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Classes and Objects [复制链接]

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发表于 2007-06-20 17:23 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Lesson: Classes and Objects
With the knowledge you now have of the basics of
the Java programming language, you can learn to write your own
classes. In this
you will find information
about defining your own classes, including declaring
member variables, methods, and constructors.
You will learn to use your classes to create objects, and how to use the objects you create.
also covers nesting classes
within other classes, enumerations, and annotations.
This section shows you the anatomy of a class, and how
to declare fields, methods, and constructors.
Getting Started
This section covers issues relating to class hierarchies:
how to override methods, hide methods or member variables,
how to use super, the use of final to prevent subclassing,
the use of abstract methods and classes.
This section covers creating and using objects. You will learn how to instantiate an object, and,
once instantiated, how to use the dot operator to access the object's instance variables and methods.
More on Classes
This section covers more aspects of classes that depend on using object references and the dot operator
that you learned about in the preceding section:
returning values from methods, the this keyword, class vs. instance members, and access control.
Nested Classes
Static nested classes, inner classes, anonymous inner
classes, and local classes are covered.
Enum Types
This section covers enumerations, specialized classes that allow you to define and use sets of constants.
Annotations allow you to add information to your program that is not actually part of the program. This section
describes three built-in annotations that you should know about.

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