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Copying from Word to a textarea using Javascript [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-01-29 13:15 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Copying from Microsoft Word to a textarea using JavaScript
~ in
2001 | Oct 31
I did some research and found that not many people had detailed a solution to do this so I've created my own solution. First, there's a couple things that you need to be aware of before you proceed.
  • This is a client-based solution and therefore your client must have Microsoft Word installed on their machine.
  • This solution accesses files on the client's machine and therefore your client must have their security settings to allow script not marked as safe to work.
    So, let's get right into it:
    snook.ca load document
      nothing here yet
    This is a very quick and dirty solution. There's a lot more that you can do. You'll want to reference the VBA documentation for Word. Do a search on your hard drive for "VBAWRD9.CHM". If it can't be found, you'll likely need to install the documentation off the Microsoft Office CD.
    Added November 1, 2001:
    Guess what? I have also included a revised version of this code that includes a browse button so users can search for word documents off their hard drive without needing to know the path. It also copies the code directly into the DHTML Editing Component (DEC).
        snook.ca load document
           nothing here yet

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