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Building and Installing OpenSolaris [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-09-24 14:58 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Author:Rich Teer
June 2005

This is the first of
two articles in which we describe how to acquire and build the source
code for OpenSolaris. The first article provides all the necessary
background information (terminology, where to get the tools, and so on)
and describes a basic compilation and installation, and the
second article
will describe a more complicated compilation and installation. While
these articles were accurate at the time they were written, OpenSolaris
is continually evolving. For the most recent details, please consult
the ON Developers Reference
These articles
describe how to build and install OpenSolaris; they are not intended to
be an "OpenSolaris developers' guide", so information beyond that which
is required for building and installing OpenSolaris is not included.
This should not be seen as a problem, however, because (as with most
other large-scale open source projects) the number of active
OpenSolaris developers who will need this knowledge is likely to be
small compared to the number of people who will want to build it for
their own edification.
These articles assume
at least a passing familiarity with building major software projects
and some C programming. It is unlikely that someone who is struggling
to compile "Hello World" would be trying to compile OpenSolaris!
However, we will otherwise assume no knowledge of building Solaris, and
describe all the necessary steps.


Before we can describe
how to build OpenSolaris, we need to define a few terms. To keep this
list as short as possible, we will describe only those that are
directly relevant to building and installing OpenSolaris. The terms we
describe here are a subset of those used by OpenSolaris developers. As
the need arises, we will occasionally define new terms when we
introduce them.
The first term we need to define is OpenSolaris itself. The OpenSolaris website,
, contains the Sun-blessed, official definition, but for our purposes, OpenSolaris
refers to the Solaris source code that has been released by Sun, and
binaries built from that source code. Hence we can say that we have a
copy of the OpenSolaris source code, or we are running OpenSolaris (the
latter being built from the former). For the OpenSolaris launch, Sun
does not plan to release their own "distribution" of OpenSolaris, but
that does not preclude others from doing so (the author is aware of at
least three distribution projects that will be built using OpenSolaris,
not least of which is a port to the PowerPC platform).
One thing that OpenSolaris is definitely not
is everything that ships on the Solaris DVD or CDs. At the time of this
writing (June 2005), OpenSolaris consists of only the ON consolidation.
A consolidation is a set of related software components that
are developed and delivered together. In addition to ON, other examples
of consolidations include the windowing system, Java Desktop System,
and so on. ON is an abbreviation of "OS/Net" or
"OS/Networking", and is the consolidation that contains the kernel,
file systems, basic commands, some modules and drivers, daemons, header
files, and libraries. (Incidentally, the contents of the Solaris DVDs
and CDs shipped by Sun are collectively known as the WOS, or wad of stuff: it is the integration of all the consolidations that make up the Solaris product.)
Not all of the components that make up ON are currently available in source form, for reasons explained in
time passes, most, if not all, of the closed sources will be replaced
by open source code (i.e., code which is developed by Sun or
contributed by the OpenSolaris community), but until that happens a set
of pre-built binary objects are supplied to facilitate the building of
Because of its bleeding-edge nature, it is possible that installing our newly compiled version of OpenSolaris might brickify
our machine, that is render it unbootable or otherwise unusable.
Improper installation, or installing broken bits, can make our machine
a "warm brick". The usual way to recover from this situation is to boot
from some other media (that we know to be good).
One final pair of terms that we might encounter when dealing with OpenSolaris are Nevada and Tonic. Nevada
is the internal name of the release of Solaris that will come after
Solaris 10; OpenSolaris is based on the Solaris Nevada sources. (In
other words, the OpenSolaris source code is not based on the First
Customer Shipment (FCS) version of Solaris 10, but an evolution
thereof.) Tonic
is the internal name of the OpenSolaris project; as such, Sun employees
and pilot program participants are likely to be the only people using
this term.
Now that we've
described some of the terminology we need to be cognizant of when
working with OpenSolaris, let's take a look at the prerequisites
necessary for us to actually build it.
