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Which OS can OpenBGPD be run on? [复制链接]

日期:2015-03-06 15:50:39
1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2007-12-28 15:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Which OS can OpenBGPD be run on?
Henning Brauer: Please go whine at Cisco that theirs doesn't run on OpenBSD. I keep repeating it - BGP is not a userland only thing. We did change things in kernel land, and we will continue to do so, to deliver a BGP router (or BGP route server, etc etc) solution. Seeing that as a userland only task is way too shortsighted. It is the combination of kernel and bgpd.
That said, it does work on the other BSDs, with some limitations since they lack the kernel parts. Somebody even got it to run on Linux, but without the ability to change the kernel routing table.
曾经想过将OpenBGPD port到linux下,看来是行不通了。以前曾经用过zebra,henning Brause认为zebra就像一个怪兽,它的架构设计本身就是有问题的,还不如推倒重来。于是诞生了OpenBGPD和OpenOSPFD
Henning Brauer: No. I started to work on bgpd because we were using zebra here, for years. It worked... to some extent. I did patch here and there and fixed some bugs in the code and such, but it was very obvious that the design was (and is) wrong, and that this beast is unfixable. So I had this idea of writing a BGP daemon that doesn't suck for some time. Two years at least.

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