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Support Tools Manager(STM) [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-03-27 12:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

The Support Tools Manager(STM) host-based utility is the primary
online diagnostic tool available for the HP SureStore E Disk Array
FC60. STM provides the capability for testing, configuring, and
evaluating the operational condition of the disk array. STM comes with
HPUX instant ignition and support media.

STM User Interfaces
STM present three different user three
interfaces:an X-Windows interface(xstm), a menu-based interface(mstm),
and a command-based interface(cstm). Each STM interface has an
extensive online help facility as well as man pages.

xstm-the X Windows Interface
xstm is the X-Windows screen-based
STM interface. Because it is the easiest to use, xstm is the
recommended interface for systems that support graphical displays
main xstm window displays a map representing system resources. The STM
system map represents each Disk Array FC60 as two icons labeled"A5277A
Array". Each icon represents one of the disk array controllers, which
are identified by their hardware paths. Click on the icon for the disk
array you will be testing.

mstm-the Menu-based Interface
mstm is the menu-based STM interface. It serves as an alternate interface for systems that do not support graphical displays.
main mstm window displays a list of system resources. The Disk Array
FC60 is identified as product type"A5277A Array". Each entry in the
list represents one of the disk array controllers, which are identified
by their hardware paths. Select the entry for the disk array you will
be testing

STM Device Logs
When you run an STM support tool, the results
are indicated by the status of the device icon on the system map(xstm)
or the device entry on the device list(mstm,cstm). If the results are
otehr than successful ,you can view the appropriate device log for more
Failure Log-If the results indicate Failure, view the
device Failure log for information identifying the likely cause of the
failure and recommended action for correcting the problem.
Activity Log-If the results are other than successful or failure, view
the test activity log for an explanation of what occurred.

Interpreting the Information Tool Information Log
information log contains status and configuration information for all
disk array components. The log is separated into the following sections:
Controller Enclosure-information for the components in the disk array controller enclosure
Disk Enclosure-information about the components in the disk enclosure, excluding the disks
Map-a graphic layout showing the configuration of the disks enclosures and disks
Configuration-information on LUN configuration
Disks-information about each disk

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