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[容灾] 【NEC白皮书】灾难恢复:风险操作和业务连续性的唯一选择 [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-10-30 15:20 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
摘 要:
The importance of having uninterrupted access to business data and applications is nothing new. "Availability" has become such a vital aspect of doing business in today’s world that it is no longer even a buzz word. It is an imperative. And with the proliferation of network computing?not only network-accessible data, but network-accessible applications as well?"availability" has begun to take on a whole new meaning. It has become important to protect more than just your data. The applications and infrastructure that allow users to work with that data must also be protected.Compound the hazards of local hardware failure with the potentially debilitating (if not fatal) financial blow that could be dealt to an organization by a natural catastrophe or an act of terrorism, and the importance of having a sound disaster recovery solution in place becomes incredibly clear.

This paper discusses today's options for ensuring business continuity by protecting missioncritical data in the event of the destruction of local computing resources and how NEC's solutions can provide every company with an affordable way to allow surviving resources to continue working with access to the latest data after a disaster.

灾难恢复 风险操作和业务连续性的唯一选择.pdf (255.75 KB, 下载次数: 38)
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