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Java Annotation入门 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2008-11-17 21:55 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

Many APIs require a fair amount of boilerplate code. For example, in order to
write a JAX-RPC web service, you must provide a paired interface and
implementation. This boilerplate could be generated automatically by a tool if
the program were “decorated” with annotations indicating which methods were
remotely accessible.
很多的API需要相当数量的样板代码。例如,为了写一个JAX-RPC(Java™ API for XMLbased RPC,顾名思义,它是一种远程方法调用) web service,你必须提供一组配对的接口和实现。如果你在那些远程访问的methods上“装饰”annotaions的话,那么你就可以通过一个工具来自动生成(generated
Other APIs require “side files” to be maintained in parallel with programs.
For example JavaBeans requires a

class to be maintained in parallel with a bean, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
requires a deployment descriptor. It would be more convenient and less
error-prone if the information in these side files were maintained as
annotations in the program itself.
还有一些API需要"额外文件"来保持代码的同步。例如JavaBeans需要一个BeanInfo类来与一个Bean平行,EJB需要一个部署描述 。如果这些“额外文件”是用Annotaion在各自的代码上描述的话,将会更加的方便,并且减少错误。
The Java platform has always had various ad hoc annotation mechanisms. For
example the transient modifier is an ad hoc annotation indicating
that a field should be ignored by the serialization subsystem, and the @deprecated javadoc tag is an ad hoc annotation indicating that the
method should no longer be used. As of release 5.0, the platform has a general
purpose annotation (also known as metadata) facility that permits you
to define and use your own annotation types. The facility consists of a syntax
for declaring annotation types, a syntax for annotating declarations, APIs for
reading annotations, a class file representation for annotations, and an annotation
processing tool.
Annotations do not directly affect program semantics, but they do affect the
way programs are treated by tools and libraries, which can in turn affect the
semantics of the running program. Annotations can be read from source files,
class files, or reflectively at run time.
说明不直接影响程序的语义,但它们确实改善了工具和Library的编程方式,它可以反过来影响程序的运行。 Annotation可以从源文件,类文件,在运行时间用反射来读取。
Annotations complement javadoc tags. In general, if the markup is intended to
affect or produce documentation, it should probably be a javadoc tag; otherwise,
it should be an annotation.
Typical application programmers will never have to define an annotation type,
but it is not hard to do so. Annotation type declarations are similar to normal
interface declarations. An at-sign (@) precedes the interface keyword. Each method declaration defines an
element of the annotation type. Method declarations must not have any
parameters or a throws clause. Return types are restricted to
annotations, and arrays of the preceding types. Methods can have default
values. Here is an example annotation type declaration:
* Describes the Request-For-Enhancement(RFE) that led
* to the presence of the annotated API element.
public @interface RequestForEnhancement {
    int    id();
    String synopsis();
    String engineer() default "[unassigned]";
    String date()    default "[unimplemented]";
Once an annotation type is defined, you can use it to annotate declarations.
An annotation is a special kind of modifier, and can be used anywhere that other
modifiers (such as public, static, or final) can be used. By convention, annotations precede other
modifiers. Annotations consist of an at-sign (@) followed by an
annotation type and a parenthesized list of element-value pairs. The values must
be compile-time constants. Here is a method declaration with an annotation
corresponding to the annotation type declared above:
    id       = 2868724,
    synopsis = "Enable time-travel",
    engineer = "Mr. Peabody",
    date     = "4/1/3007"
public static void travelThroughTime(Date destination) { ... }
An annotation type with no elements is termed a marker annotation
type, for example:
* Indicates that the specification of the annotated API element
* is preliminary and subject to change.
public @interface Preliminary { }
It is permissible to omit the parentheses in marker annotations, as shown
@Preliminary public class TimeTravel { ... }
In annotations with a single element, the element should be named value, as shown below:
* Associates a copyright notice with the annotated API element.
public @interface Copyright {
    String [color="#009900"]value();
It is permissible to omit the element name and equals sign (=)
in a single-element annotation whose element name is value, as
shown below:
@Copyright("2002 Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems")
public class OscillationOverthruster { ... }
To tie it all together, we'll build a simple annotation-based test framework.
First we need a marker annotation type to indicate that a method is a test
method, and should be run by the testing tool:

import java.lang.annotation.*;
* Indicates that the annotated method is a test method.
* This annotation should be used only on parameterless static methods.
public [color="#009900"]@interface Test { }
Note that the annotation type declaration is itself annotated. Such
annotations are called meta-annotations. The first (@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME)) indicates that annotations
with this type are to be retained by the VM so they can be read reflectively at
run-time. The second (@Target(ElementType.METHOD)) indicates that
this annotation type can be used to annotate only method declarations.
Here is a sample program, some of whose methods are annotated with the above
public class Foo {
    [color="#009900"]@Test public static void m1() { }
    public static void m2() { }
    [color="#009900"]@Test public static void m3() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Boom");
    public static void m4() { }
    [color="#009900"]@Test public static void m5() { }
    public static void m6() { }
    [color="#009900"]@Test public static void m7() {
        throw new RuntimeException("Crash");
    public static void m8() { }
Here is the testing tool:
import java.lang.reflect.*;
public class RunTests {
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
      int passed = 0, failed = 0;
      for (Method m : Class.forName(args[0]).getMethods()) {
         if ([color="#009900"]m.isAnnotationPresent(Test.class)) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable ex) {
               System.out.printf("Test %s failed: %s %n", m, ex.getCause());
      System.out.printf("Passed: %d, Failed %d%n", passed, failed);
The tool takes a class name as a command line argument and iterates over all
the methods of the named class attempting to invoke each method that is
annotated with the Test annotation type (defined above). The
reflective query to find out if a method has a Test annotation is
highlighted in green. If a test method invocation throws an exception, the test
is deemed to have failed, and a failure report is printed. Finally, a summary is
printed showing the number of tests that passed and failed. Here is how it looks
when you run the testing tool on the Foo program (above):
$ java RunTests Foo
Test public static void Foo.m3() failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: Boom
Test public static void Foo.m7() failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: Crash
Passed: 2, Failed 2
While this testing tool is clearly a toy, it demonstrates the power of
annotations and could easily be extended to overcome its limitations.

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