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[RAID与磁盘阵列] 【fujitsu白皮书】数据管理/存储调研报告 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-11-17 15:52 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
摘 要:
SANView provides a graphical view of a company’s Storage Area Network(SAN) including its storage infrastructure, providing alerts should any potential problems occur, hopefully before they impact on performance.As data volumes grow, storage infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex making it more and more difficult to monitor every aspect ofthe network. Butler Group believes that a particular strength of SANView is its auto discovery feature, enabling it to automatically discover components on the network. A weakness is the fact that there is no failover functionality built into the product, although there are various actions that can be taken to combat this potential problem, such as having the application simultaneously report to a second server. SANView is an ideal solution for any organisation with a large complex SAN, which wants to be able to detect and resolve any problems before they impact on performance. The best way to evaluate the product is by trying it on a small part of the infrastructure before implementing it enterprise-wide.

数据管理 存储调研报告.pdf (37.22 KB, 下载次数: 50)
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