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Accessing a PDF Document with the Acrobat Viewer J [复制链接]

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发表于 2006-03-11 20:37 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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Accessing a PDF Document with the Acrobat Viewer JavaBeanby
Deepak Vohra

Preliminary Setup
Opening a PDF Document
Setting the Layout
Setting the Document to Display
Setting the Viewer Properties
Getting the Current Page
Setting the Zoom Level
Displaying the Document
Using the Viewer Commands
Displaying a PDF Document
in Acrobat Viewer

Opening a Document
Bookmarking a Document
Selecting Text

A PDF document is commonly opened in Acrobat Reader to edit, view, and print. But when you need to open a PDF in a Java application, Acrobat Reader is not accessible. Fortunately, Adobe provides a viewer API, the Acrobat Viewer JavaBean, to view and print PDF documents from Java applications, JavaBeans, or Java applets. The Acrobat classes are provided in the com.adobe.acrobat package of the Acrobat Viewer distribution. In this tutorial, we shall integrate the Acrobat Viewer in a Java application. We'll open an example PDF document in the application with the Acrobat Viewer, and discuss the different features of the Acrobat Viewer.
This tutorial has the following sections:
  • Preliminary Setup
  • Opening a PDF Document
  • Displaying a PDF Document in Acrobat Viewer
    Preliminary Setup
    The Acrobat Viewer JavaBean API is available from the
    Acrobat Viewer JavaBean
    page. Download the bean.zip file. The Acrobat Viewer is available for Windows, Macintosh, Solaris, UNIX, and OS/2 platforms. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll consider the Acrobat Viewer to be installed on the Windows platform. For installation on other platforms, refer to the installation notes for the specific platform. Extract the bean.zip file to an installation directory. The Acrobat Viewer for JavaBean API classes are included in the %AcrobatViewer%/acrobat.jar file, where the %AcrobatViewer% environment variable represents the directory in which the Acrobat Viewer JavaBean distribution is installed. Add %AcrobatViewer%/acrobat.jar and %AcrobatViewer%/MRJToolkitStubs.zip to the CLASSPATH environment variable.
    A Java application with the Acrobat Viewer API may be developed in an IDE such as Eclipse, JDeveloper, or NetBeans, or as a command-line application. In this tutorial, a sample Acrobat Viewer Java application is developed as a command-line application. JRE 1.1.8 or later is recommended for the Acrobat Viewer.
    Opening a PDF Document
    Having installed the Acrobat Viewer API, we shall open an example PDF document in Acrobat Viewer. The
    Adobe Document Services PDF
    document is used as the example document. Store the example PDF document in the C:/Adobe directory.
    The Acrobat Viewer for JavaBean API provides methods for displaying a PDF document from a Java application. First, import the com.adobe.acrobat package. Also import the java.awt and java.io packages, which will be used for creating a GUI and loading the PDF file, respectively.
    import com.adobe.acrobat.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.io.*;
    Setting the Layout
    Create a Frame object, to which the Acrobat Viewer will be added, and set the layout of the frame. Specify BorderLayout as the layout of the frame.
    Frame frame = new Frame("PDF Viewer");
    frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    Create a Viewer object, a subclass of java.awt.Component, to display the PDF document. Viewer viewer = new Viewer();
    Add the Viewer object to the frame. Add the Viewer to the center of the frame.
    frame.add(viewer, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    Setting the Document to Display
    Open a FileInputStream to the PDF document that is to be displayed in the Acrobat Viewer.
    InputStream input =
        new FileInputStream (new File(
    Set the FileInputStream as the input to the Acrobat Viewer.
    A PDF document may also be input with the setDocumentURL(java.lang.String docURL) method.
    Setting the Viewer Properties
    Acrobat Viewer has several properties to specify the display characteristics of a PDF document. The viewer properties are of two types: static and dynamic. Static properties are set before a viewer is displayed and may not be modified after the viewer is displayed. Dynamic properties may be set and modified after a viewer is displayed. Some of the properties that may be set for the Acrobat Viewer are listed in the following table.
    The page layout of the PDF document. Values that may specified are: SinglePage, OneColumn, TwoColumn (same as TwoColumnRight), TwoColumnLeft, and TwoColumnRight.
    The zoom type of the PDF document. Values that may be specified are: FixedZoom, FitPage, FitVisible, FitWidth, FitVisibleWidth, FitHeight, and FitVisibleHeight.
    The percent of magnification, with values in the range of 25-800.
    The maximum magnification, with values in the range of 25-800.
    Page units may be set to Points, Millimeters, or Inches.
    Boolean value. Set to display large images in a PDF document.
    String value specifying the relative path to get a list of printers.
    String value specifying the relative path to print a document.
    To set the page layout to SinglePage, the zoom type to FitPage, and the magnification to 100 percent, you just make a series of calls to setProperty():
    Getting the Current Page
    The number of pages in the PDF document and the current page are obtained with the getPageCount() and getCurrentPage() methods. As an example, print out the number of pages in the example document and the current page displayed.
    System.out.println("Page Count: "+viewer.getPageCount());
    System.out.println("Current Page: "+viewer.getCurrentPage());
    Page 0 corresponds to the first page in the document.
    Setting the Zoom Level
    You can set the zoom level of the current page with the zoomTo() method. Set the zoom magnification to 100 percent by specifying 1.0 as a double in the zoomTo() method.
    Displaying the Document
    Create the layout of the viewer components and activate the viewer as follows:
    Next, set the frame size in which the viewer is to be added, and display the frame.
    frame.setSize(400, 500);
    You'll find the example application PDFViewer.java in the
    section. Run the Java application in a command-line window. The number of pages for the example PDF document is 3 and the current page is 0, the index of the first page of the PDF document. The example PDF document gets displayed in the Acrobat Viewer. As the zoom level is set to 1.0 in the Java application, the PDF document is displayed with 1.0 magnification. Figure 1 illustrates the PDF document in Acrobat Viewer.

