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[RAID与磁盘阵列] 【Datalink白皮书】克服邮件存储与内容管理带来的挑战 [复制链接]

发表于 2008-11-24 15:40 |显示全部楼层
摘 要:
E-mail content consumes large amounts of your corporate storage resources. Left unmanaged, e-mail can quickly drive unnecessary storage infrastructure costs and increase management requirements.

    Many companies are tackling these challenges head on with powerful technologies including e-mail archiving that optimizes both the management of e-mail content and storage infrastructure, resulting in greater efficiencies, cost savings and peace of mind.

克服邮件存储与内容管理带来的挑战.pdf (291.56 KB, 下载次数: 32)
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