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[Web] 每天当机一次,有日志,希望高手帮忙分析 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-10-22 17:57 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


  1. [Wed Oct 22 16:30:57 2008] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec)(这个好像是加载tomcat?)
  2. [Wed Oct 22 16:30:57 2008] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...(和ZendOptimizer有关?)
  3. [Wed Oct 22 16:30:57 2008] [notice] Digest: done
  4. [Wed Oct 22 16:31:00 2008] [notice] Apache configured -- resuming normal operations(也是tomcat?)



  1. Oct 22 08:00:22 localhost kernel: [IPTABLES INPUT] : IN=ppp0 OUT= MAC= SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=45 ID=34837 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=2705 DPT=21 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0


Oct 22 08:08:45 localhost pppoe[2131]: Bad TCP checksum 100
Oct 22 08:09:16 localhost last message repeated 4 times
Oct 22 09:30:35 localhost pppoe[2131]: Packet too big!  Check MTU on PPP interface
Oct 22 09:30:36 localhost pppd[2127]: Protocol-Reject for unsupported protocol 0x6b09

2 [报告]
发表于 2008-10-22 17:59 |只看该作者
  1. Oct 22 10:29:07 localhost pppd[2127]: No response to 3 echo-requests
  2. Oct 22 10:29:07 localhost pppd[2127]: Serial link appears to be disconnected.
  3. Oct 22 10:29:22 localhost pppd[2127]: Connect time 815.3 minutes.
  4. Oct 22 10:29:22 localhost pppd[2127]: Sent 1095179918 bytes, received 4140331053 bytes.
  5. Oct 22 10:33:26 localhost pppoe[2131]: Session 18440 terminated -- received PADT from peer
  6. Oct 22 10:33:32 localhost pppoe[2131]: Sent PADT
  7. Oct 22 10:34:18 localhost pppd[2127]: Modem hangup
  8. Oct 22 10:34:18 localhost pppd[2127]: Connection terminated.
  9. Oct 22 10:35:12 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  10. Oct 22 10:37:28 localhost pppd[2127]: Exit.
  11. Oct 22 10:42:15 localhost adsl-connect: ADSL connection lost; attempting re-connection.
  12. Oct 22 10:43:56 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  13. Oct 22 10:43:58 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  14. Oct 22 10:44:13 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  15. Oct 22 10:52:17 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  16. Oct 22 11:01:00 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  17. Oct 22 11:01:04 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  18. Oct 22 11:01:16 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  19. Oct 22 11:09:21 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  20. Oct 22 11:18:05 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  21. Oct 22 11:18:07 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  22. Oct 22 11:18:20 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  23. Oct 22 11:21:45 localhost pppd[28095]: pppd 2.4.4 started by root, uid 0
  24. Oct 22 11:24:40 localhost pppd[28095]: Using interface ppp0
  25. Oct 22 11:26:24 localhost ntpd[2390]: sendto( (fd=19): Invalid argument
  26. Oct 22 11:27:47 localhost pppd[28095]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
  27. Oct 22 11:27:47 localhost pppoe[28127]: PPP session is 39789
  28. Oct 22 11:28:21 localhost pppoe[28127]: Session 39789 terminated -- received PADT from peer
  29. Oct 22 11:28:21 localhost pppoe[28127]: Sent PADT
  30. Oct 22 11:30:49 localhost pppd[28095]: Modem hangup
  31. Oct 22 11:30:49 localhost pppd[28095]: Connection terminated.
  32. Oct 22 11:33:28 localhost pppd[28095]: Exit.

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