    Figure 1. PDF Document in Acrobat Viewer
    Using the Viewer Commands
    The Acrobat Viewer provides some viewer commands to edit the document and to modify the view characteristics of the document. The viewer commands are specified in the ViewerCommand interface, which is implemented by the Viewer class. To run a viewer command, invoke the execMenuItem(java.lang.String viewerCommand) method of the Viewer class. For example, to run the ZoomTo_K command:
    Viewer viewer=new Viewer();
    Some of the commonly used viewer commands are listed in the following table:
    Viewer Command
    Displays document to fit page.
    Displays document to fit height.
    Displays document to fit width.
    Displays the URL selection dialog.
    Displays the file selection dialog.
    Displays the page without the bookmarks.
    Displays the Print Document dialog.
    Displays the Print Document dialog.
    Displays the bookmarks.
    Displays the document in two-column mode.
    Displays the Zoom To dialog.
    The Acrobat Viewer may be displayed with some of the toolbar buttons removed. For example, you can remove the Open and Open URL buttons in the Acrobat Viewer with:
    String[] dis = {ViewerCommand.Open_K, ViewerCommand.OpenURL_K};
    Viewer viewer = new Viewer(dis);
    Displaying a PDF Document in Acrobat Viewer
    The Acrobat Viewer has a toolbar to navigate through the PDF document with Next Page, Last Page, Previous Page, and First Page buttons. A PDF document may be zoomed in or zoomed out with the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons. The Open and Open URL buttons allow you to open a different PDF document, which replaces the document currently displayed the Java AWT Component.
    The Acrobat Viewer GUI functionality may also be accessed with the com.adobe.acrobat package API from a Java application. The different viewer commands are invoked with the execMenuItem(java.lang.String viewerCommand) method of the Viewer class. The viewer commands corresponding to some of the Acrobat Viewer buttons are listed in the following table.
    Acrobat Viewer Button
    Viewer Command
    Next Page
    Last Page
    Previous Page
    First Page
    Zoom In, Zoom Out
    In the Viewer Component, you access the File, Edit, View, Tools, and Help menus by right-clicking in the document. This displays the pop-up menu seen in Figure 2.

    Figure 2. PDF document menu
    The File and Edit menu items may also be invoked with a viewer command in a Java application. Some of the viewer commands corresponding to the File and Edit menu items are listed in the following table.
    Acrobat Viewer Menu Item
    Viewer Command
    Select All
    To display the PDF document at its actual size, select the Actual Size button, as illustrated in Figure 3. The Actual Size button may also be invoked with the viewer command ViewerCommand.ActualSize_K.

    Figure 3. Displaying document at actual size
    To fit the PDF document in the AWT Component's display space, select Fit Page, as illustrated in Figure 4. The Fit Page button may also be invoked with the viewer command ViewerCommand.FitPage_K.

    Figure 4. Displaying document to fit page
    To fit the PDF document to the width of the component, select the Fit Width button, as illustrated in Figure 5. The Fit Width button may also be invoked with the viewer command ViewerCommand.FitWidth_K.

    Figure 5. Displaying document to fit page width
    Opening a Document
    To open another PDF document, select the Open URL button, as shown in Figure 6. The Open URL button may also be invoked with the viewer command ViewerCommand.OpenURL_K.

    Figure 6. Opening a document from a URL
    In the Open URL frame, specify the URL of the PDF document, as illustrated in Figure 7. The input field for the Open URL frame does not accept a ftp-style URL with an escape sequence, such as ftp://host/my%20file.pdf. On the other hand, escapes are OK in http-style URLs.

    Figure 7. Open URL
    Bookmarking a Document
    A PDF document page may be bookmarked in the Acrobat Viewer. The Acrobat Viewer bookmark frame displays the bookmarks to a PDF document with links to the different document pages. To bookmark a page, select the Bookmark button, as illustrated in Figure 8.

    Figure 8. Bookmarking a document
    This adds a bookmark to the Acrobat Viewer, as shown in Figure 9. You can obtain the root bookmark in the Acrobat Viewer frame from a Java application with the getRootBookmark() method of the Viewer class. The PDFBookmark class represents a bookmark in a PDF document.
    Viewer viewer;
    PDFBookmark rootBookmark=viewer.getRootBookmark();
    Obtain the different bookmarks in a PDF document that is displayed in the Acrobat Viewer with the getBookmarks() method.
    java.util.Vector pdfBookmarks=rootBookmark.getBookmarks();
    The title of a bookmark can be obtained with the getTitle() method.
    PDFBookmark bookmark;
    java.lang.String title=bookmark.getTitle();

    Figure 9. PDF document with a bookmark
    Selecting Text
    In the Acrobat Viewer, text may be highlighted with the Select Text button. Select the Select Text button and select the text to be highlighted, as illustrated in Figure 10.

    Figure 10. Selecting text
    A Java application may need to display PDF documents. The Adobe Acrobat Viewer for JavaBean API makes it feasible to display a PDF document from a Java application.

    Deepak Vohra
    is a NuBean consultant and a web developer.

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