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转载 DHT Protocol [复制链接]

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发表于 2008-12-10 17:04 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
Title:DHT Protocol
2008-02-28 16:43:58 -0800 (Thu, 28 Feb 2008)
Author:Andrew Loewenstern
Type:Standards Track

  • Overview

  • Routing Table

  • BitTorrent Protocol Extension

  • Torrent File Extensions

  • KRPC Protocol

  • DHT Queries

  • References

  • Copyright

    BitTorrent uses a "distributed sloppy hash table" (DHT) for storing
    peer contact information for "trackerless" torrents. In effect, each
    peer becomes a tracker. The protocol is based on Kademila
    and is
    implemented over UDP.
    Please note the terminology used in this document to avoid
    confusion. A "peer" is a client/server listening on a TCP port that
    implements the BitTorrent protocol. A "node" is a client/server
    listening on a UDP port implementing the distributed hash table
    protocol. The DHT is composed of nodes and stores the location of
    peers. BitTorrent clients include a DHT node, which is used to contact
    other nodes in the DHT to get the location of peers to download from
    using the BitTorrent protocol.
    Each node has a globally unique identifier known as the "node ID."
    Node IDs are chosen at random from the same 160-bit space as
    BitTorrent infohashes
    .  A "distance metric" is used to
    compare two node IDs or a node ID and an infohash for "closeness."
    Nodes must maintain a routing table containing the contact information
    for a small number of other nodes.  The routing table becomes more
    detailed as IDs get closer to the node's own ID. Nodes know about many
    other nodes in the DHT that have IDs that are "close" to their own but
    have only a handful of contacts with IDs that are very far away from
    their own.
    In Kademlia, the distance metric is XOR and the result is interpreted
    as an unsigned integer. distance(A,B) = |A xor B| Smaller values
    are closer.
    When a node wants to find peers for a torrent, it uses the distance
    metric to compare the infohash of the torrent with the IDs of the
    nodes in its own routing table. It then contacts the nodes it knows
    about with IDs closest to the infohash and asks them for the contact
    information of peers currently downloading the torrent. If a contacted
    node knows about peers for the torrent, the peer contact information
    is returned with the response. Otherwise, the contacted node must
    respond with the contact information of the nodes in its routing table
    that are closest to the infohash of the torrent. The original node
    iteratively queries nodes that are closer to the target infohash until
    it cannot find any closer nodes. After the search is exhausted, the
    client then inserts the peer contact information for itself onto the
    responding nodes with IDs closest to the infohash of the torrent.
    The return value for a query for peers includes an opaque value known
    as the "token." For a node to announce that its controlling peer is
    downloading a torrent, it must present the token received from the
    same queried node in a recent query for peers. When a node attempts to
    "announce" a torrent, the queried node checks the token against the
    querying node's IP address. This is to prevent malicious hosts from
    signing up other hosts for torrents. Since the token is merely
    returned by the querying node to the same node it received the token
    from, the implementation is not defined. Tokens must be accepted for a
    reasonable amount of time after they have been distributed. The
    BitTorrent implementation uses the SHA1 hash of the IP address
    concatenated onto a secret that changes every five minutes and tokens
    up to ten minutes old are accepted.
    Routing Table
    Every node maintains a routing table of known good nodes. The nodes in
    the routing table are used as starting points for queries in the
    DHT. Nodes from the routing table are returned in response to queries
    from other nodes.
    Not all nodes that we learn about are equal. Some are "good" and some
    are not. Many nodes using the DHT are able to send queries and receive
    responses, but are not able to respond to queries from other nodes. It
    is important that each node's routing table must contain only known
    good nodes. A good node is a node has responded to one of our queries
    within the last 15 minutes. A node is also good if it has ever
    responded to one of our queries and has sent us a query within the
    last 15 minutes. After 15 minutes of inactivity, a node becomes
    questionable. Nodes become bad when they fail to respond to multiple
    queries in a row. Nodes that we know are good are given priority over
    nodes with unknown status.
    The routing table covers the entire node ID space from 0 to
    2160.  The routing table is subdivided into "buckets" that
    each cover a portion of the space. An empty table has one bucket with
    an ID space range of min=0, max=2160. When a node with ID
    "N" is inserted into the table, it is placed within the bucket that
    has min 159 and
    When the bucket is full of good nodes, the new node is simply
    discarded. If any nodes in the bucket are known to have become bad,
    then one is replaced by the new node. If there are any questionable
    nodes in the bucket have not been seen in the last 15 minutes, the
    least recently seen node is pinged. If the pinged node responds then
