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how to build funambol v6.5 [复制链接]

发表于 2009-07-27 19:41 |显示全部楼层
The following instructions suppose you have already installed JDK 1.5, Ant 1.6.5 and Maven 2.
If you need JDK 1.5, you can find it at
J2SE 1.5
. See its documentation for details about installation.
If you need Ant, you can find it at
Ant 1.6.5
. See its documentation for details about installation.Note that you should also copy these
jar files attached to this page
under /lib.
If you need Maven 2, you can find it at
Maven 2
. See its documentation for details about installation.
Configure maven repository
and save it under .m2 directory of maven which is located:  
  • under windows: C:\Documents and Settings\\.m2
  • under linux: ~/.m2

Fix your ant installation
Copy the jar files in attachment under /lib. Those files enable ant for scripting and for maven tasks.
Other software
In order to forge Funambol v6.5 components, you need this software:
Netbeans 5.5 platform
: download the zip file and unpackage it where you want (we will refer to this directory with )
JavaCC 4.0
: download the zip file and unpackage it where we want (we will refer to this directory with )
If you want to forge bundled version, you need:
Apache Tomcat 5.5.20
: download apache-tomcat-5.5.20.zip and save it in
Hypersonic DB 1.8.0
: download hsqldb_1_8_0_7.zip and save it in
If you want to forge .exe version of bundle, Administration Tool, Java GUI Plug-In and iPod Plug-In, you need:
NSIS 2.2x
: download the exe file and install it where you want (we will refer to this directory with )
Preparing JRE zip file for Windows system
that this JRE will be included in the bundle and in the Administration
Tool for Windows system so if you are not interested on those you can
skip this step.
  • Download JRE 1.5.0_xx from
    SUN website
    and install it in .
  • Zip in a file with name jre1.5.0_xx.zip.
    This zip file should contain:
    Copy the file jre1.5.0_xx.zip in .
    Getting JRE for GNU/Linux system
    Note that this JRE will be included in the bundle for Linux system so if you are not interested on that you can skip this step.
    Download jre-1_5_0_xx-linux-i586.bin from
    SUN website
    and save it in .
    Getting Funambol sources
    In order to get the sources, execute the following commands:
    Please remember to use the latest release tag: r_funambol_6_5_14
    when a password is asked during login command, press Enter. This will checkout the source code in directory.
    In order to checkout a different release, replace the r_funambol_6_5_14 tag the wanted tag in the command line.
    Note: download and save the
    file under v65/common.

    Configuring the environment
  • Edit /forge/build.properties changing the following properties:
    • javacc.home=
    • nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=
    • tomcat.pkg=/apache-tomcat-5.5.20.zip
    • tomcat.name=apache-tomcat-5.5.20
    • hsqldb.pkg=/hsqldb_1_8_0_7.zip
    • hsqldb.name=hsqldb
    On Windows system:
    • jre.pkg=/jre1.5.0_xx.zip
    • install-builder-nsis.executable=
    • maven.executable=mvn.bat
    On Linux system:
    • jre.pkg=/jre-1_5_0_xx-linux-i586.bin
    • jre.name=jre1.5.0_10
    • maven.executable=mvn
    Edit /admin-suite/build.properties changing the following property:
    • nbplatform.default.netbeans.dest.dir=
    • core-framework.jar=core-framework-6.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • server-framework.jar=server-framework-6.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • ext.jar=ext-6.5-SNAPSHOT.jar
    Instead of 6.5-SNAPSHOT you can set the version you want to use.
  • On Windows system:
    • install-builder-nsis.executable=

    Build the code
    Move under /forge and run one between the following commands depending on what you want to forge/build:
    • ant forge-ds-server: forge the DS Server distribution files
    • ant forge-bundle-win: forge the bundle for Windows system
    • ant forge-bundle-unix: forge the bundle for Unix/Linux system
    • ant forge-admin-win: forge the Administration Tool (Windows version)
    • ant forge-admin-unix: forge the Administration Tool (Unix/Linux version)
    • ant forge-admin-zip: forge the Administration Tool (just the zip file)
    • ant forge-javagui: forge the Java GUI Plug-In (Windows version)
    • ant forge-javagui_unix: forge the Java GUI Plug-In (Unix/Linux version)
    • ant forge-ipod: forge the iPod Plug-In (Windows version)
    • ant forge-pim-listener: forge the PIM Listener
    • ant forge-ctp-server: forge the CTP Server


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