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SnmpHibernate 1.0.0beta released finally! [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-02-19 21:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

                SnmpHibernate is a MIB/Object Mapping framework inspired by Hibernate Project(O/R Mapping framework). It will release u from coding tedious SNMP Client code. Below is some samples,
The project location:
SnmpHibernate on Sourceforge
The 1.0.0beta release is based on
SNMP4J project
I hope u could contribute to the project. Contact me by ery.lee@gmail.com if any problems and suggestions.
  • Get/Set MIB2-System:
1 Write the SystemInfo POJO first,
import java.io.Serializable;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.SmiType;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType.Access;public class SystemInfo implements Serializable {    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.READ)    public String sysDesc;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.OID, access = Access.READ)    public String sysObjectID;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.TIMETICKS, access = Access.READ)    public long sysUpTime;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)    public String sysContact;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)    public String sysName;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.WRITE)    public String sysLocation;}
2. Get/Set by the session API,
        ISnmpClientFacade facade = new Snmp4JClientFacade();        ISnmpSessionFactory sessionFactory = facade.getSnmpSessionFactory();        ISnmpTargetFactory targetFactory = facade.getSnmpTargetFactory();        ISnmpSession session = sessionFactory.newSnmpSession(targetFactory.newSnmpTarget(                "", 161));SystemInfo sysMIB = (SystemInfo)session.get(SystemInfo.class);
  • Get IfTable:
1. Write the IfEntry POJO first,
import java.io.Serializable;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.SmiType;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibIndex;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibTable;import net.sourceforge.snmphibernate.api.annotation.MibObjectType.Access;@MibTablepublic class IfEntry implements Serializable {    @MibIndex(no = 0, length = 1)    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)    public int ifIndex;     @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.DISPLAY_STRING, access = Access.READ)    public String ifDescr;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)    public int ifType;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)    public int ifMtu;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.GAUGE32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifSpeed;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.OCTET_STRING, access = Access.READ)    public byte[] ifPhysAddress;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)    public int ifAdminStatus;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.INTEGER32, access = Access.READ)    public int ifOperStatus;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.TIMETICKS, access = Access.READ)    public long ifLastChange;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifInOctets;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifInUcastPkts;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifInNUcastPkts;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifInDiscards;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifInErrors;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifInUnknownProtos;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifOutOctets;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifOutUcastPkts;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifOutNUcastPkts;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifOutDiscards;    @MibObjectType(oid = "", smiType = SmiType.COUNTER32, access = Access.READ)    public long ifOutErrors;    public IfEntry() {}        public IfEntry(int index) {        this.ifIndex = index;    }    public boolean isLoopback() {        return ifType == 24;    }}
2. Get the whole table,
  ISnmpClientFacade facade = new Snmp4JClientFacade();
        ISnmpSessionFactory sessionFactory = facade.getSnmpSessionFactory();
        ISnmpTargetFactory targetFactory = facade.getSnmpTargetFactory();
        ISnmpSession session = sessionFactory.newSnmpSession(targetFactory.newSnmpTarget(
                "", 161));
List list = session.getTable(IfEntry.class);
  • There are other features listed below,
1. You can get part of properties a Mib entry or scalar group.2. Create an entry of a MIB table.3. Delete an entry of a MIB table.4. Lanched as an OSGi bundle. If you are not familiar with OSGI, I suggest u remove the "Activator" from the src of release jars to pass compile.
Enjoy it:)

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