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Solaris下如何mount Dos 文件系统 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-07-14 13:47 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
How do I mount a DOS partition under Solaris?

Mounting a DOS partition under Solaris x86 is fairly simple. This
document assumes a hard disk(s) is already installed with one or more
DOS partitions. Note that it isn't necessary for the DOS partition you
want to mount to be on the same drive as Solaris.
Use the command:
# mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c0d0p0:c /mnt # IDE Drive
# mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0:c /mnt # SCSI Drive
-----------------------^ | 1st DOS
# mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c0d0p0:d /mnt # IDE Drive
# mount -F pcfs /dev/dsk/c1t5d0p0:d /dos2 # SCSI Drive
--------------------------------------^ | 2d DOS partition

Mounting with the -F option states what type of file system you are
attempting to mount. pcfs is the file system type, but there are other
types of file systems, such as ufs and hsfs.

# /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0:c

This is the device name.

c0 (controller 0 meaning primary controller). Note: If you have more
then one controller in your system, whether they are mixed or not (i.e.
IDE, SCSI), the naming device will follow the numeric order of c0, c1,
c2, etc.

t0 (target ID, meaning SCSI target ID). This is a naming device of the
devices SCSI target. The SCSI target is 0-6.

d0 (disk 0 meaning primary disk). If the system in question had more
then 1 disk this would be d1.

p0 (partition 0 meaning the entire disk)

:c (DOS naming device for hard disk; i.e. c:, d:)

/mnt (mount point) The mount point can be any mount point that you
create. In this case this is the default mount point that a standard
Solaris system creates upon installation of the OS. Any other mount
point can be created by using the "mkdir command to create a mount point
directory. Example: # mkdir /pcfs After using this command to mount your
DOS partition, you will need to cd to that mount point in order to view
DOS files.
这是因为Solaris 在kernel中不进行字符集的转换,所以象linux那样加codepage=cp936之类的是没用的。解决办法:
&j"{ M A:f sw0使用当前发布的opensolaris,又称solaris express (实际上是solaris 11的开发版本)。
假设你用的是x86, 只有一块盘,则挂载windows分区的设备名是 c0d0p0:x
x可以为c到z, 或大于0的整数。从硬盘的一个分区数起,第一个FAT分区是c或1, 第二个FAT分区是d, 以此类推。


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