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试题第3部分 [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-08-24 08:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
21. Defining a PRIMARY KEY constraint on a column automatically…
creates a G-Array.
creates a unique HG index on that column.
creates an HNG index on that column.
drops any other index on that column, except for the FP index.

22. Which constraint is used within the Create Table command to establish the estimated cardinality of x values of a column?
Fast Projection(x)
IQ Unique(x)

23. Which of the following constraints in CREATE TABLE will automatically create a Unique HG index on a column? (Choose 2)
Primary Key
Foreign Key
IQ Unique

24. Which of the following does a G-Array page contain?
Query Plan information
Row Ids for all rows containing the same value
Unique key bit-maps
Primary key bit-maps

25. Which statement best describes a regular (non-unique) HG index?
A B-tree with a bitmap array for each distinct value
A B-tree with a G-Array containing pages of row-ids
A B-tree with distinct values and row-ids in the Leaf pages
A bitmap containing the binary relationship of each column

26. You have three large data files to load into a table. What is the most efficient loading method to use?
Specify all three files in the ‘From’ clause, so they are loaded as a single transaction.
Load the individual files and commit each, so there are three separate transactions.
Drop all HG indexes on the table before loading.
Drop all indexes on the table before loading.

27. What is the maximum value for the LOAD_MEMORY_MB database option?

28. What happens if the IQ Temporary Store fills up when executing a LOAD TABLE command?
Sybase IQ suspends loading until a dbspace is added to the IQ Temporary Store.
The load fails and no data is loaded.
A partial load is completed at the last full row, and the LOAD TABLE command exits.
The load rolls back to the end of the last full file loaded, and the LOAD TABLE command exits.
The load rolls back to the last multiple of the NOTIFY value.

29. Which data file can be loaded into Sybase IQ using the LOAD TABLE command? (Choose 2)
Data from another database
Flat file with fixed-length fields
MS Word file
PDF file
Flat file with delimited fields

30. Which of the following conditions are required to load data in parallel using the LOAD TABLE command? (Choose 2)
Must specify the WITH CHECKPOINT ON load option
Must specify the ROW DELIMITED BY load option
Must specify the IGNORE CONSTRAINT load option
Input data must be variable length
Input data must be fixed length or fully delimited
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