    the next least recently seen questionable node is pinged until one
    fails to respond or all of the nodes in the bucket are known to be
    good. If a node in the bucket fails to respond to a ping, it is
    suggested to try once more before discarding the node and replacing it
    with a new good node. In this way, the table fills with stable long
    running nodes.
    Each bucket should maintain a "last changed" property to
    indicate how "fresh" the contents are. When a node in a bucket is
    pinged and it responds, or a node is added to a bucket, or a node in a
    bucket is replaced with another node, the bucket's last changed
    property should be updated. Buckets that have not been changed in 15
    minutes should be "refreshed." This is done by picking a random ID in
    the range of the bucket and performing a find_nodes search on it. Nodes
    that are able to receive queries from other nodes usually do not need
    to refresh buckets often. Nodes that are not able to receive queries
    from other nodes usually will need to refresh all buckets periodically
    to ensure there are good nodes in their table when the DHT is needed.
    Upon inserting the first node into its routing table and when starting
    up thereafter, the node should attempt to find the closest nodes in
    the DHT to itself. It does this by issuing find_node messages to
    closer and closer nodes until it cannot find any closer. The routing
    table should be saved between invocations of the client software.
    BitTorrent Protocol Extension
    The BitTorrent protocol has been extended to exchange node UDP port
    numbers between peers that are introduced by a tracker. In this way,
    clients can get their routing tables seeded automatically through the
    download of regular torrents. Newly installed clients who attempt to
    download a trackerless torrent on the first try will not have any
    nodes in their routing table and will need the contacts included in
    the torrent file.
    Peers supporting the DHT set the last bit of the 8-byte reserved flags
    exchanged in the BitTorrent protocol handshake. Peer receiving a
    handshake indicating the remote peer supports the DHT should send a
    PORT message. It begins with byte 0x09 and has a two byte payload
    containing the UDP port of the DHT node in network byte order.  Peers
    that receive this message should attempt to ping the node on the
    received port and IP address of the remote peer. If a response to the
    ping is recieved, the node should attempt to insert the new contact
    information into their routing table according to the usual rules.
    Torrent File Extensions
    A trackerless torrent dictionary does not have an "announce" key.
    Instead, a trackerless torrent has a "nodes" key. This key should be
    set to the K closest nodes in the torrent generating client's routing
    table. Alternatively, the key could be set to a known good node such
    as one operated by the person generating the torrent. Please do not
    automatically add "router.bittorrent.com" to torrent files or
    automatically add this node to clients routing tables.
    nodes = [["", ], ["", ], ...]
    nodes = [["", 6881], ["your.router.node", 4804]]
    KRPC Protocol
    The KRPC protocol is a simple RPC mechanism consisting of bencoded
    dictionaries sent over UDP. A single query packet is sent out and a
    single packet is sent in response. There is no retry. There are three
    message types: query, response, and error. For the DHT protocol, there
    are four queries: ping, find_node, get_peers, and announce_peer.
    A KRPC message is a single dictionary with two keys common to
    every message and additional keys depending on the type of message.
    Every message has a key "t" with a string value representing a transaction
    ID. This transaction ID is generated by the querying node and is echoed
    in the response, so responses may be correlated with multiple queries
    to the same node. The transaction ID should be encoded as a short string
    of binary numbers, typically 2 characters are enough as they cover 2^16
    outstanding queries. The other key contained in every KRPC message is "y"
    with a single character value describing the type of message. The value
    of the "y" key is one of "q" for query, "r" for response, or "e" for
    Contact Encoding
    Contact information for peers is encoded as a 6-byte string. Also
    known as "Compact IP-address/port info" the 4-byte IP address is in
    network byte order with the 2 byte port in network byte order
    concatenated onto the end.
    Contact information for nodes is encoded as a 26-byte string.
    Also known as "Compact node info" the 20-byte Node ID in network byte
    order has the compact IP-address/port info concatenated to the end.
    Queries, or KRPC message dictionaries with a "y" value of "q",
    contain two additional keys; "q" and "a". Key "q" has a string value
    containing the method name of the query. Key "a" has a dictionary value
    containing named arguments to the query.
    Responses, or KRPC message dictionaries with a "y" value of "r",
    contain one additional key "r". The value of "r" is a dictionary
    containing named return values. Response messages are sent upon
    successful completion of a query.
    Errors, or KRPC message dictionaries with a "y" value of "e",
    contain one additional key "e". The value of "e" is a list. The first
    element is an integer representing the error code. The second element
