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Cisco 7200 Simulator [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-09-24 12:27 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
0.2.5 Release Candidate 5 (RC5)
The 0.2.5-RC5 is available for download. It mainly consists in the introduction of a new emulated platform, the Cisco 3600 series (3620, 3640 and 3660 are supported). Please note that this new release requires the use of Dynagen 0.5.0 which has been be published by Greg. Some changes were required to handle the new C3600 platform.
It is currenly possible to use the following Network Modules (NM):

  • NM-1FE-TX (one FastEthernet port) ;
  • NM-1E (one Ethernet port) ;
  • NM-4E (four Ethernet ports) ;
  • NM-4T (four Serial ports) ;

An ATM network module (like the NM-1A-OC3MM) will be available in the future. WIC and AIM modules are not supported.
To run a Cisco 3600 image on the command line, you will have to use the “-P 3600″ parameter (by default, a Cisco 7200 is emulated). The “-t” specifies the model (3620, 3640, or 3660). Choose the model corresponding to your Cisco IOS image (trying to run an incorrect image will lead to a crash).
The other important points:

  • The “ethernet switch problem” on Windows has been fixed. It requires that you use the latest beta of WinPCAP, currently 0.4beta1. The previous release (0.3) doesn’t have the fix and will not work ;
  • Huge improvement in performance of network device emulation (Ethernet and Serial). Now, the virtual devices can transmit up to 16 packets at each “TX ring scan pass” ;
  • Improvement of “idle-pc” handling: now, interrupts triggered by emulated hardware (especially network devices) can break the idle loop. The visible effect is a better packet latency.
  • Enhancements to the console by Peter Ross. Many thanks to him!
  • The PCI bus emulation has been rewritten to be completely dynamic (this was required for Cisco 3660) - no visible effect ;
  • The PA-POS-OC3 emulation has been rewritten - no visible effect ;
  • The PA-4B (ISDN) emulation is in progress, but not finished (the ISDN switch emulation, with Q.921 support, will be required soon). Many thanks to Vernon Missouri for offering this card.

dynamips-wxp -r 80 -P 3600 -t 3660 c3660-js-mz.121-6.bin
-P 3600 是捆绑到36系列的路由器,-t是指定型号为3660,后面的接口配置就是按
  • NM-1FE-TX (one FastEthernet port) ;
  • NM-1E (one Ethernet port) ;
  • NM-4E (four Ethernet ports) ;
  • NM-4T (four Serial ports) ;

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