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anaconda之bug fix [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-11-30 14:21 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
updates         Prompt for floppy containing updates (bug fixes).
那么在bug fix当中,每次都去制作iso,不仅浪费时间,而且效果欠佳。最后就是越做越烦。那么有了这么一个工具,确实减轻了bug fix的繁琐。然后去anaconda的网站上查找得到如下资料(地址是http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Anaconda/Updates):
  Anaconda Updates
anaconda has the capability to incorporate updates at runtime to fix
any bugs or issues with the installer. These updates are generally
distributed as a disk image file (referred to as updates.img from here on out).  The updates.img can be used in a few different ways.
  Updates types
There are a number of sources for the updates.
  Updates from a disk image
The most common way of using an updates.img is to put it on a block device (either a floppy or a USB key).   For a floppy drive, insert your floppy and then run
dd if=updates.img of=/dev/fd0 bs=72k count=20
to put the contents of the image on your floppy.  Then, boot the installer with
linux updates
and you will be prompted to provide the location of your update disk.
You can also use a USB key or flash media -- just replace /dev/fd0 with the device that your USB key is at.
  Updates from the Tree
If you're doing a network installation, you can also put the updates.img in your tree to be picked up by all installs from that tree.  For Fedora Core 6 and later, put the file as images/updates.img in your Fedora installation tree.  Earlier releases look in Fedora/base/updates.img.
  Updates from the Network
If you're doing a network install and cannot modify your
installation tree, you can place an updates.img in another location and
boot with
linux updates=http://some.website.com/path/to/updates.img
to load the updates.img from a remote web server.
If you have multiple network interfaces, anaconda will first
prompt you to select one (unless you have used the ksdevice= boot
parameter). It will then attempt to configure this link using DHCP. If
you require other networking configuration, you will need to use
various options. ksdevice= can be used to specify a different network
device, and the ip= option (along with others for gateway, nameserver,
and so forth) can be used for static configuration. All anaconda config
options are described
  How to Create an Anaconda Updates Image
If you are working on anaconda or looking at a bug and want to test
your own bug fixes, it's easy to create your own updates.img file.
There are two formats for the updates.img file. The first, and most
common, is a gzip-compressed ext2 filesystem. The second is a
gzip-compressed cpio archive.
Just do the following steps.
  Compressed ext2 filesystem image
This is the more traditional form of an updates.img and is required
for older releases of anaconda. It is also slightly more preferred if
you are going to transfer the updates image to a floppy disk. Note that
this requires root privileges.
  • Create a 1.44MB updates.img image dd if=/dev/zero of=updates.img bs=1k count=1440
  • Format as an ext2 filesystem mke2fs updates.img
  • Mount the image mount -o loop updates.img /mnt
  • Drop updated anaconda python files in a flat directory structure
  • Unmount the updates.img umount /mnt
      Compressed cpio archive
    This is the newer form of an updates.img and is likely preferred in
    most cases with current releases of anaconda. In contrast to the above,
    this does not require root privileges.
    • Drop updated anaconda files in a flat directory structure, eg: /tmp/updates  (cd /tmp/updates ; find -type f | cpio -c -o) | gzip -c9 > updates.img

      How to Examine an Anaconda Updates Image
    updates.img files provided by the Fedora project are ext3 filesystem
    images. To examine one of these files complete the following steps:
  • Obtain an updates.image:  wget http://people.redhat.com/~katzj/updates-f7t2.img
  • Mount the file using looopback: mount -o loop updates-f7t2.img /misc
    To examine a cpio updates.img complete the following steps:
  • create a top level directory to hold the updates.img contents:  mkdir /tmp/updates
  • unpack the updates into the directory:  zcat updates.img | (cd /tmp/updates ; cpio -ivd)

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