    is a string containing the error message. Errors are sent when a query
    cannot be fulfilled. The following table describes the possible error
    Generic Error
    Server Error
    Protocol Error, such as a malformed
    packet, invalid arguments, or bad token
    Method Unknown
    Example Error Packets:
    generic error = {"t":"aa", "y":"e", "e":[201, "A Generic Error Ocurred"]}
    bencoded = d1:eli201e23:A Generic Error Ocurrede1:t2:aa1:y1:ee
    DHT Queries
    All queries have an "id" key and value containing the node ID of the
    querying node. All responses have an "id" key and value containing the
    node ID of the responding node.
    The most basic query is a ping. "q" = "ping" A ping query has a
    single argument, "id" the value is a 20-byte string containing the
    senders node ID in network byte order. The appropriate response to a
    ping has a single key "id" containing the node ID of the responding
    arguments:  {"id" : ""}
    response: {"id" : ""}
    Example Packets
    ping Query = {"t":"aa", "y":"q", "q":"ping", "a":{"id":"abcdefghij0123456789"}}
    bencoded = d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij0123456789e1:q4:ping1:t2:aa1:y1:qe
    Response = {"t":"aa", "y":"r", "r": {"id":"mnopqrstuvwxyz123456"}}
    bencoded = d1:rd2:id20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:t2:aa1:y1:re
    Find node is used to find the contact information for a node given
    its ID. "q" == "find_node" A find_node query has two arguments, "id"
    containing the node ID of the querying node, and "target" containing
    the ID of the node sought by the queryer. When a node receives a
    find_node query, it should respond with a key "nodes" and value of a
    string containing the compact node info for the target node or the K
    (8) closest good nodes in its own routing table.
    arguments:  {"id" : "", "target" : ""}
    response: {"id" : "", "nodes" : ""}
    Example Packets
    find_node Query = {"t":"aa", "y":"q", "q":"find_node", "a": {"id":"abcdefghij0123456789", "target":"mnopqrstuvwxyz123456"}}
    bencoded = d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567896:target20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:q9:find_node1:t2:aa1:y1:qe
    Response = {"t":"aa", "y":"r", "r": {"id":"0123456789abcdefghij", "nodes": "def456..."}}
    bencoded = d1:rd2:id20:0123456789abcdefghij5:nodes9:def456...e1:t2:aa1:y1:re
    Get peers associated with a torrent infohash. "q" = "get_peers" A
    get_peers query has two arguments, "id" containing the node ID of the
    querying node, and "info_hash" containing the infohash of the torrent.
    If the queried node has peers for the infohash, they are returned in a
    key "values" as a list of strings. Each string containing "compact" format
    peer information for a single peer. If the queried node has no
    peers for the infohash, a key "nodes" is returned containing the K
    nodes in the queried nodes routing table closest to the infohash
    supplied in the query. In either case a "token" key is also included in
    the return value. The token value is a required argument for a future
    announce_peer query. The token value should be a short binary string.
    arguments:  {"id" : "", "info_hash" : ""}
    response: {"id" : "", "token" :"", "values" : ["", ""]}
    or: {"id" : "", "token" :"", "nodes" : ""}
    Example Packets:
    get_peers Query = {"t":"aa", "y":"q", "q":"get_peers", "a": {"id":"abcdefghij0123456789", "info_hash":"mnopqrstuvwxyz123456"}}
    bencoded = d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567899:info_hash20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:q9:get_peers1:t2:aa1:y1:qe
    Response with peers = {"t":"aa", "y":"r", "r": {"id":"abcdefghij0123456789", "token":"aoeusnth", "values": ["axje.u", "idhtnm"]}}
    bencoded = d1:rd2:id20:abcdefghij01234567895:token8:aoeusnth6:valuesl6:axje.u6:idhtnmee1:t2:aa1:y1:re
    Response with closest nodes = {"t":"aa", "y":"r", "r": {"id":"abcdefghij0123456789", "token":"aoeusnth", "nodes": "def456..."}}
    bencoded = d1:rd2:id20:abcdefghij01234567895:nodes9:def456...5:token8:aoeusnthe1:t2:aa1:y1:re
    Announce that the peer, controlling the querying node, is downloading
    a torrent on a port. announce_peer has four arguments: "id" containing the node ID of the
    querying node, "info_hash" containing the infohash of the torrent,
    "port" containing the port as an integer, and the "token" received in
    response to a previous get_peers query. The queried node must verify
    that the token was previously sent to the same IP address as the
    querying node. Then the queried node should store the IP address of the
    querying node and the supplied port number under the infohash in its
    store of peer contact information.
    arguments:  {"id" : "", "info_hash" : "", "port" : , "token" : ""}
    response: {"id" : ""}
    Example Packets:
    announce_peers Query = {"t":"aa", "y":"q", "q":"announce_peer", "a": {"id":"abcdefghij0123456789", "info_hash":"mnopqrstuvwxyz123456", "port": 6881, "token": "aoeusnth"}}
    bencoded = d1:ad2:id20:abcdefghij01234567899:info_hash20:
    Response = {"t":"aa", "y":"r", "r": {"id":"mnopqrstuvwxyz123456"}}
    bencoded = d1:rd2:id20:mnopqrstuvwxyz123456e1:t2:aa1:y1:re
    Peter Maymounkov, David Mazieres, "Kademlia: A Peer-to-peer Information System Based on the XOR Metric", IPTPS 2002.
    Use SHA1 and plenty of entropy to ensure a unique ID.
    This document has been placed in the public domain.

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