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谁有GSP的资料? [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2003-08-22 10:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
HP GSP不太会用,请大家帮帮忙。谢谢!

2 [报告]
发表于 2003-08-22 14:56 |只看该作者



在console上,登录状态下键入 ctrl + b 进入。用he察看相关命令,退出用co

Guardian Service Processor (GSP)
The Guardian Service Processor (GSP) is a new console subsystem on N4000. The GSP console driver, the software component of the GSP, provides the following features on HP-UX:
Local console
port                  provides system console while HP-UX is running.
Remote session port                 establishes an HP-UX login session on the remote console.
Local session port                 establishes an HP-UX login session on the local console.
Internal console port                 supports firmware upgrade and diagnostics on GSP.
UPS port                  establishes a communication channel between the UPS daemon and UPS.
SAM provides configuration support (that is, modem and UPS connections) over the GSP serial ports. The insf(1M) and mksf(1M) commands create device files for the GSP serial ports.
The following commands have been changed to provide additional support for the GSP console:
•        ttytype can determine the ID of the terminal connected to the local console port.

•        stty supports status query and reset function of the GSP.
The GSP console driver for N4000 is based on the existing built-in serial port driver (asio0). Every serial port on the GSP adheres strictly to the Termio feature set; these features are described in the termio(7) and modem(7) man pages.
GSP Logging Capabilities

The introduction of GSP to the N4000 platform dramatically changes the way chassis operations and diagnostic evaluations are performed on a running system.
The new subsystem requires HP-UX to provide more information than was provided on previous platforms. HP-UX will continue to output the same chassis-codes and forward-progress indicators that have been provided in previous releases. On N4000 and subsequent systems, however, the codes are displayed on the Virtual Front Panel (VFP) of the system. Most of the existing four-hex digit chassis codes are enclosed in GSP-specific encoding.
The GSP subsystem interprets various forms of logging information from both firmware and software.
Several new software events will be logged, including:
•        "Boot Complete" indicator
•        Timestamp
•        Periodic heartbeat, with:

        timeout value (a time-limit within which another event must be logged before the system is declared "dead"

        activity level indicating system usage
•        Minimal LED control
In addition to existing four-hex digit chassis codes, the following information is sent with each event:
•        Alert level  
•        CPU number

At the GSP prompt (GSP> type he, to display the help menu, as shown:
(This is the old format help screen GSP A.01.06 and before)
Where: X is the current hardware revision, and A.XX.XX is the current firmware revision.

GSP>; he


Hardware Revision X Firmware Revision A.XX.XX July 16 1999, 17:19:31

AC: Alert delay configuration PC: Remote power control
AR: Config. automatic system restart PS: Power management module status
CA: Configure serial port parameters RP: Rest password configuration
CE: Log repair info in history buffer RS: System reset through RST signal
CO: Return to console mode SE: Activate a system session
DC: Default configuration SL: Display SPU status log
DI: Disconnect remote or LAN console SO: Security options & access control
DR: Disable remote or LAN console SS: System Processor status
ER: Enable remote or LAN console TC: System reset through INIT signal
HE: Display the available commands TE: Send a message to other terminals
IT: Modify GSP inactivity timeouts VFP: Activates alert log display
LC: Configure LAN console WHO: Display a list of GSP connected users
LS: Display LAN console status XD: GSP diagnostics and reset
MR: Modem reset XU: Upgrade the GSP firmware

这就是所谓的 PDC ( Processor Denpendent Code )。在该状态下,系统管理员 可完成如下管理工作:
查看Primary,Alternate Boot Path
main menu>; pa
就会列出 Primary,Alternate Path。
main menu>;sea
系统会列出所有可由它控制的硬盘的硬件地址及CD-ROM、DDS和Build-in Lan的硬件地址。所以,有时可用此方式判断系统不能boot机是否与根盘有关。
main menu>;bo pri
interact with ISL? yes
ISL>;hpux –is
象诸如CPU、内存、总线等的硬件故障,都会产生HPMC(high priority Mechine Check ) Code,那么查看的方法是:
Main Menu>;ser
Service Menu>;pim
如遇硬件问题,您打电话到惠普响应中心,硬件工程师极有可能请您帮助获得HPMC Code。
Main Menu>;bo pri
Interact with ISL? no
a、系统启动时的自检信息反映出自检的过程和结果,在主机的液晶屏上可以看到这些信息,比如“7XXX”,一般表示和内存有关的信息。这些信息都可以查阅有关的手册得知其具体的意 义。
c、引导过程到硬盘时,会有配置硬件的信息,这些信息可以通过“#desg”命令和/usr/adm/syslog/syslog.log文件看到,相应运行级调用的shell程序过程可以在“ /etc/rc.log”中看到。
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