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Combining Periodic And Accumulating Snapshots(转英文欣赏) [复制链接]

日期:2014-08-21 12:58:152015年辞旧岁徽章
日期:2015-03-03 16:54:152015亚冠之本尤德科
日期:2015-05-22 00:05:18数据库技术版块每日发帖之星
日期:2015-06-23 22:20:00
1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-10-20 22:19 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Kimball Design Tip #42: Combining Periodic And Accumulating Snapshots
By Ralph Kimball

Normally we think of the accumulating snapshot and the periodic snapshot as two different styles of
fact tables that we must choose between when we are building a fact table around a data source.
Remember that a periodic snapshot (like the monthly summary of a bank account) is a fact table that
records activity during a repeating predictable time period. Periodic snapshot records are generally
repeated each reporting period as long as the thing being measured (like the account) is in
existence. Periodic snapshots are appropriate for long running processes that extend over many
reporting periods.

Accumulating snapshots, on the other hand, are used for short processes that have a definite
beginning and end, such as an order being filled. For an order, we would usually make a record for
each line on the order, and we would revisit the record making updates as the order progressed
through the pipeline. The accumulating snapshot is by definition a snapshot of the most recent state of something and therefore the dimensional foreign keys and the facts are, in general, over-written as time progresses.
The simplest implementation of an accumulating snapshot does not give you intermediate points in
the history of, for example, an order.

There are at least three ways to capture this intermediate state:
1. Freeze the accumulating snapshots at regular intervals such as month end. These periodic
snapshots should probably be in a separate fact table by themselves to keep applications
from getting too complicated. Ironically, this approach comes in the back door to mimic a
real-time interpretation of a periodic snapshot (where you create a hot rolling current month),
but that's another story. The frozen snapshots of the orders can now reflect the use of Type
2 SCDs for the dimensions (like Customer). As in any periodic snapshot, the good news is
that you know you have a record for that order each month the order is active. The bad news
is that you only see the snapshots of the order at month ends.
2. Freeze the accumulating snapshot and store it in a second fact table if and only if a change
to the order occurs. This gives the complete history of an order. It has the same number of
records as option 3, below.
3. Maintain a full transaction grain fact table on the order lines. Add a transaction dimension to
this fact table to explain each change. This is "fully general" in that you can see every action
that has occurred on an order, but be careful. Some of the transactions are not additive over
time. For instance, if a line item on an order is cancelled and two other line items are
substituted for the original one, it is a complex calculation to correctly reconstruct the order at
an arbitrary point in time after these transactions. That's why option #2 may be the best if
you need to see every intermediate state of a complete order.

If you are interested in taking a deeper look at all three kinds of fact tables, read my article,
"Fundamental Grains," in the Ralph Kimball Group article archived on our website at
www.kimballgroup.com. Look in the Advanced Fact Table Topics section.
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