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Linux overwritten的问题 [复制链接]

1 [收藏(0)] [报告]
发表于 2010-12-05 19:10 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

dd bs=1024 count=100 of=a.txt if=/dev/zero然后
cat < /dev/null > a.txt

2 [报告]
发表于 2010-12-06 12:09 |只看该作者

Ryan <ericchd@gmail.com> writes:
Mark Wooding:
> > 1.The book said:A particular feature of Unix-based operating
> > system,including the Linux ext3 file system,is the way space on a disk
> > is reserved for a file.
> > Under Linux,space is never released for a file.For example,if you
> > overwrite a 1MB file with a single byte,Linux still reserves one
> > megabyte of disk space for the file.
As you've written it, this is just wrong.  I don't have the book in
question, so I can't say for certain whether it's wrong or whether
you've misinterpreted it.

It's true that you must explicitly truncate or delete a file if you want
to recover the space it occupies.  You can delete a file by removing all
links to it and closing all file descriptors and memory mappings which
refer to it.  You can truncate it using the truncate(2) or ftruncate(2)
functions, or by opening it with O_TRUNC.  Shell output redirection `>
foo' does the latter.  GNU Coreutils has a truncate(1) program which
lets you adjust file lengths.

> > Then i did a experiment:
> > dd bs=1024 count=1 of=a.txt if=/dev/zero
> > cat < /dev/null > a.txt
> > Now the size of a.txt became 0,NOT still 1024,am i misunderstond that?
> > if i were,what did the words above really mean?
Be careful here: the amount of space that a file occupies on disk is
only loosly related to its length, for two reasons.

  * The file system needs to keep track of which blocks on the disk are
    allocated to the file.  The bigger the file is, the more space is
    required to keep track of it.  Traditional Unix file systems use
    `indirect blocks' to do this: blocks which contain only the numbers
    of other blocks.  A 1-indirect block names direct blocks, which
    actually hold the file's content; an n-indirect block names (n -
    1)-indirect blocks.  A file's inode typically stores the names of a
    small number of direct blocks, 1-, 2-, 3-indirect blocks.  The
    indirect blocks are accounted as being occupied by the file, which
    means that it may use more space than suggested by its length.

  * Unix files can have `holes' in them: portions of the file to which
    no block is actually allocated.  When read, the holes appear to
    contain zero bytes.  Writing to a hole causes space to be allocated
    to store what's written (even if it's zero).  There is usually no
    way to introduce a hole into a part of the file which has been
    written.  Holes are left if you use truncate(2) or ftruncate(2) to
    increase a file's length, or if you write beyond its current length
    (using lseek(2) or pwrite(2)).  Since no disk space is used by
    holes, a file which contains holes may use (much!) less space than
    is suggested by its length.

So `ls -l' won't really tell you how much space a file is using.  Use
`ls -s' instead.
Greg Andrews:
It isn't a megabyte.  More like 4096 bytes.  For efficiency reasons,
space on the disk drive is allocated in blocks rather than individual
bytes.  The blocks are usually 4096 bytes in size, and to hold any
data at all, a file must have at least one block.  You can reduce the
file to just one byte, but it still consumes enough space to hold
4096 bytes (one block).

But it's wrong to say that space is *never* released.  If you delete
the file, it is.

3 [报告]
发表于 2010-12-06 20:52 |只看该作者


4 [报告]
发表于 2010-12-06 22:41 |只看该作者
但是并不和你说的一致,我两次df的输出并不一致,可用的block是增加了的回复 3# zhblue

5 [报告]
发表于 2010-12-07 13:15 |只看该作者
回复 4# rpbear

a.txt的文件大小确实变成0了 这个是用什么看的?

6 [报告]
发表于 2010-12-09 12:26 |只看该作者
摘自《Linux shell scripting with bash》page171 File Truncation
我用ls -s看得
回复 5# lkk2003rty
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