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外资通信 招聘机顶盒软件架构师 【杭州】 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2010-08-31 11:38 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
(Senior) Staff Software Engineers

Scope of responsibilities/expectations

·           Architect Design of STB Software Platform.

Specific Knowledge/skills:

·           Very Strong in C/C++ programming with embedded Linux and other RTOS
·           Highly experienced in embedded system design and architecture with Linux
·           Very Familiar with the DVB and IPTV technologies and related industrial standards,
·           Very good hand-on experience with STB Middleware and service application development.
·           Understanding system infrastructure of video service provider and evolution trends.
·           Previous work experience with OpenTV, Nagra CA and KreaTV is bonus.
·           Ability to lead senior technical staff is a must
·           Good team player and communicator
·           Excellent written and verbal English and interpersonal skills.

Education and Experiences:

·           Bachelor or Master degree of computer, telecommunication or related.
·           7+ years working experience in embedded software and DVB and IPTV industry.

If u r interested ,plz feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

E-mail:  hcoolj_5@yahoo.com.cn
MSN:    david.huntersz@hotmail.com
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