At the risk of stating
the obvious, the first thing we need to build OpenSolaris is a suitable
machine: generally speaking, any computer that can run Solaris 10 is
sufficient. This means that a machine with a 200 MHz or faster
UltraSPARC-II or newer processor is required for SPARC builds. Due to
the large variety of hardware, the
requirements for x86 builds is a bit more complicated (when we say x86,
unless we state otherwise, we mean both the 32-bit x86 platform as well
as the 64-bit amd64 platform, which is sometimes referred to as x64 by
marketing types). However, any reasonably recent hardware should be OK,
provided it is on the Solaris x86 HCL (hardware compatibility list);
the HCL can be found at
Presently, although
both SPARC and x86 architectures are supported, cross-compilation is
not (in other words, the platform we deploy OpenSolaris on must be the
same as the one we use to build it). Building the OpenSolaris source
tree is a fairly lengthy process, so a well specified machine is
recommended (the author used an Acer Ferrari 3400 with 2 GB of RAM and
a 7200 RPM hard drive for x86 builds, and an Ultra 60 with two 450 MHz
processors and 2 GB of RAM for SPARC builds). At the time of writing,
the machine we use must be running Solaris Express: Community Release
(SXCR) Build 16 or later; the latest build of SXCR is strongly recommended, because it is likely that later versions of OpenSolaris will require later versions of SXCR as a minimum.
All this talk of
Solaris, OpenSolaris, and Solaris Express can become confusing for new
people, so we should take a minute or two to explain what these things
are. First and foremost, Solaris is the branded product offering from
Sun. A new version ships every two to three years, and updates are
issued on an approximately quarterly
basis. It is this version of the OS that should be used in production
Solaris Express is
monthly or so snapshots of the current development tree. The "best"
build (i.e., most stable and least problematic) between the release
date and the previous Solaris Express is the one that is released.
Although it is reasonably well tested, it is important to remember that
the code in Solaris Express is beta quality (i.e., has not been
subjected to Sun's usual rigorous testing procedures), and should
therefore not be used in production. That being said, Solaris Express
is the easiest (and probably best) way to get access to new and
improved Solaris features: for example, Solaris Express users were
using what became Solaris 10 (including features like Zones and DTrace)
for about two years before the FCS
version was available. In the author's experience, Solaris Express is
remarkably stable. Solaris Express builds trail the very latest Sun
engineering builds by several versions (i.e., a month or two). As an
example, at the time this article was written, Solaris Express was
based on build 15 of Nevada, but build 16 was the current engineering
version. (As we mentioned previously, there is also a
Community Release of Solaris Express, which is released for every
build. It receives less testing than the regular Solaris Express and is
intended for OpenSolaris developers only, so should be deployed with
suitable caution.)
As we alluded to
previously, OpenSolaris is based on the current, bleeding edge, build
of Solaris from Sun engineering. By its very nature, it has received
less testing than Solaris Express, so tends to be a bit more
challenging to work with and deploy. Definitely not for
mission-critical production use!
Finally, we need
sufficient disk space: about 90 MB is required for the source code,
closed binaries, and tools, and each build tree needs at least 1.5 GB.
With this in mind, we should have about 2 GB of free disk space for
each tree that we intend to build. Doubtless, as more source code gets
incorporated into OpenSolaris, the disk space requirements will
Install a Binary Distribution of Solaris
As we mentioned
previously, the machine on which we build OpenSolaris must be running a
suitably recent version of Solaris Express or SXCR (or, indeed, a
previous OpenSolaris build). Although the author has successfully built
OpenSolaris on a machine with just the Developer cluster installed, Sun
recommends that the Full cluster be installed.
Describing how to install Solaris is beyond the scope of these articles, and is well documented in Sun's Release and Installation collection, available from
Once we've satisfied
the prerequisites (including installing a binary distribution of
Solaris if necessary), we're ready to start downloading the various
components and tools we need.
