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赴马尼拉短期项目(SAP) [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-07-25 15:43 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
1,FI/GL,2 months contractor
:Must have at least 2 full life cycle implementations (any industry
will do) and have expertise in GL conversion.

2.AM&PS,6 months contractor
*Asset Management
*Extensive data conversion loading validations, preload, and post load
*Carry out data loading validations using MS Access validation views designed
*Fixing of data related defects
*Assist deployment network users in their validation queries and tracking of progress with reconciliation to Corporate reporting for past history

*Project Management arena
*Similar projects conversion data validations and defect fixing

It's all around conversion, validation and sign-off's. We are that close to go-live so naturally in the last piece of conversion, cutover and go-live activities.

Key is to get resource with 2+ years background, ideally in both AM & PS modules, with MS Access skills also.

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