displays or changes the error level
errdump - View/Clear logs
info - Display hardware information
lanaddress - Shows MAC address of the system (not MP)
monarch - View or set the monarch processor
palproc - Make a PAL procedure call
salproc - Make a SAL procedure call
time - Displays the current time or sets the time of the system. The time format is: hh:mm:ss.
ver - Displays the version information


baud - Set Serial port com settings
connect -Binds an EFI driver to a device and starts the driver
devices - Displays the list of devices being managed by EFI drivers
devtree - Displays the tree of devices that follow the EFI Driver Model
disconnect - Disconnects one or more drivers from a device
dh - Displays the handles in the EFI environment
driver - Lists and installs ROM-based drivers
drivers - Displays the list of drivers that follow the EFI Driver Model
drvcfg - Invokes the Driver Configuration Protocol
drvdiag - Invokes the Driver Diagnostics Protocol
guid - Displays all the GUIDs in the EFI environment
lanaddress - Display core I/O MAC address
load - Loads and optionally connects EFI drivers
loadpcirom - Loads a PCI Option ROM
map Displays or defines mappings
openinfo - Displays the protocols on a handle and the agents
pci - Displays PCI devices or PCI function configuration space
reconnect - Reconnects one or more drivers from a device
unload - Unloads a protocol image

default Sets, Resets, or Clears default NVM values
dmpstore Displays all NVRAM variables
dmem Displays the contents of memory
memmap Displays the memory map
mm Displays or modifies MEM/IO/PCI
pdt View or set pdt

Shell 类

alias - Displays, creates, or deletes aliases in the EFI shell
attrib - Displays or changes the attributes of files or directories
cd - Displays or changes the current directory
cls - Clears the standard output with an optional background color
comp - Compares the contents of two files
cp - Copies one or more files/directories to another location
edit - Edits an ASCII or UNICODE file in full screen
eficompress - Compress a file
efidecompress - Uncompress a file
exit - Exits the EFI Shell
help - Displays help menus, command list, or verbose help of a command
hexedit - Edits with hex mode in full screen
ls - Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory
mkdir - Creates one or more directories
mode - Displays or changes the mode of the console output device
mv - Moves one or more files/directories to destination
rm - Deletes one or more files or directories
set - Displays, creates, changes or deletes EFI environment variables
setsize - Sets the size of the file
touch - Updates time with current time
type - Displays the contents of a file
verbose -
xchar - Turn on/off extended character features


echo - Displays messages or turns command echoing on or off
for/endfor - Executes commands for each item in a set of items
goto - Makes batch file execution jump to another location
if/endif - Executes commands in specified conditions
pause - Prints a message and suspends for keyboard input; exit on ‘q’ or ‘Q’
stall - Stalls the processor for some microseconds

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