Download the Necessary Components
Before we download any
of the OpenSolaris components and tools, we should create a directory
in which we will work; this directory and its children is called a workspace. For the sake of these examples, we'll use a directory in our home directory called open_solaris
as our base workspace. In this directory, we'll have a subdirectory for
each build, named after the build contained therein (e.g., build-17). In each build directory, we'll have a build workspace that we'll call testws.
This will give us the following directory hierarchy:
Base directory
Source and other bits for build 17
Source and other bits for build n
Compilation workspace
There are a number of files we need to download into our "build"
directory from the OpenSolaris web site (other sites will also probably
offer the OpenSolaris components, but this article assumes the use of
At the very least, we need the source code, the binaries built from
closed source code, the ON build tools, the compiler and other tools.
We should also download the release notes.
the sake of this example, we'll assume that we want to compile build 17
of Nevada, and that we've already installed Solaris Express: Community
Release build 16 (which is Nevada build 16). Because we're using build
17, our base workspace is $HOME/open_solaris/build-17;
the files we download should be placed in there, and for the sake of
brevity we'll refer to this directory as $OPEN_SOL in the following examples.
Install the Compiler and Other Tools
downloaded the necessary files, we need to install the compilers and ON
build tools. The latter consists of programs and scripts that are
specifically for use in building and installing OpenSolaris. The
compiler and other Sun Studio tools are supplied as either a tar ball
or a set of packages, while the ON build tools are supplied as a
package. Note that in all of the following examples the filenames are
representative of the actual ones, but they will likely be different to
what we show here. For example, many of the filenames incorporate date
stamps, which will
obviously change from time to time.
First we'll add the ON build tools, by installing the package SUNWonbld:
#cd /tmp
# bzip2 -dc $OPEN_SOL/SUNWonbld-20050322.i386.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
# cd onbld
# pkgadd -d . SUNWonbld
# cd ..
For reasons of brevity, we've omitted the output from the pkgadd
command. Also note that the actual filename of the ON build package
will probably be different, as these tools are frequently updated to
reflect the requirements of each build.
Next we install the tar install image of the Sun Studio compiler and other tools:
# cd /opt# bzip2 -dc
$OPEN_SOL/sunstudio10-20050613.x86.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
installed the compilers and tools, we to ensure that their directories
are in our PATH, and create the directory in which we'll perform the
actual build of OpenSolaris (note we do this as our own user rather
than root, and we're back in $OPEN_SOL/build-n):
$ export
$ mkdir testws
Modifying our login script to contain the appropriate PATH is a good idea.
the Source Code and Closed Binaries
The next step is to unpack the closed binaries and source code:
cd testws
bzip2 -dc ../opensolaris-closed-bins-20050322.i386.tar.bz2 | tar
xf -
bzip2 -dc ../opensolaris-src-20050322.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
Build the OpenSolaris Code
are nearly ready to build the OpenSolaris source code! A script is used
to prepare the build environment; this script sets numerous environment
variables, which we must customize to suit our environment. We'll make
a local copy and modify it:
cp usr/src/tools/env/opensolaris.sh .
chmod 644 opensolaris.sh
We edit opensolaris.sh, changing
the definitions of the GATE, CODEMGR_WS,STAFFER, and VERSION
environment variables as required. We'll leave them at their default
values, except for STAFFER, CODEMGR_WS and VERSION, which we'll
change to "rich", "/home/rich/open_solaris/build-17/$GATE"
and "OpenSolaris_build-17" respectively (obviously the
value of CODEMGR_WS should be modified as appropriate).
Finally,the nightly script is used to
perform the actual build (note that nightly builds everything, not just the kernel):
nightly opensolaris.sh
This step can take a while, so now would be a good time to find
else to do (on the author's 2 GHz Ferrari 3400 laptop, this step takes
about 90 minutes to complete). When the build completes, three log
files can be found in the directory log/log.mmdd
(where mm is the month and dd is the day), called mail_msg, nightly.log, and proto_list_i386
(or similar).
