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How to create ISO images for Solaris 10 U6 (10/08) [复制链接]

日期:2011-11-23 16:44:17水瓶座
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1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2009-02-22 17:05 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
The format of the bootable DVD and CD 1 of Solaris 10 U6 sparc has changed from previous Solaris 10 update's sparc media, it now seems to be more like the x86 format, can anyone provide the new/specific mkisofs command to use to recreate (modified version) a sparc bootable ISO image file of these from their "unloaded" directory paths, I'm guessing the mkisofs command is going to be similiar what's used for recreating Solaris 10 x86 DVD and CD1.

[Dukes Earned 25] alanst
Registered: 1/30/07
Re: How to create ISO images for Solaris 10 U6 (10/08) SPARC CD 1 and DVD   
2008-11-21 ??7:47 (reply 1 of 3)  (In reply to original post )  
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Here is the command line for SPARC:
/usr/bin/mkisofs -G /path/to/image/boot/hsfs.bootblock -B ... -l -ldots -R -N -D -V SOL_10_1008_SPARC -o /destination/solarisdvd.iso /path/to/image
For comparison, x86:
/usr/bin/mkisofs -b boot/grub/stage2_eltorito -c .catalog -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -relaxed-filenames -l -ldots -r -N -d -D -V SOL_10_1008_X86 -o /destination/solarisdvd.iso /path/to/image/solarisdvd.product
mkisofs version is: 2.01.01a38
-- Alan

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