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[VMware] How to install Sun Solaris 10 inside VMware Workst [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-09-01 01:48 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

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How to install Sun Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation
(v1.0 written by
Alessandro Perilli and published on 11/27/05)
For this How-To we’ll use VMware Workstation 5.5 RTM
(build 18463) and Sun Solaris 10
release 03/05 x86/x64 DVD ISO image (Sun Solaris 10 SPARC
edition will not install inside
VMware Workstation).
VMware Workstation is installed on a Microsoft Windows XP
Professional with Service Pack 2.
At the end of the work you'll be able to run your Sun
Solaris 10 virtual machine also inside
VMware Player 1.0 and use it without any licensing cost.
· Part 1 - Preparing your virtual machine
· Part 2 – Installing the Sun Solaris 10
operating system
· Part 3 (optional) – Running virtual
machine inside VMware Player
· Final Notes
How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 2
Copyright © virtualization.info

Part 1 - Preparing your virtual machine hardware
First of all grab your
evaluation copy of VMware Workstation 5.5 and your copy of Sun Solaris
10 DVD image:
VMware Workstation 5.5 - http://www.vmware.com/download/ws/eval.html
Sun Solaris 10 - http://www.sun.com/software/solaris/get.jsp
Be sure to check the
Solaris DVD image CRC before starting because the image parts can be
downloaded corrupted.
You don't need to burn
the DVD image since we'll map it directly inside our virtual machine.
Create a new virtual
machine with Typical configuration.
Then be sure to choose
Solaris 10 (experimental) Guest operating system.

Name the virtual
machine as you like and choose your preferred locations for files.
I usually put virtual
machines in a VMs directory excluded from antivirus real-time check.
Configure your network
connection with Use bridged
networking only if there sure
there is
no way to arrive on
the virtual machine from Internet: immediately after the initial installation
any guest OS could be
feasible of attacks since unpatched. Patch it, eventually configure a
firewall and then
permit it to connect to Internet.
How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 3
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Configure your disk
capacity to 4 GB Disk Size (you can check the Allocate all disk space
now box if you have enough space, a fully defragmented hard
disk and want to have better
performances for guest


Now you should have
finished and a virtual machine summary will appear.

You can change some
settings seconding your needs simply clicking on Edit virtual machine
Two virtual components
are very important: RAM and Processors.
If you have at least
768MB physical RAM increase your virtual machine memory from 256 MB
to 512MB (this will
greatly speed up the installation process).
How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 4
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If you have an Intel
CPU with HyperThreading enabled or an AMD64 Dual Core CPU you could
choose to assign two
virtual processors to this virtual machine.
Be sure to choose the
correct number of virtual processors before starting the Solaris
installation. Passing
from one virtual processor to two virtual processors (or vice versa) will
require reinstalling
the whole operating system.

You can also choose to
delete the virtual sound card (Audio
device) if you don't plan to use
Solaris 10 as a
desktop operating system.
Now change the virtual
device CD-ROM Connection from Use
physical drive to Use ISO
image and browse for your Sun Solaris 10 DVD ISO image
previously downloaded.

We are finally ready
How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 5
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Part 2 – Installing the Sun Solaris 10 operating system
Launch the just
prepared virtual machine and let the DVD ISO image boot.
When required press 1 for Solaris Interactive.
Choose your preferred
Now choose Networked Connectivity. Then specify if your virtual network interface card
(recognized as pcn0)
will grab an IP address by DHCP or not.
If you chosen not
detail your virtual machine hostname, IP
address, subnet mask, IPv6
support and default
Enable or not Kerberos,
detail your eventual name
service system.
If you chosen DNS as
name service system detail your domain name and at least one DNS
server IP address.
Choose your Time Zone and Date & Time.
Choose your Root password.
Finally accept your
summary settings page.
Say yes to both Reboot automatically after software installation and Eject additional
CDs/DVDs automatically
after software installation.
Before saying OK on
the final Notice window be sure to modify your VMware virtual CD-ROM
device to have checked
Connected and unchecked Connect at power on checkboxes.