The first of these contains a copy of the email that is sent to
$STAFFER upon completion, and contains a summary of the build. The
second file contains a verbose log of the build process, and the last
file is a prototype list which can be used to create packages (the
details of which are beyond the scope of this article).
If the mail_msg file contains no
errors, we no our build was successful. If it wasn't, we can examine nightly.log to determine the reason.
Installing OpenSolaris (Part One)
is well, we can install our newly compiled bits. Because installing new
bits (specifically, the kernel or critical libraries and applications)
can result in brickification, we'll use the Install (pronounced "cap
eye install") utility. This utility creates a tar ball of the
newly-built kernel, that we can install
alongside the existing one (testing on a machine other than the build
one is highly recommended). Note that Install does not
install the new userland bits; only the new kernel and modules are
installed. Because the Install procedure does not overwrite the
currently installed kernel, the risk of brickification is mitigated.
and change to the workspace directory we're using (i.e., what we have
previously called $OPEN_SOL). Make sure that the tools and compilers
that live in /opt/onbld/bin and /opt/SUNWspro/bin are in root's PATH (or just use the commands' full path name).
first thing we need to do is make sure that all the required
environment variables are set to the correct values, by running the bldenv script:
bldenv opensolaris.sh
The next step creates the Install tar ball, and, on the assumption that
we're testing on the same machine we build on, installs it:
Install -k i86pc -G kernel-17
cd /
tar xf /tmp/Install.root/Install.i86pc.tar
The -k flag for the Install command informs it what kernel architecture we're Installing, and the -G flag specifies the glomname. The latter is the name of the subdirectory in /platform/ that the new kernel will go into, so in our case they will go into /platform/i86pc/kernel-17 (on SPARC this would currently be /platform/sun4u/kernel-17).
If we don't specify a glomname, our
newly-compiled kernel will overwrite the current one. If this leads to
brickification, our only recourse is to recover by booting from
alternative media.
On x86 there's one
more task we must perform before booting our new kernel: once the tar ball
has been extracted, we must add the name of our new kernel directory
to the file /boot/solaris/filelist.ramdisk. This step doesn't apply if we're installing on the SPARC
platform, because it doesn't use the GRUB boot loader.
The only thing left to
do is booting using the new kernel:
reboot -- kernel-17/amd64/unix
This example assumes the use of a 64-bit amd64 machine; for 64-bit SPARC use
kernel-17/sparcv9/unix and for
32-bit x86 use kernel-17/unix.
If all goes well, the
booting banner should display the string we put into the VERSION
variable in opensolaris.sh:
uname -a
SunOS orac 5.11 OpenSolaris_build-17 i86pc i386 i86pc
Some machines may not be able to boot in this manner due to missing
device drivers that are not supplied as part of OpenSolaris. In this
event, we can try to work around this by copying the modules and
drivers supplied by the
base OS install into our test directory, installing the new bits on
Here's how we would do this:
cd /platform/i86pc
rm -fr kernel-17/*
(cd kernel; tar cf - .) | (cd kernel-17; tar xf -)
Install -k i86pc -G kernel-17
cd /
tar xf /tmp/Install.root/Install.i86pc.tar
reboot -- kernel-17/amd64/unix
If we want to install more than just the new kernel, we must use a
process called BFU, which we will describe in another article. BFUing
is not for the feint of heart, and is recommended only for developers who absolutely must have the latest bleeding edge bits.


this article we defined some of the terminology we'll encounter when
dealing with OpenSolaris. We also described how to obtain the source
code and other bits necessary to compile it, and finally, we described
the steps necessary to perform a simple compilation and installation of
OpenSolaris. These steps are:
  • Obtain the source code, closed binaries, compilers and build tools from
    or one of its mirrors.
  • Install the ON
    build tools and Sun Studio compilers into /opt and add their directories to our PATH.
  • Unpack the source and closed binaries tar balls.
  • Copy and edit the opensolaris.sh
  • Build the source
    code using the nightly script.
  • Install the
    resulting new kernel using the Install script.
  • Reboot using the
    new kernel.

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