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Zend Framework 1.9.0 Released [复制链接]

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发表于 2009-08-01 05:44 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
New features in Zend Framework 1.9.0 include:

Zend_Queue and Zend_Service_Amazon_Sqs, which provide the ability to use local and remote messaging and queue services for offloading asynchronous processes. (Contributed by Justin Plock and Daniel Lo)
Zend_Queue_Adapter_PlatformJobQueue, a Zend_Queue adapter for Zend Platform's Job Queue. (Contributed by Zend Technologies)

Zend_Rest_Route, Zend_Rest_Controller, and Zend_Controller_Plugin_PutHandler, which aid in providing RESTful resources via the MVC layer. (Contributed by Luke Crouch, SourceForge)

Zend_Feed_Reader, which provides a common API to RSS and Atom feeds, as well as extensions to each format, caching, and a slew of other functionality. (Contributed by Pádraic Brady and Jurrien Stutterheim)
Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv, a Zend_Db adapter for Microsoft's SQL Server driver for PHP. (Contributed by Juozas Kaziukenas and Rob Allen)

Zend_Db_Table updates to allow using Zend_Db_Table as a concrete class by passing it one or more table definitions via the constructor. (Contributed by Ralph Schindler)

Zend_Test_PHPUnit_Db, which provides Zend_Db support for PHPUnit's DBUnit support, allowing developers to do functional and integration testing against databases using data fixtures. (Contributed by Benjamin Eberlei)

Annotation processing support for Zend_Pdf, as well as performance improvements. (Contributed by Alexander Veremyev)
Zend_Dojo custom build layer support. (Contributed by Matthew Weier O'Phinney)

Dojo upgraded to 1.3.2.

Numerous Zend_Ldap improvements, including full support for CRUD operations, search, and manipulating tree structures. (Contributed by Stefan Gehrig)

Zend_Log_Writer_Syslog, a Zend_Log writer for writing to your system log. (Contributed by Thomas Gelf)

Zend_View_Helper_BaseUrl, a view helper for returning the current base URL to your application, as well as for constructing URLs to public resources. (Contributed by Robin Skoglund and Geoffrey Tran)

Zend_Date now has support for the DateTime extension. (Contributed by Thomas Weidner)

Zend_Locale has been upgraded to CLDR 1.7. (Contributed by Thomas Weidner)

Zend_Translate now has plurals support for the Gettext, Csv, and Array adapters. (Contributed by Thomas Weidner)

PHP 5.3 compatibility, including support for new features in the mysqli extension. All components are fully tested on both PHP 5.2.4 and above, as well as PHP 5.3.0.

In addition, a large number of smaller improvements were made throughout the framework, and around 700 issues have been resolved or closed since the release of 1.8.0!

[ 本帖最后由 网鬼 于 2009-8-1 06:07 编辑 ]

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发表于 2009-08-01 06:05 |只看该作者


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发表于 2009-08-01 09:59 |只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 aaxron 于 2009-8-1 10:18 编辑 ]
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发表于 2009-08-01 10:06 |只看该作者
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