Now let’s start the
software packages installation.
Let unmodified to CD/DVD as Media.
Accept the License Agreement and choose Custom Install.
Select your Software Localizations region only if you want Solaris 10 in your national
language. English will
be installed by default.
How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 6
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Select Products to
install as you need. Remember we set up a small 4GB virtual disk so you
couldn’t be able to
install everything now.
Select None as Additional Product to install.
Now you need to select
how many Solaris software packages install. I personally suggest
choosing End User Group (2141.4 GB occupied).
On Disk Selection just hit Next since our virtual disk (recognized as c0d0 (bootdisk)) is
already selected.
On fdisk Partition Customization hit Next
as well.
On Customize fdisk Partitions you’ll see a single Solaris partition of 4095 MB size. If
you are
unsure on how to
partition your virtual hard disk just hit Next.
If you hit Next on the
previous screen a default File
System Lay Out will appear.
Just hit
Now the packages
installation starts. It will take some time.
At the end Solaris
Installer will inform you the system is configured to run NFS v4 asking if you
need to override default settings. Say No and let the OS restart.
After reboot Sun
Solaris 10 will arrive at console login asking for name login and password.
After logging in
launch kdmconfig from the shell.
At the X Server
Selection be sure to choose Xsun
On the next screen the
system will have already recognized your VMware virtual video card
with a default
resolution of 1024x768 and 256 colors @ 70 Hz.
If you want different
settings move on Change Video
Device/Monitor and press Space.
Then hit F2 and
arrive at the Video Device Selection: be sure to untouch XF86-VMware
VMware Inc vmware0405. Press F2 again.
On Monitor Type Selection be sure to choose a Multifrequency Monitory with no more
resolution of your
physical monitor.
On the Screen Size Selection choose 17-inch.
On the Resolution/Colors Selection I suggest you to choose a resolution a bit smaller than
your physical maximum
(I personally run every VM on 1024x768 with a physical resolution of
1400x1050) and your
preferred amount of colors.
Now you’re back to kdmconfig system
configuration summary.

How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 7
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Hit F2 to
test the configuration, save and exit to the console (if something goes wrong
relaunch kdmconfig and
start over).
Now write Exit on
the console and, if you did a correct configuration, the system will
automatically launch
the graphical login screen (it could take some seconds).

Now, from the Options menu,
you can choose if run a Common
Desktop Environment
(CDE) or Java Desktop System 3 graphical session (I strongly recommend the last one).
Login and enjoy your
Sun Solaris 10 virtual machine.

How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 8
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Part 3 (optional) –
Running virtual machine inside VMware Player
As you probably know
Sun Solaris 10 is free to use even for commercial environments.
So you could want to
have a virtual machine of it for any case.
Since some times
VMware offers everybody the possibility to use its virtualization technology
for free anywhere with
the new VMware Player.
So you could want to
have a Solaris 10 virtual machine with a copy of VMware Player for any
First of all download
VMware Player here:
Now burn it with your
whole Sun Solaris 10 virtual machine directory in a DVD.
Copy Sun Solaris 10
virtual machine directory on the new hard disk of a different computer
and install VMware
Player: VMware Player cannot be installed on the same machine where is
VMware Workstation.
Start your VMware
Player and point to the directory where you copied your Sun Solaris 10
virtual machine.
At the warning about
creating a new UUID answer Create.
Done! You have a free
fully working virtual machine with a free fully working enterprise
operating system

How to install Sun
Solaris 10 inside VMware Workstation 5.5 9
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Final Notes
First of all thanks
for reading this How-To.
If you find some
errors or would suggest some further steps please drop a comment on the
related blog post:
To experience better
virtual machine performance you could want to review another post
How to improve disk
I/O performances with VMware Workstation 5
If you find
interesting the use of VMware Player you could want to review another couple of
posts titled:
How to launch ISO and
use LiveCDs inside VMware Player
How to create a new
virtual machine with VMware Player
And finally if you
want to stay informed about virtualization technologies, products and market
trends you could want
to visit the first blog about virtualization:

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